My right eye is a god-level computer

$93. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter

Liu Di strolled leisurely. He had a plan in mind to buy the "experimental cemetery". We will see tomorrow! Looking at the setting sun, Liu Di sighed and said to himself, "Since I have no place to live, I will go to drink with Master Tuo tonight!" Master Tuo's free hospital has become a hot topic after the Diyi Charity Gala. The dilapidated three-story building is full of various supplies. It is said that there are still a lot of supplies on the way! Yesterday, there were a large number of people who wanted to come to the hospital to do free volunteers. But they were all rejected by Master Tuo, or directly driven out! Because for Master Tuo, these things are not more the better, but enough is enough! Because Master Tuo is not a person who values ​​material things! mCompared to those meaningless attention, Master Tuo prefers just the right quiet! If you say something Master Tuo wants to refuse. No one can refute it! Because with a phone call from him, the Haishi police will immediately bring the special forces to come! Dozens of soldiers stood with guns. Who dares to make trouble? ...It was slightly cool at night. On the roof of the third-floor hospital, Grandpa Tuo and Brother Liu were looking at the antique piano in the distance, feeling drunk! There were empty bottles of Erguotou beside them! "If you can't do it, just admit it..." "Grandpa Tuo can let you go..." "To be honest, Grandpa Tuo can drink another whole bottle..." Huh... Huh... Grandpa Tuo muttered in his mouth and tilted his head to sleep! Seeing this scene, Brother Liu, whose face was also flushed and his body was swaying, smiled slightly. His body shook violently! The alcohol in his body was instantly dissolved! Brother Liu got up, took a blanket downstairs, and gently covered the old man. Grandpa Tuo just said that in 3 days, he will follow the Black Mountain team to the front line. I'm afraid there will be no wine to drink when he arrives at the front line. Recently, the international situation is turbulent. There are organizations with advanced transformation technology that have repeatedly invaded our Chinese territory. He will be responsible for this trip. It even concerns China's international status! The research of the Yan family is obviously unreliable. The entire burden of China's human body modification technology currently lies on him! Suddenly. A vigorous figure jumped up from the side of the building. This is a boy of eighteen or nineteen years old, with a handsome and resolute face. His right arm is empty, and it has been broken off from the forearm. The boy nodded slightly to Brother Liu and said calmly: "Brother." "Well..." Brother Liu lit a cigarette and looked into the distance, "Xiao Xia, Master Tuo said that this hospital will rely on you four in the future." The boy nodded, his eyes as calm as water, "Don't worry, brother." Xiao Xia, Xiao Qiu, Xiao Dong, Xiao Chun. These four children are four abandoned babies adopted by Master Tuo since childhood. Because they are physically disabled, they were abandoned by their families. Master Tuo is free and easy. The child picked up in summer is called Xiao Xia... The child picked up in autumn is called Xiao Qiu... And so on. Under Master Tuo's years of teaching. They are all proficient in medical skills and the top fighting skills in the army! After they turned 17, Grandpa Tuo let them go and each of them went out to gain experience. Two days ago, Grandpa Tuo called them back. He asked them to stay in the hospital in the future, so that they could take good care of the patients and children in the hospital after Grandpa Tuo left. The four children obeyed Grandpa Tuo's words. There was no question and they were humble. Brother Liu flicked the ash and said with a smile: "Xiao Xia, we have nothing to do, let's have another two moves?" Xiao Xia lowered his head slightly, "Brother, goodbye, we can't beat you." "Oh, you are so young, don't lose your confidence, hold your head up!" Brother Liu laughed again. "Brother, we haven't lost our confidence. Except for you, we have defeated every enemy we have seen." Xiao Xia's voice was still so calm. But his eyes were as dark as ink, deep and cold. Brother Liu was stunned for a few seconds, then laughed and asked: "Is Commander Duan Hua still bothering you?" "Annoying." Xiao Xia nodded. Who is Duan Hua? He is exactly the same as General Heishan. Love talent like life! Seeing Xiao Xia and the others, his eyes suddenly lit up! He wanted to drag Xiao Xia and the others to join his special forces! Brother Liu scratched his head, "It's annoying, but I can only bear it. He is a good man and can't be killed. He is different from the foreigners you met when you were a mercenary!" "Okay, brother." Xiao Xia raised his head and finally couldn't help asking: "Brother, we have been hiding our mercenary identities for so long, why do you suddenly know everything when you come back this time?" "And you seem to be different from before." Looking at Xiao Xia with flickering eyes. Brother Liu was a little embarrassed. He bent down and found a half bottle of Erguotou on the ground. He gulped down a few mouthfuls. "When you can drink me down, I will tell you the answer." "Brother, I feel that I can never drink more than you." "Haha, then you will never know!"

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