My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 596: Chinese Military Spirit

Time passed by minute by minute.

Jianmen Pass was silent, and Brother Liu stood on the roof of the off-road vehicle and looked to the west.

Mo Jiuli was also bored and watched together.

European mecha masters are already densely entrenched in Tongguan.

And those nearly 10,000 Chinese warriors, running for hundreds of miles, had already reached the other side of Tongguan, in front of a 50-meter-deep cliff, facing Tongguan City across a valley from a distance!

Rep looked at the aerial photography scene with some confusion!

Are these Chinese troops capable of traveling 180 kilometers in mountainous terrain in two and a half hours without taking a breath? !

Are all of them reincarnations of hunting dogs?


At this moment, Mr. Song's heart was inexplicably throbbing!

Although the European mechanics guarded the only entrance, the Chinese soldiers never thought of entering from there!

They chose the most dangerous place to climb over the cliff!

Because of the soldiers' brief stay, the aerial camera finally captured their expressions.

At this time, they were standing quietly on the top of the cliff, with the cold wind blowing, their faces stern, and the European Tongguan Fortress reflected in their eyes!

Mr. Song felt awe-inspiring.

Are the soldiers so determined to win?

"This looks very bluffing!"

Rep snorted coldly, "So what if you have momentum? Once they enter our Tongguan base, they will be 'dead' instantly with just a few missiles! Infantry is meaningless!"

Mr. Song frowned slightly, "How can a majestic king of a country ignore the life and death of soldiers?"

"So what if I ignore it?"

"This is the era of heavy weapons!"

"Say it again!"

Rep excitedly pointed to the bottomless cliff on the screen, "They can't enter my base. How dare they go down in such darkness?"

"This is an exercise, are they willing to lose their lives for it?!"

Mr. Song frowned, "If you are European soldiers, you may not dare, but if you say that I am a Chinese soldier, with one order, thousands of troops will come!"

Rep curled his lips and said, "Tsk, that's a joke!"


Before Rep had finished speaking, he saw the formation of the Chinese soldiers on the edge of the cliff changing. More than 2,000 engineers quickly moved forward and began to fix rivets and hammer ropes along the edge of the thousand-meter cliff!

The movements were uniform and clean, and in an instant the ropes were hanging to the bottom of the cliff.

Rep's eyes widened, "No way?"


It took less than 5 minutes. The first row of Chinese soldiers showed no fear, grabbed the rope and slid directly to the bottom of the cliff!

Mr. Song clenched his fists and stood up immediately, "Very good, you have a long face!"

Everyone in Europe was stunned!

Are they desperate?

I saw teams of Chinese warriors falling into the cliff quickly without hesitation, relying on ropes!

On the other side, the warrior who had reached the bottom before had begun climbing with his bare hands!

In this extremely dark, rugged cliff, keep moving forward!

Once you cross this cliff, Tongguan is just around the corner!

Rep's body stiffened, "It's just a drill, you risk your life?"

Hawkeye and Norman finally received notice at this time that the Chinese troops rushed to the south of Tongguan and were climbing over the cliff!

But the two people were only panicked for a moment, and then sneered, "Courage is commendable, but there is a problem with intelligence!"

The European command immediately issued an order.

The heavy-armed mechanics turned around and pushed toward the south, loading the artillery shells. Once the Chinese army climbed up the cliff, they immediately attacked indiscriminately!

Norman's eyes were bloodshot. Even if he couldn't attack Jianmen Pass, he still had to wipe out all the Chinese infantry!

Right now.

A beep sounded from the aviation radar.

Norman turned his head and looked stunned, "My bomber group is back?"


General Eagle Eye's expression changed instantly, "These planes must have been tampered with. Notify the command base and prepare for air strikes immediately!"

For a time, in the European command base, anti-aircraft missiles and anti-aircraft anti-aircraft guns raised their heads one after another!

Then, Hawkeye and Norman were caught off guard.

I saw that those 'own fleets' were not flying towards the command center at all.

Instead, they headed directly to Tongguan, which is 70 kilometers away from the headquarters.

That's where Europe's main ground forces, the heavy armored divisions, are located!

Hawkeye's eyes widened, "Oh no! Notify them quickly!"

But it's too late!

The European heavy-armored mecha divisions who were moving towards the cliff were overjoyed.

Our own air support is also coming!

Haha, more foolproof.

In fact, it was just a bombardment of 10,000 Chinese infantry, there was no need to mobilize troops like this!

Dang Dang Dang!


The commander of the heavy armored division, sitting in the main battle tank, felt that heavy objects were constantly falling from the sky, hitting the iron sheet of his tank.

The commander was stunned for a moment, "Is it hailing?"

Little did I know.

In a B2 above his head, Chinese pilot Qin Guang's eyes were shining!

"Brothers, I haven't tested the B2 weapon system yet. To put it simply, press the red buttons on the top of your right hand one by one!"


"I've never bombed an enemy like this before, it's so exciting!"

“It’s so enjoyable!”

Dang Dang Dang!

The European heavy armorers below were hit by countless blank bullets and were stunned!

Electromagnetic signals with varying ranges bloomed like mushrooms after a rain.

Within the covered area, the drill systems of tanks, armored vehicles and other mobile equipment alarmed one after another!

The system kept prompting: ‘Destroyed, destroyed, destroyed! ’

The European soldiers stared at each other in astonishment.

My God? ? ?

In less than 20 minutes, the European heavy armored division was completely destroyed!

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