Yukina picked up Bass from the side and handed it to Hanabi. When he was away, Aegina was kept by Xuecai.


Thank you, Sister Xuena.

Hanabi slung the strap across her body and carried the heavy bass on her back. The straight spine was not bent, but became taller. He put his hands in his pockets, stepped out of the door, and looked back with a smile.

It's our turn. Let's go, guys.


The new generation of light voices emerged one after another.

The host's voice came from the speakers outside: Next is the light music club, performing White Album, Sound of Destiny and...

They stood in the center of the stage, with a dazzling white light in front of them and noisy sounds in their ears. Hanabi couldn't help but squint her eyes, her vision gradually became clearer, and she could clearly see the countless reveling spectators in the audience. The distance was so far that even the shouts became ethereal, leaving only the sound of his own heartbeat. No, maybe there’s also the heartbeat of the person next to you.

At this moment, Xuecai and Dongma must be equally excited.

Hanabi opened her eyes wide, looking for a familiar figure in the darkness, and then smiled.

Eri sat in the front row with a gentle smile; Honoka waved her little fist to cheer him up and shouted something, but unfortunately she couldn't hear; Umi and Kotori silently cast gentle eyes. At this time, Yukino was also watching him in the background. There are also many important people, Liuli, Yui, Shiyu...

What, showing such a foul smile. Yuigahama Yui's face turned red and she muttered, Isn't this going to offend a lot of girls again?

Miura Yuiko said in a troubled manner: Is he the only one in your mind? Can you stop being a nymphomaniac?

Hey, there's no such thing! Yui waved her hands repeatedly.

One-year-old Iroha happened to hear it and smiled slyly: Those three famous ones among the 'ten', and the notorious Ayase Hanabi...senpai?

She began to become curious about the blond boy on the stage, which led to a series of intersections, which is a story later. At least for now, they are still strangers.

Taking the lead on the stage, the band sang WhiteAlbum first. About ten years ago, this was a popular song that was popular in the streets and many people still remember it. The atmosphere suddenly rose.

At the door of the auditorium, two elegant women were leaning against each other.

Akiyama Mio murmured: The new...light music club?

It's such a nostalgic song. It's great to be young. Especially, my lovely brother who took away Mio-chan's innocence... Tsumugi Kotobuki covered her mouth and chuckled.

Mio's face turned red to her ears and she said angrily: Don't make fun of us!

Us? Tsumugi moved her ears and her smile became brighter. Mio-chan has really become a good wife and mother. To be honest, how many times have you secretly done this since then?

Mio said weakly: This kind of thing...

(I can’t even count them!)

Tsumugi teased: Is it time for Mio to change her name and call me sister?


When the song ended, everyone began to sweat and pant slightly. The audience burst into applause. This was the highest level performance so far.

Xuecai took a deep breath and said politely: Now, please let me introduce the band members. Let's start with me, the lead singer...

Hanabi and Touma looked at each other, smiled, and said, Ogiso Yukina.

This is recognition from peers, and it would be rude to ask the lead singer to introduce himself.

Xuecai was startled for a moment, then smiled happily. It’s completely impossible to imagine how desolate I felt when I lost my voice alone on the stage during the rehearsal a few days ago.

(There is nothing to be afraid of anymore, because I am not alone.)

Xuecai took the microphone and continued to introduce, her voice was sweet. She hid a little thought and introduced people according to the closeness of the relationship. Besides myself, the next one is Hanabi.

Bass player, Hanabi Ayase.

Xuecai said, playfully making a wow gesture, focusing everyone's attention on him.

Hanabi doesn’t have stage fright either. Highlights are applied in an instant, making the golden broken hair shine. A lazy smile appeared on his handsome face. He raised the bass and showed off his fancy fingering skills, which were as beautiful as a butterfly wearing a flower, and it was dazzling.

So handsome!

Ah, Ayase-senpai! No matter what, I must confess to him tonight!

A bunch of little girls fell into obsession and couldn't resist it.

Kotobuki Tsumugi could see through the familiar traces at a glance, turned around and said in surprise: You actually taught him the signature technique of pressing the bottom of the box? This kind of difficulty is too messy.

Akiyama Mio lifted her hair from her ears, smiled sweetly and said, Don't underestimate your brother's genius.

When Mio looked back at Hanabi, her soft eyes were full of love. Hanabi devoted herself wholeheartedly to playing, as if the only sound left in the world was the sound of her solo.

(Thank you, Hanabi.)

I am……

(I have left my Aegean covered in dust and abandoned this child, but I can still hear you playing it. It’s so wonderful.)

——Akiyama Mio’s will.

The author has something to say:

PS: I'm on leave, so I can't help but update. I despair of this paranoid personality!

Chapter 226 Presenting Flowers

Once, during a concert held at a tea party after school, Akiyama Mio played the bass and sang loudly. In the backlight, the girl's long hair is fluttering, as if flying to the melody. At this moment, the blond boy's back overlapped with his, driving the same bass, sweating wantonly.

This is our song.

Hanabi falls in love with Mio and slowly moves forward along the path she has walked. One day, you can live your life the way you like best.

Although you are the teacher and I am the student. In this way, I can get to know you better.

Akiyama Mio truly received this sentiment. So, she crossed her arms, looked at Hanabi's handsome figure, and smiled without saying a word when Kotobuki Tsumugi asked.

(Hanabi, the mission has been completed. The current light music club is... great! There is no need to worry anymore.)

Kotobuki Tsumugi understood something, hugged Mio movedly, and said, I know that you have always felt guilty for Azusa. We gave up our dreams, along with those happy times. But our era has ended.' The after-school tea party' just stays in the memories. Because, the cute juniors are awesome.

Yes, Tsumugi-chan. Mio leaned on her shoulder, tears streaming down her face.

(We've been apart for too long, mate.)

On the stage, Hanabi ended an impromptu solo, winning applause from the audience. He raised a fist high, as if holding the din in the palm of his hand. The auditorium suddenly became quiet. Then, he smiled slightly and directed the focus to the next companion. This detail is very comfortable.

Keyboard and saxophone, winter horse and yarn.

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