Guitarist, Haruki Kitahara.

Drummer, Takeya Iizuka.

Everyone showed off their skills and heated up the atmosphere. Next up is the second song - Sound of Destiny. Among them is Haruki’s guitar solo part.

Haruki's expression was hidden under her bangs and she took a deep breath. He glanced at Hanabi, who smiled lightly and gave her an encouraging look. Speaking of which, his guitar skills have improved by leaps and bounds, enough to complete such a difficult performance, and it is also due to Hanabi's training with him.

(He is such a disgusting guy. Thank you, Ayase.)

Haruki smiled bitterly.

Hanabi felt sad: Is it you who Sister Xuena likes? Then, I will wish you happiness, in my way.

At the end of the song, Dongma stepped forward while playing the saxophone. The golden saxophone shines under the light. The melodious melody spread throughout the auditorium. awesome! That Touma Kazusa, is there any musical instrument she doesn't know?

Didn't she study piano in the music department? She was expelled because she was too talented.

The students were talking a lot.

Every member has a highlight moment.

(Now, it's my turn.)

Xue Cai suppressed the nervousness in her heart, held the microphone, and said with a smile: The next is the last song.

The audience was wailing, and some were even ready to call for an encore.

One of my favorite songs, an original song written by everyone - The Love That Cannot Be Conveyed.

Ogiso Yukina closed her eyes, held the microphone tightly with both hands, and stood alone in front of the dark crowd. The pressure and sounds coming from all directions disappeared without a trace. At this moment, the world is left with only the rhythm of the ear. An ethereal piano sound sounded from behind, and Xuecai grasped the fleeting beat and caught the pitch as soon as she opened her mouth.

Could it be that I am pretending to be lonely? Why is my heart so moved by you...

The impeccable and perfect voice even amazed the staff responsible for the sound adjustment backstage.

The figure of Touma Kazusa appeared from the darkness and walked towards the stage. The girl is carrying a Keytar, which is a shoulder-mounted synthesizer keyboard similar to a Guitar. Such a beautiful piano sound is actually played in this way!

Touma pursed his lips and looked at Yukina, showing his competitive spirit. Xue Cai smiled and looked back unwillingly. Two beautiful girls competed silently on the stage.

(Touma, let me see your sincerity. What do you think about Hanabi? If you remain silent, I will be the first to get in.)

Dongma's face turned red and she thought: But I have never been in love.

Naturally, Hanabi didn't know that the two girls on the stage were fighting over him. Various musical instruments join in the performance one after another, forming cool heavy metal music. He is devoting himself wholeheartedly to the bass, giving a perfect performance to the school festival and giving his sister the best answer sheet.

A girl with long black hair and straight hair held a bouquet, climbed up from the steps on one side, and hurriedly came to Hanabi.

Behind the scenes, Yukino was wondering: Did this happen deliberately? No, he wouldn't do such boring things.


Hanabi thought he was an enthusiastic admirer and thanked her casually. When he saw the girl's appearance clearly, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Wu Geng Liuli stood in front of him, staring quietly. His eyes moved, weak and shy. This move was like confessing her love in front of all the teachers and students in the school, which was too shameful for her. However, she couldn't think of a better way to help the person she liked.

——Love that cannot be conveyed.

The flowers are very beautiful, not like those bought from ordinary flower shops. Rather, it seems that Liuli was picked by hand, just like traditional women's flower arranging skills, with love poured into it bit by bit.

I messed with so many girls that I barely had time for you. never complain about me?

Hanabi mechanically plucked the strings, communicating silently with her eyes. I wish I could hold the black cat in my arms and prove my love.

But I can’t hold you while I hold Bess.

Hanabi had no choice but to lower her body and hold the flowers in her arms.

A smart scumbag should avoid showing affection in front of other harems, and Yukina and Touma had already given him sour looks frequently. There is no reason to give up a forest for a tree. Sometimes to avoid hurting more people, you can be cruel enough to make a girl cry.

Liuli breathed a sigh of relief and originally planned to leave after laying the flowers.

Hanabi's sunny smile reached into Ruri's heart and she raised her little face. The girl suddenly understood something and blushed.

(Are you kidding?! You want me at this time...)

But Liuli couldn't refuse at all, her heart was pounding like a deer. She bit her lip, and in full view of everyone, she hugged Hanabi's neck, which he deliberately lowered, and gently pecked him on the face. Then, like a frightened cat, her cheeks turned red, she lowered her head and ran away in a hurry.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a bold show of love from a school girl. Everyone’s gossip soul is burning brightly.


The audience booed one after another, almost interrupting the performance. The ceiling of the auditorium was about to be knocked down by the hot atmosphere.

Hanabi winked playfully, raised one hand to make a shh gesture, and at the same time kept playing the bass, the melody was extremely cheerful.

In an instant, a volcano erupted in the harem. Hanabi made up her mind and thoughtlessly put it behind her.

Well, no matter what, at worst, he will run away after singing.

The author has something to say:

PS: I asked you to stall, now you know it was wrong, right? The characters don’t have time to show their faces and the plot drags on so hard that it’s no wonder it feels like the finale is about to come. In fact, the side plots of Bai Xue and the passerby heroine are mainly in winter, the graduation season of Muse is in spring, and the current book is still in autumn...

I have to write down the harem I opened with tears in my eyes.

Now I get scared every time I see unread emails in the author's inbox. Fortunately, it's just the illustrations from the previous chapter that have been harmonized. I can rest assured that

Chapter 227 The love that cannot be conveyed

Ogiso Yukina pretended to interact with each member, and her eyes finally fell on Hanabi. The melodious singing brings a hint of resentment. This feeling and scene perfectly interpret the mood of the lyrics. But Hanabi didn't understand and thought it was her sister's attachment to her brother.

How can I put my heart

Reflected in the mirror so you can see clearly?

Even if it’s a love that turns out to be an extravagant hope

Will there be a day when I am reflected in the mirror?

can see

before the looming dawn

This love is still difficult to achieve now

In the corner of the auditorium, Kasumigaoka Shiyu fell in love with this song the first time she heard it, as it was her own character song. The beautiful legs in black stockings kept shaking and changed their orientation. She felt lost and hummed along with the melody. Different from the cold voice when speaking, Shiyu's singing voice is very soft.

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