My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 595: The Blade is Unsheathed

As for Hawkeye and Admiral Norman, everything was in chaos.

Although only one of the vanguard troops was missing, for them, who had been tortured by China and were surrounded by soldiers, they actually figured out the dangers ahead.

Directly ordered the mobile troops to stay in front of Tongguan.

Then continuously send out teams of highly flexible troops to detect the situation!

As a result, there was no one left.

The two of them were completely confused.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, it was dark.

Mo Jiuli was still like a god, sitting firmly at Jianmenguan.

"Liu Shizi, there are only three more hours left, and our Mo family will defend the city. The exercise is over."

Liu Di took a look at the sun that was about to set under the mountain and the dark jungle.

A strange light burst out from his eyes, "Brother Jiuli, your Mo family chose to defend Yanmen Pass, but my soldiers are more willing to charge and kill!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Brother Liu waved silently!

In the dim jungle, there was a rustling sound!

Then figures in green camouflage sprang out!

They were like cheetahs that had been lying still for a long time, and now they shot out from the string!

There were more and more figures, constantly passing through both sides of the Mohist government city.

Mo Jiuli squinted his eyes, his expression changing constantly, "Reconnaissance company, special forces, Marines, engineers?!"

"Liu Shizi, is this the infantry unit you chose before?"

"They didn't bring any special equipment!"

Brother Liu nodded slowly, "Yes, although they are just ordinary soldiers, they carry the most important things."

Mo Jiuli frowned and looked carefully again.

The infantrymen only carried small thermal weapons and melee weapons.

Engineers carry construction equipment such as shovels and ropes.

But this is just the basic configuration.

There is no other weight to bear.

Mo Jiuli hesitated slightly, "Sorry for my poor eyesight, I didn't see anything special."

Brother Liu said in a low voice: "They carry the spirit of the Chinese army."

Mo Jiuli's body suddenly froze.

None of the Chinese soldiers on both sides of the huge machine city made a sound, they shuttled quickly and disappeared into the distant jungle in the blink of an eye.

In just a moment, thousands of figures passed by.

Mo Jiuli vaguely guessed Liu Di's thoughts, "Are they going to seize the European headquarters?"

Brother Liu nodded slowly.

Mo Jiuli had a complicated expression, "From here, they have to run 200 kilometers? This is already the limit of their physical strength!"

Brother Liu didn't speak.

Mo Jiuli added: "Before the opponent's Tongguan is a 50-meter cliff, the only entrance and exit channel must be heavily guarded, and it must also be heavy weapons. How can they break through?"

"Liu Shizi, do you have any clever ideas?"

Mo Jiuli looked at Brother Liu.

Brother Liu shook his head, "No."

Mo Jiuli was puzzled, "What about this?"

Brother Liu raised his head slightly and said, "Brother Jiuli, just wait for China to emerge."

In the blink of an eye, nearly 10,000 Chinese soldiers rushed out of Jianmen Pass, 70% of them were combat troops and 30% were engineering troops!

"Report to Commander Hawkeye, this is the advance team 7, and they have explored China's combat deployment."

"China sent infantry from Jianmen Pass, estimated to be nearly 10,000 people."

Hawkeye listened to the report in the communicator with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Ten thousand infantry?

Is this China’s tactic?

It shocked me before, but it turned out to be just that? !

"Haha, General Norman, did you hear that China's deployment is only infantry?"

"Are they planning to raid us?"

"This is ridiculous!"

"The significance of ordinary soldiers in modern warfare is to kill people, serve as human minesweepers, and use biological damage detection equipment!"

Hawkeye was relieved of his burden in an instant, and China was nothing more than that!

His fighting spirit was rekindled and he picked up the communicator: "Squad 7, locate their position for me immediately, I want to deploy artillery bombardment!"

"Team 7, have you received it?"

"Squad 7???"

However, there was only a rustling sound in the communicator, and no one responded!

Hawkeye immediately looked back at the Life Radar.

‘Survival rate of advance team 7: 0. ’

The inspector was also stunned and said: "Commander, I detected that their lives were 'ending' one by one, as if they were deliberately attacked!"

Hawkeye panicked.

The location of Team 7 should be 150 kilometers outside Tongguan. Is it possible that those 10,000 Chinese troops are already close to Tongguan?

He and Norman looked at each other, and immediately said nervously: "Send out the reconnaissance company again, and be sure to locate their location!"

In the dark night, tens of thousands of Chinese warriors wandered through the jungle with endless fighting spirit and determination to win.

They didn't stop for a moment and ran straight to Tongguan!

Occasionally, I encounter an advance reconnaissance team from Europe and deal with it directly!

Inside the observation center.

Mr. Song looked at the situation on the screen and suddenly fell silent.

He knew that these infantrymen were the combat readiness force chosen by Brother Liu.

This move was obviously intended to directly attack the European headquarters.


is it possible?

In modern warfare, this is the opposite.

But Mr. Song feels more and more unable to understand Brother Liu!

"Ha ha!"

"Is your commander crazy?"

"Are you ready to throw yourself into a trap and try to use up our artillery with human targets?"

"I'm telling you, we have enough shells!"

Leip couldn't stop laughing. He felt that the Chinese commander was just smart for a while, and now he has finally become stupid!

Mr. Song clenched his fists.

Could it be that Brother Liu was really desperate and chose this extreme method?

Were the restrictions imposed on him before too much?

But in the next half an hour.

Mr. Song became more and more excited, while Lei Pu became more and more silent.

I saw the Chinese infantry soldiers, like a whirlwind, rushing forward rapidly, constantly annihilating the European reconnaissance teams.

Like a violent beast, swallowing the prey without spitting out the bones!

At the European combat command, Admiral Hawkeye looked at his reconnaissance teams one by one, as if they had evaporated from the face of the earth.

He was horrified!

This time, China sent out a single-soldier off-road unit, which could not be tracked by any satellite imaging or radar.

He could only judge where the Chinese team had advanced to by the place where his reconnaissance team "died"!

Seeing that the Chinese soldiers were unstoppable.

Hawkeye was a little panicked.

He immediately ordered the mecha division to withdraw to Tongguan and guard the throat!

He knew that the valley was where the Chinese infantry unit must pass.

Once they arrive, he only needs to concentrate his firepower and let the heavy armored division bombard them wildly, and China's threatening sharp knife will be completely destroyed!

It won't be too late to attack Jianmen Pass then!

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