My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 591: Ancient Mohist Techniques

Inside the Mohist command center.

"Liu Shizi, the Mo family has learned a lesson today."

Mo Jiuli slightly cupped his hand towards Brother Liu, "We have been researching and making the Four Elephants for nearly 10 years. Unexpectedly, Liu Shizi only took a glance at it, but he used it more thoroughly than us."

Brother Liu shook his head slightly, "It's not that you can't think of it, but there are too many rules and your ideas are limited."

Mo Jiuli was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Rules are the foundation of our Mohist school that has been established for thousands of years. They are the principles passed down by our ancestors. Jiuli never questions them."

"But, speaking of this rule."

Mo Jiuli looked at the battlefield, narrowed his eyes and said, "The rules of this exercise are, whoever can stand the national flag at Jianmen Pass for four hours will win."

"You and I know what Mr. Song means."

"So, even if the war department force chosen by Liu Shizi now only has infantry and engineers, and no advantage in attacking and defending the city, Jiuli must still do his part and fight for Mr. Song."

"So, the Mo family needs to occupy Jianmen Pass."

After Mo Jiuli said this, he looked at Brother Liu elegantly.

At this time, a Mohist disciple behind him bowed and said: "The wooden bird is ready."

The words just fell.

There was a gust of air outside the window, and a metal aircraft that looked like a sparrow slowly rose and floated outside the command headquarters.

Then some Mohist disciples opened the floor-to-ceiling windows.

With a leisurely expression, Mo Jiuli took a few steps forward and climbed onto the back of the 'Muque'.

He turned around and said: "Liu Shizi, it is inevitable for the Mohist family to firmly occupy Jianmen Pass. If you are offended, Jiuli will personally come to apologize after the war."

After saying that, a transparent windshield suddenly rose up from the back of the wooden bird, protecting Mo Jiuli inside.

The wooden bird is small in size and can only accommodate three people standing in front of and behind it, but it uses the floating technique to the extreme and is so dexterous that it instantly turns into a ball of light and disappears into the sky!

At this speed, it will take no more than 20 minutes to reach Jianmen Pass!

Liu Di sighed leisurely and asked Han Licheng behind him: "What means of transportation do I have?"

Han Licheng pursed his lips and said, "Commander, you have an off-road vehicle."

Brother Liu, "Okay, okay."

Inside the observation center.

Rep looked at the European base on the screen.

Countless green dots were moving among them, and all the people and vehicles were moving and reorganizing rapidly.

"Ha ha!"

At this time, Rep finally raised his fighting spirit, "Actually, for this exercise, I did not mobilize too much air and sea power, but left a large amount of logistics resources to the ground troops!"

"I have mobilized the core mobile troops of five heavy armored divisions from Europe, totaling 20,000 people!"

"Tank corps, self-propelled artillery, armored personnel carriers, and armed helicopters are all troops on wheels!"

"Now they have been dispatched, but your Chinese troops have not made any move yet."

"We will reach Jianmen Pass before you."

"Then we switch from attack to defense!"

Rep said proudly: "Don't you have an old Chinese saying that it's easy to defend but hard to attack? It's easy for us to defend, but it will be difficult for you to attack, and you can't win!"

Mr. Song nodded slightly, "I didn't expect Mr. Rep to be so proficient in tactics."

Rip, "Of course."

Mr. Song shook his head and sighed, "But your Chinese language level is worrying. Easy to defend and difficult to attack refers to the terrain. Just keep your eyes open for a while and the Mohists will explain it to you."

At this time, the European exercise command center.

Norman and Hawkeye's eyes widened. At this moment, they had one thought in their minds - the soldiers are quick and powerful!

As long as you capture Jianmen Pass in advance, your winning rate will greatly increase!

"Hurry up!"

"Speed ​​up more!"

All the European mobile troops rushed out of the base like a whirlwind and headed straight for Yanmen Pass!

And here in China.

Liu Di stood in the square outside the base and watched the Mo family drive out strange tracked tanks from the warehouse.

These tanks are like a rectangular metal box, about 4 meters in length and no more than 1 meter in height. They have a smooth surface and do not have any weapon systems or even a turret.

Han Licheng was confused, "The speed of these tanks is very slow, and they are definitely not as fast as those in Europe."

Brother Liu shook his head slightly, "During the Warring States Period, the Mohist family had an extremely ingenious invention called the trebuchet."

Han Licheng's eyes widened, "Are these trebuchets?"

Brother Liu smiled and said, "These are stones."

Brother Liu just finished speaking.

The dust on the ground in front shook, and a rumbling aerodynamic sound came. The ground in front was turned upside down, and tracks suddenly rose up on the flat ground!

These tracks are seven or eight meters wide and nearly a hundred meters long!

Made entirely of metal, the surface is extremely smooth, one end is rooted in the ground, and the other is facing the sky!

Under the sun, it looks like a sharp sword stuck diagonally on the ground, extremely dazzling!

The ‘square box’ tank that drove out first slowly drove to the end of the track.


The sound of metal locks came from under the tanks, as if there was a mechanism fixing these tanks to the track base.

"3, 2, 1!"

Following the countdown from the conductor, the sound of bows and arrows flying off the strings was heard on the track!

The 'square box' tank was instantly towed and rushed into the sky along the inclined track, shooting sparks all the way!


The ‘square box’ tank was thrown into the sky!

Then the wind-fixing wings stretched out from both sides, gliding rapidly, like an arrow, flying straight towards Jianmen Pass!

Whoosh whoosh!

The sound of flying continued to come, and on a row of 10 huge tracks, one by one, the "square box" tanks quickly flew into the air!

In the blue sky, waves of black spots began to appear!

It's hard to imagine that these are tanks!

"Oh my God"

Han Licheng looked at the warehouse behind him that was still pouring out tanks, and the waves of tanks flying in the air.

He was stunned, "Mojia's thinking, no matter how fast the wheels of Europe turn, it can't be as fast as throwing!"

Liu Di smiled deeply, "Are the soldiers ready?"

Han Licheng immediately came back to his senses, "They are all in place."

Liu Di looked forward and got on the off-road vehicle, "Then we should hurry up."


Han Licheng directly signaled the driver to give up his seat and drove it himself.


Han Licheng stepped on the accelerator, the wheels of the off-road vehicle turned violently, threw away a piece of mud, and rushed out quickly.

But the off-road vehicle had only been driving for 5 minutes.

The scene in the sky was magnificent.

More than a dozen waves of Mohist ‘square box’ tanks passed overhead!

Han Licheng gritted his teeth and drove, “Commander, I feel like we are lagging behind!”

Liu Di put his hands behind his head and looked up at the sky, “Get rid of the feeling.”

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