My right eye is a god-level computer

83. Just do good things and don’t worry about the future

"The Eye of Immortality?" Yan Kaikai tilted his head and thought, "Why does it sound familiar to me?" Yan Xinxin suddenly said: "Third Sister, is it the Eye of Immortality that you spent millions on some time ago?" That piece of jewelry that was photographed?" Yan Qingwen nodded in a daze and said, "Yes, I gave it to Brother Liu later.

Yan Kaikai said a little puzzled: "You gave it to Brother Liu, so why is it in Di Yi's hands today, and then he threw it to you?" "No way..." Yan Xinxin on the side suddenly thought of something, her mouth opened wide, as if she had been struck by lightning, "Go away, are you stupid..." Yan Qingwen's expression was very complicated. , she raised her head.

He looked blankly at the antique piano standing alone in the light at the corner of the roof.

"Xinxin, you are right.

Yan Kaikai was still confused, "What's wrong?" "Brother Liu is Di Yi, and Di Yi is Brother Liu!" "Yan Qingwen and Yan Xinxin said at the same time! Boom! When these words were spoken, the three girls of the Yan family felt that the world was spinning at the same time. Everything was so unreal and bizarre! "Oh my God, how is it possible? Obviously...well..." Yan Kaikai couldn't believe it at all. He lost control of his excitement and shouted! However, Yan Qingwen covered his mouth in time! "Brother Liu didn't show his face the whole time, and He told me the truth through the Immortal Eye, and he didn’t want anyone to know his identity! "Yan Qingwen said to Yan Kaikai in a low voice, with tears faintly appearing in her eyes! If you talk about how she feels now.

But it was more touching than shocking! Brother Liu entered the Yan family as a lifesaver. He was very low-key on weekdays and only smiled lightly when he encountered injustice.

However, his faint smile and his lack of rebuttal.

Not because he is incompetent.

But because he is too strong! He just wants to do everything well in obscurity! In the past few days, Liu Di's strength has been unbelievable to everyone. He is as powerful as a myth! Untrue! And today, Liu Di proved himself again.

He is so good! He turned out to be the much-anticipated Song God Emperor Yi! He is not moved by money or bows to any force! He sets out from his heart and relies on his own strength to help the weak and spread goodwill! The shock in Yan Qingwen's heart was too strong.

Growing up, she was pampered and had never looked up to anyone.

But what Brother Liu did completely convinced her, and she had nothing to say anymore! "Do you know why we always misunderstood Brother Liu before?" Yan Qingwen said with a trembling voice.

"Why?" The two little girls also had empty eyes, immersed in shock.

"Because, compared with him, we are not in the same realm at all!" "He is strong, he is excellent, and he is almost omnipotent!" "His state of mind is really calm, otherworldly, and selfless in love! "Yeah...the two little girls are also thinking a lot! They had eaten the delicious food made by Brother Liu, and it was simply otherworldly food! It was Brother Liu who saved them in the underground casino with great domineering force! With his abilities in archery, equestrianism, and shooting, Liu Di left everyone speechless! Yan Xinxin murmured: "My live broadcast room is now the most popular, just because he took a look at me at that time!" Yan Qingwen smiled bitterly: "Now I believe what you said, Brother Liu gambled tens of billions of cash in the underground casino !" "You know, he is the God of Songs! With his appeal, money is just a number, which is completely meaningless! As long as he opens his mouth, countless companies will give away a lot of cash. Come to his door!" "Ten billion is not worth mentioning!" Yan Kaikai tightened her grip on her phone. On her screen saver was a screenshot of the background of Song God Emperor! "The God of Songs is actually living next to us..." "We say he is a soft-boiled guy... a philanthropist..." "With the 5 million we had before, we actually suspected that he was using tricks... "Xinxin, tell me, will Brother Liu forgive us for what we did before?" Yan Xinxin bit her lip, "I don't think it's forgiveness, because... he may not even care about us!" "In his eyes, we are just two ignorant little girls!" "I'm afraid Brother Liu will never like us."

"The two little girls burst into tears.

This is regret, this is sadness, this is a deep inferiority complex! Unconsciously, they had combined Di Yi, whose voice was like the sound of nature, and whose mere sight was so fascinating, with Brother Liu! That's right...Liu Di has always been so good.

He is so handsome.

Never did anything to hurt us.

He never ignored our requests.

Two voices appeared inexplicably in the minds of Yan Kaikai and Yan Xinxin.

"I stayed in the Yan family just to have a clear conscience!" These were Liu Di's words.

"There is extremely powerful power hidden in everyone's heart. Just do your best and have a clear conscience!" These are Di Yi's words.

What a resemblance, and it all came from the same person! Di Yi is Di Yi, and Di Yi is Di Yi! Sudden.

Yan Kaikai and Yan Xinxin shouted at the same time: "Third sister, we have to go home!" Yan Qingwen said blankly: "Why?" "We are going to move brother Liu, we have to move his room to 5 Upstairs, move to the largest suite!" He watched the two little girls running out in a hurry.

Yan Qingwen sighed softly and tightly held the 'Eye of Immortality' in his hand.

Brother Liu returned it.

This shows what? Maybe he wants to encourage Yanqingwen to shine forever like an immortal eye.

But there is more to express.

Maybe he didn't want to have too much to do with the Yan family and her Yan Qingwen! After all, how could a person of Liudi's realm be bound by the small Yan family? As for the future.

Yan Qingwen didn't dare to hope that Liudi would accompany him again! Because his Liudi had done enough! The Yan family owed Liudi enough! "Alas..." "Be happy, even if you move the house, what's the matter?" "Will Liudi go back?" Yan Qingwen smiled bitterly and looked up at the noisy scene.

Many people were looking around the building, trying to find Diyi's figure, but to no avail.

Some people have begun to care about the children.

Yan Qingwen exhaled lightly, there are still many things waiting for her to do here! Diyi, or Liudi's words, always echoed in her ears: "Just do good things, don't ask about the future!"

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