My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 592 On-site Construction


This battleground for military strategists during the exercise actually restored the style of ancient Chinese architecture.

It is a rebuilt Sifang ancient city.

The four city walls occupy a 10-kilometer radius. Facing the east-west direction of the European and Chinese camps, a 10-meter-high city gate tower was built.

The main body is made of bluestone and soil, and the roof is covered with blue glazed tiles.

The Mohist wooden bird is suspended in the west city gate tower, 250 kilometers away from the European base, facing each other through the air.

Mo Jiuli stood on the wooden bird with his hands behind his hands and smiled elegantly.

Europe is too slow.

Their mobile troops are still 200 kilometers away.

Mo Jiuli raised his head, and the sky kept roaring!

Boom boom!

Huge objects fell to the ground one after another, throwing up a cloud of dust!


The sound of tracks came, and the 'square box' tanks in the dust were safe and sound, slowly driving out and gathering around Jianmen Pass.

"Mortise and tenon art."

Mo Jiuli said lightly.


In ancient times, it refers to the connection skills of wooden structures. Wood can be built into a three-dimensional structure through the combination of concave and convex mechanisms, so that a small wooden stool with a simple structure can bear a force of 300 kilograms without collapsing!

During the heyday of Mohism, there was a master craftsman named Lu Ban during the Warring States Period.

The core of the woodcraft showdown between Mozi and Lu Ban is the art of mortise and tenon!


Today, 3,000 years later, the mortise and tenon joints mentioned by Mo Jiuli are not a combination of wood!

But mechanical technology that is enough to shock the world!

He just finished speaking.

In front of Muque, a console slowly rose.

In the center of the console is a pair of black gloves covered with high-precision sensors.

Mo Jiuli looked respectful, put on his gloves elegantly, and made a slight fist.

There was a mechanical sound coming from the dozen or so ‘square box’ tanks at my feet!

The surface of the fuselage began to change, and a hatch opened, revealing the metal parts used for connection!

Mo Jiuli stretched out his fingers, and the surface of the connecting parts on the tank turned black.

Mo Jiuli danced with his hands.

The 'square box' tanks followed his command and came under the city wall of Jianmenguan. Hydraulic rods supported them and stood up one by one.



A sonorous and powerful sound of metal combined came out.

The 'square box' tanks came one after another, connected end to end, and they slowly built up a low wall around Jianmen Pass!

Not only are the mechanical buckles combined to form the shape, but the dark luster on the surface also fills the gaps instantly, like an adhesive, making this metal wall airtight!

Boom boom!

There are "square box" tanks constantly falling from the sky to join the "construction" of the city wall!

The heads of state of the two countries in the observation center looked at the aerial photography on the screen, their mouths wide open, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

in perspective.

The ancient Jianmen Pass is undergoing strange changes.

The 'square box' tanks are like metal building blocks. They are constantly being assembled on the outside and climbing higher and higher. It is about to form a copper wall surrounded by iron walls!

The original Jianmen Pass has been half covered!

The ‘square box’ tanks in the sky continued to crash to the ground like rain!

In less than an hour, this Jianmen Pass will be tightly wrapped in it and will be invisible to the naked eye!

And the construction and command of all this seems to come from Mo Jiuli, who is floating in the sky, with his eyes flashing and his hands dancing!

Everyone was shocked!

I have never seen such a method before!

Just throw the tank over, and then the tall buildings will rise from the ground? !

This surpasses all existing mobile fortress construction technologies!

This is simply rebuilding Jianmen Pass!

Mr. Song smiled leisurely and said, "The Mohist giant told me that this seems to be called the Mohist government city?"

Agency city?

Rep has already been petrified.

The ominous premonition in my heart became stronger and stronger.

My own mobile troops are still 150 kilometers away at this time!

And the Mohist family of China has already put an iron bowl on Jianmenguan!

40 minutes later.

An off-road vehicle keeps dodging box tanks falling from the sky.

Stopped at the foot of Jianmenguan.

Han Licheng looked up at the sky, his mouth wide open, "Is this still Jianmen Pass?"

The Jianmen Pass in front of him has turned into a metal fortress that is shining with light!

It is 40 meters high and spans at least 20 kilometers!

The ‘square box’ tanks form a wall without any gaps and are about to be topped out!

at the same time.

Nearly a thousand 'square box' tanks have been launched from more than a dozen tracks in the Huaxia base.

These tracks actually started to move and slowly merged together.

A huge metal iron box with a height of 20 meters was slowly pulled out by a tractor and placed on the track. With a bang, more than a dozen tracks worked together to throw this huge thing onto the battlefield!

As for Jianmen Pass, Mo Jiuli controls everything like a creator!

The huge metal box flew over in an instant, reached the sky above the sword gate, and suddenly opened several parachutes!

The heavy box seems to be floating leisurely, but in fact there are many micro-jet systems underneath, fine-tuning its falling direction!


The huge box was exactly the same, and it landed in the center of the metal wall at the top of Jianmen Pass!

Click click click!

There was a mechanical sound, and the box and the metal wall were firmly combined!


The box is split on all sides and blooms like a lotus.

Revealing the huge instrument emitting dark golden light!

A cold air suddenly came out from behind Han Licheng, "This seismograph?!"

The instrument was made entirely of brass.

It is shaped like a wine bottle with eight faucets around it, facing the eight directions of east, south, west, north, southeast, southwest, northeast and northwest.

The dragon holds a small copper ball in its mouth. Under each dragon head, there is a copper toad with its mouth wide open.

There is a copper 'hanging pendulum' in the center of this instrument, and there are eight passages beside the column, called the 'Eight Paths'!

Once there is a vibration in one of the eight directions, the 'hanging pendulum' will tilt, and the copper ball in the dragon's head will fall into the mouth of the copper toad.

This is an instrument used to monitor earthquakes in ancient times. Even compared with today's earthquake monitoring instruments, its accuracy is not much inferior!

"Such a big seismograph!"

Han Licheng was shocked beyond measure.

He didn't even know how to describe the scene in front of him. The beautiful Jianmen Pass was transformed into a metal fortress!

On the top of the fortress, there is a super large seismograph!

Classical and modern.

It gives people the illusion of traveling through time!

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