My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 566 Meeting teammates on the road

And Brother Liu.

You are on a ghost island, quietly waiting for the sunset.

from his perspective.

Kun Sang and Nuo E had already arrived at Yulia Village and were busy.

Several people unloaded four huge wooden boxes from a transport helicopter.

They were placed in four directions outside Yulia Village.

The moment the wooden box was opened, not only Kun Sang, but also Nuo E and the other three were slightly startled!

Among them, there are four humanoid robots!

The whole body exudes silver light, with a metal chest and metal arms, like a cold god of war!

Several people stared at the robot's face. Although it had no mouth, it could be seen from the outline of the eyes and the eyes that glowed with purple light.

The momentum of this robot is very similar to Mr. Liu Di!

But they saw these four robots slowly approaching the huge vines in Yulia Village.

In a moment, the intricate vines slowly wrapped the robots in them. The robots were hidden, silent and unable to be seen.

Like four statues, guarding Yulia’s four directions!

Liu Di's mind moved, and four robots that were exactly the same as Iron Emperor Seven started a unique program - Sentinel Mode.

soon after.

Kun Sang called, and there was laughter and joy.

Brother Liu asked: "How are the villagers?"

Kun Sang said happily: "Everything is fine, except that the braised eggs have become smaller, haha!"

Brother Liu hung up the phone and smiled happily.

Looking towards the sea, the day has passed and the sun has set again.

It's time to borrow.

3 hours later.

Brother Liu was walking around the innovative industrial city of Haishi.

Large technology companies are scattered here, and it can be said to be the core technology area of ​​Haishi.

Because there are few residences here, the streets are deserted at night.

Liu Di pretended to take a walk, but wherever he went, the city surveillance system failed.

After a moment, he came to the back of a large base. There was no one around. He glanced at the 3-meter-high wall behind him. Liu Di was just about to climb over, but his body stopped.

I saw a petite figure wearing night clothes, sneaking under the streetlight in the distance.

The man was holding a wall-climbing grappling hook in his hand and was about to throw it when he saw Brother Liu at the same time.

They looked at each other.

The figure actually slowly approached Brother Liu.

Brother Liu put his hands behind his back, only to see this man covering his face with a black cloth, revealing a pair of carefully trimmed eyebrows.


The figure put his fist to his mouth and said in a deep voice: "Brother, are you here to steal things too?"

Brother Liu scratched his head.

Due to circumstances and psychology, his actions just now must have been a bit obscene and others saw it.

"I said you were too unprofessional."

The shadow puffed up his chest, "You don't even have any equipment. How can you climb this wall by force?"

Brother Liu pursed his lips and said, "Since we are like-minded people, let's not interfere with each other. You can steal what's yours."


The shadow put his hands on his hips and said, "I see that you are quite poor. You are probably a novice. I will take you flying."


This man seemed to be heartless and even pulled off his mask.

"You are a junior, and I can't be shabby even if we meet each other with my true face. I won't change my name or surname when I go down, and I will be nicknamed "The Rogue Liang Shangfei", so that's the Jade-Faced Man!"

I saw that this man had fair and delicate skin, small facial features, and a pair of crystal clear eyes.

It's just that there are two mustaches on his lips, which look out of place.

Brother Liu sighed slightly.

Return the jade-faced man.

The beard looks fake at first glance. Like all costume films, a man puts on a beard and starts to disguise himself as a woman.

Anyone who cannot see this is a fool.

This man pretended to be bold and put his arm around Brother Liu's shoulders, and said domineeringly: "To tell you the truth, you may not think that I am planning to climb over the wall to enter today, but my brother is actually a high-level player."

Brother Liu laughed, "What kind of advanced method?"

The jade-faced man looked cautious for a moment and whispered: "My brother is actually a hacker, the kind of Internet thief who sees the beginning but never the end."


Brother Liu let out a long exclamation, "What about you today?"


The jade-faced man waved his hand, "Brother, I made a bet with people in the club to hack into the server of this research institute. As a result, they don't need an external network!"

"So, I had no choice but to take action myself and put a Trojan in the server!"

"I guess you don't understand either!"

"Anyway, I'm not here to steal anything, I just want to leave something here!"

"I deign to take you with me, so you can just steal some property!"

"We are not on the same level!"

Brother Liu nodded blankly, "Then let's break it up after the theft, and no one should report the crime?"

The jade-faced man nodded, "Bingo!"

Brother Liu shook his head again.

Although the 'Jade-faced Man' has two beards on his face, it does not affect the devil boy's face recognition.

This 22-year-old girl has a pretty nice name.

Shangguan Rouge.

Shangguan Jun, the only daughter of the head of China's top financial group.

A top student from a top overseas university, a certified top pianist, a top equestrian, a top golfer, good at programming, and loves outdoor extreme sports!

Along with the information, there are photos of Shangguan Rouge looking heroic while riding a horse.

There’s also the moment when she’s wearing a miniskirt and swinging a golf club.

Her figure, appearance, and temperament are all one-of-a-kind.

I have to say that this little girl's true appearance is definitely that of a seductive little fairy.

As for the society she was talking about, it was an organization composed of a group of young hackers named Mr.

Brother Liu sighed again.

Look at this willful and crazy rich second generation again.

Nan Ruoyi's figure appeared inexplicably in his mind. The two people were somewhat similar. They were both born in wealthy families and looked like good girls in the eyes of outsiders.

In fact, the personality is outrageous.


This is an official brain research base behind her. She is going to plant a Trojan horse. Is this okay?

If not for hacking nearby cameras.

She's probably been arrested by now!

Even if he is not caught, it will take less than three days for someone to investigate and find out the truth.

For some reason, Brother Liu was ready to indulge this little goblin for once.

As she walked around the base, she mistakenly thought that a Trojan horse had been released and left with peace of mind.

"Okay, let's cooperate today."

Brother Liu smiled softly.

"Well, that's right!"

Shangguan Yanzhi took out his grappling hook again, swung it slightly, and stared at the wall.

"Brother, keep your eyes open, watch out for my methods!"


The grappling hook came out of his hand, and with a clang, it was firmly hooked on the wall. Shangguan Yanzhi tugged hard to confirm that the rope was firm, and smiled proudly.

"Brother, did you see it? How is it?"


Shangguan Yanzhi turned around in confusion, "Where's the person?"

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