Without a doubt, the worst approach.

This is the true form of one of the Eight Thunder Gods, Kangsaki no Black Raimura Sei, just like the legendary demon sword that selects people and devours them. She used her ability to learn from each other's strengths and defeat them to destroy the prospects of many new writers, along with their unrealistic dreams. The only one who can persevere is Izumi Masamune.

Even though I am like this, one day I encounter a work that I really like. Murasaki's tone became urgent.

Hanabi smiled faintly and said, Will I also be imitated by you and then fail?

It was obviously a wonderful plot that I dreamed up by myself without eating or sleeping, but it was imitated by the even more powerful Sei Senjumura and created a super popular work. No matter the concept, writing style, plot, popularity... nothing can compare with it. Facing a towering god, anyone will feel despair and give up in the end.

That's not the case! Murazheng shouted, standing up excitedly, Although I was reborn from the ashes because of Hanabi-kun, but... I have never thought of becoming your enemy. Absolutely, not...

At dusk in summer, the temperature drops with the sunshine. The girl in kimono was wrapped around her body, shivering as if she was cold, and her tears were falling down as if they were broken. The stubbornness in my heart has long been defeated.

Hanabi didn't know how to evaluate Murasei. Yandere? Blackening? However, at this moment, she is just a girl crying because she is afraid of being misunderstood.

He couldn't resist the girl's tears. He put his fingers on his pale cheek, wiped the tears gently, and said softly: I didn't mean to blame you. If I said something wrong, it was my fault. So don't cry.

Really? The girl's eyes were filled with tears and she looked silly.

Hanabi grabbed Murasaki's right hand, ignored the girl's pleading eyes, and unwrapped the bandages layer by layer. How painful is it to have your nails peeled off while you're still alive? He touched the shocking scar, remained silent, and tied it up again.

(Can Hanabi-kun accept my true face?)

Murasaki burst into laughter and said bitterly: At first, I was just dissatisfied with the existing novels and wanted to write a light novel that I would enjoy reading.

Hanabi said: There is nothing to be ashamed of. As far as I know, many colleagues have similar situations.

Cun Zheng put her slender hands on her lower abdomen, like a noble lady. She raised her head and said with deep affection: But from now on, I want to write for Hanabi-kun. It's difficult to make you mine, so as long as I become yours, it will be fine.

Under the setting sun, the girl stumbled and confessed her love in a very literary and artistic way.

Hanabi smiled slightly and said: The demon king's sword - the demon sword? It sounds good.

Hanabi-kun... Cun Zheng was moved and bowed deeply, Thank you very much.

As a devil who bullies men and women, I have to make a request. First, you are not allowed to harm yourself anymore.


Two, cough, don't bow yet. Hanabi looked away guiltily. Murasei is a type of vacuum yukata, so when you bend down, a large area of ​​white snow will be exposed.

Um...Eh? Cun Zheng blushed, covered his collar and whispered, H's Demon King.

Only at this moment did the girl agree with the nickname given by a certain vixen.

Hanabi continued: Third, I don't have the consciousness of a creator. So, if you like the creativity of my work, feel free to use it.

Light novels are like flesh and blood to writers. Murazheng was stunned and couldn't quite understand what Hanabi meant.

It would be boring for a person to be self-conscious, just like a group of writers who perfected Lovecraft's world view to create the 'Cthulhu Mythos' system. I look forward to you being able to borrow the world view of Magical Girl Illya, Create a masterpiece that reaches the root of magic.”

The goblin jumped over and interjected: Demon King, Demon Sword, what are you secretly discussing?

By coincidence, Fairy, your Dark Fairy of Explosion is almost finished, right? Hanabi smiled slightly, Are you interested in joining our novel team?

What?! the two girls asked curiously.

The world in which Moyi takes place is called the Fate series, which is just the tip of the iceberg. What follows is a huge worldview that requires countless works to complete - TYPE-MOON!

The author has something to say:

The first update of the new year heralds a great year for my career. My shrine has never delayed updates, and I am not interested in them!

Chapter 130 The Right Hand of God

Yamada Fairy and Senjumura Zheng still don't know what shaped moon actually means. Ayase Hanabi sent out a seed. It came from the imagination of another world. It would one day grow into a towering tree covering animation, comics, novels, games and other fields, and it would also be an enduring money tree.

The two were intrigued.

Do you distinguish between magic and magic? It's a subtle setting. Murazheng's eyes lit up, I'm very interested in what you said about 'looking into the eyes of death' and the girl who can cut off everything with a knife. .The so-called ‘empty’ realm?”

The goblin stroked his cherished long hair blankly, and exclaimed: King Arthur cannot be a girl! But if it is a blond, British ancestor... I want to write about it!

I'm looking forward to it. Hanabi smiled.

Muramasa said with admiration: I really want to knock your head to see where you come from so many wonderful ideas. You are indeed Hanabi-kun.

What girls are even more obsessed with is the unique flavor of fireworks. He always trusts his friends without reservation, and does not mind sharing his creative ideas that are the soul of novels. He never becomes narrow-minded or philistine due to reality. This warmth like a spring breeze is like the sun.

At this time, the teenagers and girls did not know what kind of miracles they would create under the afterglow of the setting sun and beside the small villa, discussing things with relish and enthusiasm like children, and thus formed a bond between the three novelists that will last their lives. of bondage.

Put aside my secrets and novels for now. Now is it time to talk about yours? Cun Zheng changed the subject.

Hanabi was stunned: Me?

Cun Zheng said with a smile: It seems that he has a close relationship with Xia Shizi and Vixen~

Ah! The goblin blushed and waved his hands repeatedly.

Hanabi scratched her hair, glanced at each other unconsciously, and moved away as if she was electrocuted. He said frankly: They are lovers.

The fairy didn't expect Hanabi to admit the relationship directly, and her heart felt warm.

You actually admitted it without blushing or heartbeat. A romantic talent like you is best at deceiving women with romantic words and sweet words. Murasaki glared at Hanabi, and was immediately defeated when he thought that he was also a victim. She curled her lips and said, Humph, man.

I'm not Xu Zhimo. Hua Huo smiled helplessly.

Murasaki took out a pair of scissors, on the verge of turning black, and sneered: If Hanabi-kun becomes a scumbag, I will help you manicure your nails, just like I once did to myself.

Why can you take out the scissors from the yukata? Is there a fourth dimension inside? Also, are you sure you want to trim your nails instead of cutting off your fingers? Hanabi complained.

If you cut off the lower one, maybe you can use words like 'No girl will like you anyway. If you don't call the police, I am willing to marry you and take care of you for the rest of your life' to threaten you so that you don't dare to call the police. Zheng narrowed his eyes and smiled sweetly.

Yandere, so scary!

The goblin plucked up the courage and shouted: I will protect the devil's gold!

Hurry up!

The happy seaside trip ends here. Hanabi spent the end of July with a group of uneasy companions, and it was time to return to Tokyo. He didn't forget to bring a gift, although the specialties he brought home from the last Muse sleepover were still piled at home. If they were all distributed to friends of the opposite sex with whom they have good relationships, they would probably all be wiped out.

In the Ayase family, Eri is busy with idol training and Arisa helps her friends with tutoring, so only Sagiri is left. She closed the curtains on all the light-transmitting windows in her home, creating a quiet environment and breathing the dull air comfortably.

(My brother is coming back soon, what expression should I make?)

Sagiri almost forgot what it felt like to welcome her family.

Onii-chan, you're back~ Sagiri said to herself in a sweet lolita voice, Ouch!

(It makes me sick.)

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