
Eight girls stood not far away, smiling and waving, showing concern in their eyes.

Everyone... Honoka murmured, I remembered, it's finally time for the finals. I want to get back to everyone as soon as possible.

Hurry up and catch up. Everyone smiled, leaving her with shadows from behind.

Wait for me!

Honoka subconsciously chased after her, but as soon as she took the first step, she felt a heartbreaking pain in her ankle. She endured the pain and stumbled forward, reaching out her hand as if to grab a life-saving straw, but finally slipped away feebly. The injured foot exerted all its strength, causing a deeper sprain.

The girl suddenly fell down, her knees hitting the ground heavily. The momentary pain caused her eyes to turn red, and she burst into tears stubbornly. She supported herself with both hands and could only watch helplessly as the figures of her companions gradually faded away.

(how come……)

The tear glands collapsed almost instantly. The girl couldn't help but shed tears, gasping for air, tasting the bitter and salty taste. He lowered his head suddenly, tears falling to the ground. She hit the injured area over and over again, hating herself for being so fragile.

Hurry up and stand up! As long as I finish dancing this time, even if I can't stand up for the rest of my life, it's fine. The hopes of the whole school and everyone's dreams...can't be destroyed in my hands. Come on, stand up!

At this moment, it was Honoka Takasaka's despair.

The body is the capital of an idol. You should take good care of your body and don't work too hard. Don't look at the dancers who have endless glory on the stage and suffer from lifelong illnesses.

Someone once said that taking care of every aspect of their lives is like the most qualified idol producer.

Honoka suddenly looked up and saw a handsome face.


Don't worry, trust me, things won't get worse. I've released the magic called 'love' on you, and things will get better soon.

Honoka burst into laughter and nodded heavily. There is no doubt that Hanabi is a versatile producer. When she grabbed Hanabi's hand, she felt a rare shyness. The simple-minded fool has finally reached the stage of his first love.

Honoka was picked up by Hanabi and fell into a warm embrace. She closed her eyes happily, craving the grassy smell. Open your eyes, the reality is to face the cold door. Honoka tightened her sleeves and saw a beautiful yukata.

Let's go, everyone is waiting for you.

Looking back suddenly, Hua Huo was still watching her calmly in the dim light.


Appearing in front of everyone again is still the Fruit King who never gives up.

Honoka smiled and said: Heroes are always the last to appear.

Muse and Waterball were overjoyed.

Nicole said proudly: It's too slow.

Sister Guoguo! Qian Ge was extremely happy.

Honoka and her friends high-fived each other one by one, and the eight people from Muse came to the front of Mizudan. Qiange also raised her delicate little hands. Sudan's friends are very loving, and they are sincerely happy for Honoka's return, and they high-five her without any grudges. Not only a fierce rival, but also a close friend.

In this way, we gained eighteen companions.

Hanabi walked in slowly and said helplessly: Hey, did you include yourself in this?

No, of course that includes Hana-chan.

At the critical moment, Honoka returns, and the perfect muse is about to appear. Behind the curtain, nine girls gathered together happily.

The usual one!

Everyone smiled knowingly, and then stretched out their little hands and folded them together, like a cluster of flowers.

“μ’s…Music start!”

The host’s announcement came from outside: “The song brought to you by School Idol No. 6 μ’s is called “Want to Dance in the Castle of Kaguya”!”

All the lights went out, and there were only shadows in front of the big screen. Nine girls stand from top to bottom, forming a beautiful arc. First, a faint light lit up, reflecting the back figure. The girls assumed the same pose, with their hands on their hips, their slender waists accentuated by their wide yukatas. The different and colorful yukata have already made people look forward to it before they start singing.

Watanabe Yao praised: I just wanted to say it, what a beautiful dress. The details of each set of patterns are different, it is indeed a little bird.

As the team's costume designers, Xiaoniao and Yao have a lot in common.

At this time, the prelude sounded, and the girls of the Muses shrugged along with the rhythm, and then twisted their waists that could be grasped, and the colorful skirts swayed gently. They raised a hand and looked back with a smile.


Accompanied by the brisk drumbeat, the girls walked down the steps one at a time and began to wander around and change positions. Their steps were neat and eye-catching.

Come here, come here! Seductive Dance again.

Come here, come here! Head towards Kaguya's Castle.

Eri ran across the stage in small steps, and with a swipe of her hand, her cuffs slipped off, revealing her snow-white arms. She sang solo: Encounter is the manipulation of Mystery...

Hua Yang followed closely, uttering a trembling voice: The dangerous Masked Baron of... (save me)!

Jump, dance! To the never-ending dance beat.

Jump, dance! In this city of Kaguya.

The little bird opened his mouth with a sweet voice: Laser lights cutting through the night sky.

Rin nodded her face, tilted her head cutely and said, Can you watch it with me (meow)!

The dazzling stars illuminate my thoughts, and my sweet dreams will not fade away tonight.

I wish this moment would be eternity (Nico)! Nico used one hand as a microphone and sang happily. Finally, she put her hands on her forehead and performed her signature pose.

The song gradually reached its climax, and the girls took out the fans they had inserted into their waists beforehand and opened them to sing loudly.

My name is the Princess of Red Rose!

Haiwei held a fan, drew a winding curve in front of his body, and sang shyly: I just want to be captured by you tenderly.

The soft whisper in your ear makes you look away.

You are the bright knight of the moon!

Zhenji covered her face with a fan, slowly pulled it open, revealing her delicate face, and said, The warm breath still remains in the hands you held.

No need to run away, just hug me tightly.

This is the miracle called love!

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