Early the next morning.

Haishi University Professor's Office.

Professor Wang Yuankui threw the patent application materials on the other side in disappointment.

Students often show him the scientific and technological achievements they have developed.

But no piece of information had ever piqued his interest.

"It's all too common. Could it be that our huge Haishi University can't come up with an eye-catching patent?" Wang Yuankui was sighing when he suddenly received several emails.

"Which brat is this, sending so many materials at once?" "Okay, take your time, I'll read them one by one, haha.

Professor Wang said, putting on his reading glasses.

Open the material.

Remember http:// in one second. There are 6 technical solutions, including operating principles, technical analysis, design drawings, etc.

“Bionic sonar materials.

“Silicon-based batteries.

"Trirefringent photovoltaics."

"Constant pressure regulating chamber."

"Superconducting wire."

"72 micron wafer soldering gun.

"Six inventions? This guy is pretty good at research! Ten minutes later."

Bang! Professor Wang slammed his fist on the table, his eyes filled with excitement.

"This bionic resonance material can absorb almost all radar detection waves, and it is low-cost. Once it is covered on a building, no matter how large it is, it can be invisible to top-level detectors!" "This silicon-based battery, The electron binding capacity is 13 times that of lithium batteries! Wang Yuankui stood up suddenly and said tremblingly: "Trirefringence photovoltaic... is the optimization of solar power generation technology!" "The 72-micron wafer welding gun can produce wafers that are far ahead of the existing technology!" "This... "These are all disruptive creations!" If these technologies can be used properly, they may create a technological revolution! Professor Wang's heart could not calm down for a long time.

Which of my students is so good? I do not know how? Professor Wang flipped through the information.

A name slowly appeared.

"Brother Liu?" Professor Wang quickly adjusted his glasses! Then, a passage from Liu Di came into Professor Wang’s sight.

"Student Liu Di graduated from Maritime University and studied under Professor Wang Yuankui. Now he has made some academic achievements and is willing to share the results with his alma mater. He only hopes that his alma mater can provide some support.

"It's Brother Liu? He's not smart... What a good boy, he is still as good as ever! Professor Wang quickly printed out all the materials and hurried to the dean's office! ... 30 minutes, dean room.

Li Weimin, a well-known economist in China and the then president and dean of the Department of Management of Haishi University.

His hands holding the information trembled slightly.

He knew very well that if he took out any of these patents and participated in the evaluation on behalf of the college, he could win countless awards! Take out any one to develop the project! No matter how much subsidy you want from the state, you can easily apply for it! Just expose one item! It can make the entire Haishi University become the center of attention for cultivating such talents! "Professor Wang, are you sure this is your student?" Dean Li asked excitedly.

"Yes, I saw him yesterday!" Professor Wang nodded firmly.

Dean Li pointed to the last paragraph of the material, "What do you mean he needs some support from his alma mater? What support can we give him? Does he want money?" Professor Wang frowned and thought for a long time.

"He said he wanted to buy an 'experimental cemetery'..." "So it seems that he is really not with Guo Qian?" Dean Li was stunned, "He wants that old house?" "Yes!" Professor Wang nodded and said: "Is it a good deal?" Dean Li slapped the table, "It's a great deal! Old Wang, please contact Brother Liu quickly, I want to interview him!" "Oh, by the way, you are calling Guo Qian. , I completely gave up on him this time!" "Okay!"... One hour.

When Guo Qian came to the dean's office excitedly.

But suddenly he saw Brother Liu sitting on the sofa and drinking tea leisurely.

Guo Qian's brows frowned instantly.

It was like seeing a fly.

"Brother Liu, do you really dare to come?" Guo Qian sat casually on the sofa on one side, "The world has really changed. Anyone dares to do real estate, and anyone dares to occupy that piece of land. Brother Liu smiled slightly: "My purpose is different from yours, it's just fair competition!" "Fair?" Guo Qian gritted his teeth and said, "You dare to tell me about fairness, in college, you shine!" Everyone is surrounding you, how can anyone remember our second and third place?" "Even the goddess in my heart, Situ Yan, is still your girlfriend!" ? Brother Liu hadn't heard this name for a while. This was his girlfriend in college.

The relationship between the two was originally good, but three years ago, when Liu Di's eye was injured and his future was confused, he unilaterally chose to break up with her.

Some time ago, Brother Liu asked Sun Lili for her WeChat account.

But it has never been added.

After many years, Brother Liu no longer has feelings for Situ Yan.

He wanted to go to Situ Yan's WeChat because he owed her something due to the sudden breakup that year and wanted to apologize.

"Hey..." Liu Di sighed softly and said with relief: "It turns out that you are jealous. It will be much better if you know the reason.

"Feeling good?" "Guo Qian suddenly became weird and whispered: "Tell you something! Situ Yan is my girlfriend now! And it was her mother’s strong request that made me agree! ""Do you know why? "Because I am rich and you are poor!" Brother Liu smiled faintly, "Then you should call me senior."

"You..." Guo Qian's face turned purple with anger, and he shouted angrily: "Stop talking so fast here, I tell you, not only will you lose everything before, but you will never even think about the land you have today." Get it! "Let me tell you, that shabby science and technology museum is worth at most 40 to 50 million, and I have prepared a total of 100 million today!" "Let me see what you can argue with me about!" "The dean called me here today because he wanted to sell me the land. You are just a foil!" "

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