The uniform fan dance complements the beautiful yukata. The girls, who were astonished to the heavens, were all beautiful for a moment, like concubines and fairies, and breathtaking.

Shui Tuan's eyes were filled with brilliance, and he couldn't help but exclaim: So... so awesome!

Riko stared at Hanabi closely and said, Such ambiguous lyrics are not Maki's style. In other words, they are your handwriting.

Hanabi looked at the graceful figure in the distance, smiled and said: No, it's everyone's credit. I just want to watch them dance better and better.

This is the highlight moment of μ’s, with melodious singing hovering in the never-night city of Tokyo. Hanabi was so moved that she felt like she was back in her previous life chasing a concert. When fantasy comes into reality, the best idol walks out of the screen.

At this moment, Hanabi's deep pupils revealed a longing that Riko couldn't understand. However, she understood a little bit, so that her burning heart gradually cooled down.

(I lost.)

(You were destined not to win from the beginning. It would be great if the person you looked at with gentle eyes and cared for wholeheartedly was me.)

Chapter 249 The song ends and everyone disperses

The scene on the stage overlapped with the memory, and Hanabi accompanied Muse to actively prepare for the battle. He made reference to the costumes designed by Xiaotiao and made the dance of Kaguya Castle into a 3D animation, showing it to everyone for the first time.

The first thought of the girls was so beautiful, and then they reacted so this is going to dance, so they committed an occupational disease and twisted their bodies while listening to the song. They wore cool school uniforms, trained hard, and sweated profusely. At the end of the song, everyone has a touching speech.

Rin held her cute face and said, Let's go?

Hurry up and notice it! Honoka coquettishly said.

Xiaoniao said with a cry: I don't want you to look at others.

Huayang was shy and nervous, closed her eyes and shouted: Only me is allowed in your eyes!

If you don't do this... you will regret it~

Eri opened the fan with one hand, handsome and beautiful, and cast a cold look. Hanabi was shocked to the core by her sister's killing look.

Let's have fun together! Xi said like a child.

Zhen Ji said arrogantly: Hurry up~

It's so slow... Hai Wei looked resentful.

Nicole's face was expressionless, not funny at all, and she said domineeringly: Is this really good?

At the end of the music, the dance steps changed, and the girls lined up in a row, holding up their skirts and saluting gracefully, like Yamato Nadeshiko walking out of a painting, with quite an ancient charm. Finally, the nine beautiful girls knelt down and bowed, tilted their heads, and smiled beautifully. The scene is frozen at this moment.

Eri's golden ponytail swayed gently; Umi's long hair was scattered like a waterfall; Kotori's eyes were as tender as water; Sister Nozomi performed a breast-shaking welfare, making Hanabi almost spurt blood; Maki's arrogance was completely gone, and her pretty face was slightly Red, only delicate; Rin is not used to wearing bras, all the way to her lovely belly button, you can see at a glance...

Hanabi was slightly startled and looked away.

Hey, you should give me some evaluation. How long can we kneel down? Nicole said unhappily.

Hanabi said: It's a great dance, get up.

Everyone then stood up and rubbed their red knees. Hanabi felt distressed watching it, and couldn't help but miss Feifei. The school idol's knees were inexplicably red and swollen. I don’t know what they would think if they were bumped into by others.

I always feel like something is wrong. Hua Yang said cutely.

Hai Wei blushed and shouted: Shame on you! Why do we have to kneel in front of you to dance?

Brother, when you choreographed the dance, were you doing it to satisfy your strange delusions? Eri's eyes were unkind.

Hanabi quickly defended: Absolutely not! Even if you really have such an idea, you can just go home and talk about it...

Stare~ Everyone stared at Hanabi in unison.

Xi smiled evilly and said, Ah, brother-kun, what are you doing at home?

Eri rolled her eyes at him angrily, seeming to be infinitely charming. The girl's random thoughts: My brother may be a Hentai who has sexual delusions about my sister. He wants me to put on a yukata and dance for him, and be a submissive sister... Well, what if underwear is banned? I will definitely be watched. Light!

(Erili doesn’t dare to go home anymore!)

Siblings have a good rapport. Hanabi saw her sister blushing and giggling, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

Hey, you must be the one with the delusion!

If you want to perform like this on stage... I will never be able to do it, little birdie!

Kotori didn't realize the subtext - he was only willing to treat Hanabi alone. Everyone had more or less the same idea and complained one after another, demanding that this dance be deleted. Hanabi was also careless because the original choreography in her previous life was like this and she forgot to change it.

After all, muses are innocent little girls.

It was strange that Hanabi's first thought was that she felt distressed and was afraid that her knees would hurt.

Looking back to the present, Hanabi's touching lines lingered in her ears. The melody fell with heavy drumbeats, and the nine members of the Muses danced and bowed together, smiling like summer flowers.

As the lights dimmed, the girl's figure gradually faded away. The fluorescence under the stage gathered into an ocean. The audience seemed to be waking up from a dream, waving their light sticks wildly, and some even roared.


One more song!

μ’s conquered thousands of viewers with one song, and even more people were impressed by the simultaneous live broadcast on the Internet. This massive school idol storm has swept across Japan. Today's girls never expected to become a dazzling star one day. After exiting the game, they breathed a sigh of relief and waited anxiously for the result of the game.

Hanabi returned to the lounge, served tea and water to everyone, and said with a smile: You did a great job, I'm proud of you.


Everyone's little faces were flushed, I don't know if it was because of the hearty dancing or because of girlish feelings.

Nearly an hour later, the School Idol Festival is coming to an end, and all the contestants join hands on stage. The large screen behind showed the support rate inside and outside the stadium, rising crazily in a histogram.

I announce that the team that won the first Lovelive competition is...

Everyone did not dare to look back, they clasped their hands together, muttered something in their mouths, closed their eyes and prayed.

“μ’s from Otonogizaka! Please remember their names, Takasaka Honoka, Sonoda Umi, Minami Kotori... let us give you the warmest applause!”

In an instant, the stage lit up and streamers burst out. Among the flowers and applause, the girls held up the trophies and certificates, as if in a dream, crying with joy.

Very good!

We did it!

In this way, the school's reputation will spread quickly, and the school will definitely not be abandoned!

Aqours smiled sadly and blessed them. But who knew that the private Uranohoshi Girls' Academy was also facing the crisis of abolition and needed a champion to save the school, but in the end it was defeated by the sister group.

A sacred place of idols rises like a comet, while a poor school falls like a shooting star.

Riko, who was born in Otonogizaka, hugged Maki while laughing and crying: Maki, that's great!

But where should we go from here?

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