Nissan, welcome home. Sagiri was polite, smiling without showing her teeth, and twitched her cheek.

(This is too ladylike.)

The girl repeatedly chanted Onii-chan, and her beautiful voice sounded like a ghostly voice that could be used to create a brainwashing cycle.

Hanabi opened the door with the key and said loudly: I'm back, um... Is no one here today? Ah, it's so dark. He turned on the light and changed his shoes.

The girl who was standing at the entrance three seconds ago hid around the corner, stuck out her little head, and timidly said: Onii-chan...

This is the correct way to open Sagiri!

Hey, Sagiri. Hanabi smiled and touched the girl's snow-white hair with ease.

The Noble Phantasm for Sisters - Touch the Head to Kill - Liberation!

Sagiri's face was flushed, her head drooped, still caressed by her brother, and she murmured unconsciously. Hanabi has experienced the Right Hand of God trained by Arisa since she was a child, and has the terrifying ability to control her sister. She can grasp the correct direction and strength through the subtle changes in the girl's demeanor!

But is it too perverted to touch her for more than ten minutes at a time? Even the dullest girl can react. The girl who closed her eyes to enjoy it because of the comfort was like an intoxicated pet.

Onii-chan, you idiot! Sagiri slammed the door in anger.

Hanabi rubbed her nose awkwardly.

Didn’t I miss you?

Hey, Demon King! The goblin stood in front of the door with a smile.

Hanabi wondered: You just threw your luggage at home and came here to visit? Do you want to be so diligent?

No way. Sagiri lent you to me for fun before and made a condition. Teacher Murazheng and I must agree to her request.

Does Cun Zheng know?

The goblin said disapprovingly: I agreed for her.


Hanabi imagined the tragic end of the two girls being played by Sagiri's gangster. Facing Sagiri's stupid smile, the goblin and Murasaki entered the room cautiously. A mat is spread out on the floor, and circles of four colors are arranged in six columns. At first glance, I thought it was a dance mat.

Hanabi saw this and understood.

This game is called TWISTER and originated in the United States. It is currently a very popular party game in Japan and is often seen in anime. The referee spins the wheel and gives orders to the players, whose hands and feet touch specific colors. The last person who persists and does not fall is the winner.

As the name suggests, it is a game that combines joy, embarrassment and ambiguity.

Sagiri said excitedly: I have long been looking forward to seeing beautiful girls lingering in different positions, hey hey! Let's twist together happily!

People tangled together and stuff. Sorry, all I can think of is Uzumaki by Ito Junji-sensei. It's not worth looking forward to at all. Hanabi rolled her eyes.

Rather, it is a sad memory.

Hanabi yawned, closed the door, and said, You guys can play, I'll take a nap.

The author has something to say:

The left hand of God is Gundaruf, and the right hand of God is the madman who touches girls.

Chapter 131 The agreement to tick the box

Before Hanabilang returned home, a meeting was held at the Ayase family. Two petite figures are sitting on the carpet, like a pair of masters and apprentices preaching knowledge and solving doubts.

Arisa-nee, please tell me how to play the role of a younger sister! Sagiri said earnestly.

Arisa's eyes shone with wisdom, and she said confidently: Then, I will pass on to you the experience of controlling my brother that I have accumulated throughout my life. A smart sister should know when to stick to her brother and when to care silently.

Sagiri hurriedly opened the notebook and said shyly: I... am not a brother-controller. I just... want to have a good relationship with my brother!

Hey~ Arisa's smile hid a bad intention, Please remember the first rule. A sister cannot interfere with her brother's love affair. As the saying goes, 'if the brother takes advantage, the whole family takes advantage'. In this way, Sister Sagiri should be able to do it, right?

As you command, sir!

Time returns to the present. Hanabi was about to walk out of the room when Sagiri suddenly said: Onii-chan, let's go together.

Huh? Hanabi wondered.

The goblin and Murazheng took off their clothes, revealing their exquisite and cute swimsuits. It turns out that these people have been ready to play games for a long time. It would be too ambiguous for Hanabi to stay and interact with the swimsuit girl and play games, which was exactly what Sagiri was looking forward to.

Devil, let's have a showdown! The goblin was wearing a pink and white striped swimsuit. She threw her long spiral hair behind her back and put her hands on her hips, looking very proud.

Hua Huo said helplessly: Where did you get the energy?

Whenever we play games, we have to compete with each other. What a child.

Murazheng had a plump figure and said coyly: Playing with only two people is too boring. So, Hanabi-kun...

I see.

Hanabi has no resistance and can stay with girls she likes. They look budding and beautiful in swimsuits, making your heart beat faster.

It's just that it's too much trouble.

On a hot summer day, Hanabi took off her nap and stripped down to her swimming trunks, colliding violently with the girl and sweating. It's really painful and happy. On the game mat, the three of them rolled into a ball and stretched themselves out in embarrassment.

That's right, that's it! I have never painted a man's body, so I feel wronged, brother, keep this posture and don't move! Sagiri gasped excitedly, her brush flying like a dragon.

The goblin gritted his teeth and said, How long...are you going to keep this up?

Hurry, hurry!

Hanabi and Fairy's heads and tails are reversed, and their postures are very subtle, like a greedy snake biting its tail. Hanabi tried her best to raise her head without squinting. If she relaxed even a little, her face would rub against the girl's delicate buttocks. The goblin shuddered, and more sweat broke out at the base of his thighs. The fragrance was dripping with sweat and even touched the tip of Hanabi's nose.

Don't exhale!

Hanabi hurriedly said: Sorry!

The goblin said in a voice that was about to cry: So, when you speak, the feeling becomes stronger!

Okay, next round. Brother, touch the yellow with your right hand. Sagiri's voice was like the sound of nature and the temptation of the devil.

The yellow there!

Hanabi struggled to find a gap between the jade bodies, and stretched out her hand through the entangled body. When the warm touch passed over the girls' skin, they felt itchy and had goosebumps all over their bodies, and were forced to tighten their bodies, exposing their graceful body curves in shame.

Wait a minute, Hanabi-kun, where is... Murasaki blushed. Even if the hand forcefully crossed the ravine, she could not move to resist.

Hanabi felt her arm embedded in something soft. She knew something was wrong and apologized hastily: I'm sorry, I can't see!

I... can't do it anymore. Cun Zheng's whole body softened.

Ding dong—— At this time, the doorbell rang downstairs.

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