My right eye is a god-level computer

84. A life-and-death struggle

Bang! The power supply of Huitian Plaza was suddenly restored! On the dark stage.

The lights came on.

The LED screen lit up.

The speakers also made a shrill scream.

In the center of the huge stage, a figure as miserable as a dog stood in the center.

Ouyang Fengyu, vice president of Yingzhi Group and person in charge of the Diyi Concert! Just now, he had seen the performance of the Charity Hospital through his mobile phone.

The God of Songs Diyi appeared there.

The real thing! m And the person he hired at a cost of 300 million was a fake! "Haha!" Ouyang Fengyu looked at the luxurious scene that was empty and messy.

He laughed crazily.

This time, his position in the group was completely over! It cost 300 million to hire the fake Diyi, and 200 million to build the scene and pre-promotion! The sales on the scene were zero! A total of 500 million, all lost! He could imagine that when he returned to the group tomorrow, there would be a storm to greet him! This time, he was defeated miserably! He really couldn't understand it now.

Why did Di Yi appear there! Why did he attend such a simple performance! It can't be because of Yan Qingwen! Yan Qingwen doesn't have that ability! A figure flashed in Ouyang Fengyu's mind, Brother Liu! From the beginning to the end, Brother Liu suspected that Lv Ziming's Di Yi was a fake! And he also strongly advocated that Yan Qingwen hold a charity performance! Is it him again? How many cards does he have? What kind of strength does he have! Thinking of his own concert, the tuning system inexplicably went out of control! The power on the stage suddenly went out! Then a strange line lit up and directly led the audience away! The God of Songs Di Yi was waiting quietly at the beach! Ouyang Fengyu felt a chill on his back and was terrified! This is a huge, almost impossible plan! Could this kind of means be done by that kid Brother Liu? This is not realistic! Could it be that I really messed with the wrong person? On the first day we met, Brother Liu was obviously a poor guy, an ant! Want to compete with me for the Yan family's property? Is it wrong for me to get rid of him? Ouyang Fengyu, who was alone, stood in the center, constantly debating in his mind.

He had never realized that making enemies with Brother Liu was the biggest mistake in his life! Slowly.

Ouyang Fengyu's eyes were filled with anger, and he was unwilling to accept it! Ouyang Fengyu thought for a long time.

I am afraid that after tomorrow, I will completely lose my position in the group! And Brother Liu not only has such unpredictable means.

There is also a huge backer like the Nan family! Maybe there is even a military background! The killing order issued in the underworld has not been responded to yet! There is no other way! I want to fight him to the death! Ouyang Fengyu thought with gritted teeth and clenched his fists tightly.

Crack, crack, bang! The walkie-talkie in his hand was crushed by him! Brother Liu, you would never think that I still have combat power beyond ordinary people! I have been hiding for a long time! You forced me! Suddenly.

Ouyang Fengyu, with a ferocious face, was suddenly stunned.

Several images came to his mind.

Brother Liu pulled the 80-pound earth bow... Brother Liu made the fierce horse surrender... Brother Liu's abnormal shooting speed... Hiss... Brother Liu can't be inferred by common sense! I can't... I'm not as strong as him, right? Ouyang Fengyu's mouth twitched.

Damn it! Then, Ouyang Fengyu gritted his teeth! Even if I don't want this life, I will fight you! Brother Liu, I may not be able to beat you now.

You kid wait for me, in two days, I will break all your bones! Ouyang Fengyu, with bulging veins, glanced at the scene with a cold look.

Brother Liu, you can still live a few more days! But, where did Lv Ziming, the bastard, run to! ... Behind Huitian Plaza.

In a dark alley.

Two embarrassed figures are running for their lives.

One of them is holding a briefcase in his arms, which is full of cash! Plop! One of them slipped and fell next to a trash can.

The man seemed to have sprained his foot and couldn't get up. He begged, "Brother Ziming, please help me, don't abandon me!" "We agreed before that I would pretend to be Emperor Yi, and once I made money, we would split it 30% and 70%!" "Now that the matter has been exposed, you can't just abandon me!" These two people were the fake Emperor Yi and Lv Ziming! Lv Ziming hugged the briefcase in his hand tightly, spat at the fake Emperor Yi and said, "Fuck you, I told you to practice your singing skills, but you didn't practice, and you had to rely on tuning. Look at what kind of shit you sang!" "If you can get away with it, I can also argue with them a few words, so I won't run away!" "You've hurt me too!" "I can't take care of you now, you can fend for yourself!" After Lv Ziming said this, he took a ruthless look at the fake Emperor Yi who couldn't move, turned around and ran away! "Haha, so what if the truth is revealed?" "I got the money anyway, the Yan family is just a bunch of idiots!" "That brother Liu is also a self-righteous idiot!" "300 million, enough for me to live happily overseas forever!" Lv Ziming laughed and kept passing through alleys.

He ran straight to the speedboat he had prepared on the shore! Suddenly.

Lv Ziming, who had just run to the last alley, stopped! At the entrance of the alley in the distance.

Dozens of big men blocked the way! In front of those big men, stood a graceful figure wearing a slim cheongsam.

She had no expression on her face and stared at Lv Ziming coldly.

"Miss Nan... Nan?" Lv Ziming had a premonition that something was wrong, and his body subconsciously retreated.

But he heard a mess of footsteps behind him.

Another group of big men blocked his way! He was directly trapped in the alley, trying to catch a turtle in a jar! "Humph..." Nan Ruoyi smiled softly, which was both charming and cold! "Miss Nan...what are you doing?" Lu Ziming was already trembling all over! "The gentleman said you had a bet with him.

“Now that the concert is over, it’s time to cash in.

"Nan Ruoyi said lightly, and a group of big men behind him faced Lu Ziming, staring at him with eager eyes! "What a bet! I don’t admit it, I don’t agree, that doesn’t count! "Lu Ziming was extremely frightened. He backed away and sat down on the ground! Nan Ruoyi chuckled again, with her narrow red eyes showing enchantment and weirdness! She raised her jade hand and gently stroked her smooth chin, "Mr. Let me bring you something.

Lu Ziming's eyes widened and he stammered: "What...what?" "Nan Ruoyi's eyes became sharp in an instant, and with a wave of her arms, a group of big men swarmed up! "Sir, I said, default to the right leg! "

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