My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 564: Fooling the Ghost

In the morning.

A press conference is being held in the large conference room of the Gemini Building.

Nearly 300 domestic and foreign mainstream media reporters have visited, their faces full of excitement.

For them, this is a big international news.

8 major international Internet companies have joined Gemini Software to jointly develop the global market!

This is almost no surprise.

Soon, a phenomenal software that accommodates and connects global customers will be born!

At this time.

Gemini Technical Director, Ruan Liangji stepped onto the stage.

Behind him are the heads of the 8 major Internet companies.

Ruan Liangji cleared his throat and suppressed the emotions in his heart.

Even standing here, he still felt like he was dreaming!

How could he, a small programmer, speak for Gemini?

How could he, an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary, open this historic scene?

"Hello, everyone."

As soon as Ruan Liangji spoke, the scene was silent, with only countless flashes, almost blinding people's eyes!

"I am honored to solemnly announce to everyone that Gemini is about to enter the world!"

Thunderous applause!

Ruan Liangji raised his head, "I can't even believe it, but I have to believe it. Gemini is the greatest software I have ever seen. Every code of it exudes an extremely dazzling light."

"I know very well that Gemini can be what it is today, thanks to one person, that is our boss Emperor San, he is simply indescribable."

The scene was quiet again.

The reporters were also curious. In such an occasion, Gemini's behind-the-scenes boss Emperor San was unwilling to show up?

No wonder!

He is known as a genius in business, programming, and investment. People who can achieve this level are probably not normal!

Maybe he has social phobia.

Super geniuses from ancient times to the present are almost all like this!

"Of course, there is another person who has made an indelible contribution to the development of Gemini."

Ruan Liangji continued, but his tone was obviously much lower at this time, "He is our Ajia General."

"In the past hundreds of days and nights, Ajia General has been with us."

Ruan Liangji said this, raised his head sadly, but his expression froze!

He saw a figure in a black suit standing quietly outside the glass door of the meeting in the distance, staring at him.

Ajia General? ? ?

Ruan Liangji rubbed his eyes quickly and looked again.

But he found that there was no one there.


Ruan Liangji smiled bitterly, "You see, I miss too much and have hallucinations."

The reporters were also confused.

Just listen to Ruan Liangji continue: "Mr. Zhang Tianjia is the most dedicated, enthusiastic, and easy to get along with person I have ever seen."

He paused again when he said this!

His eyes suddenly widened!

I saw a figure in a black suit outside the glass door, slowly floating by, and moving sideways!

And that face was none other than Ajia with an evil smile!


Ruan Liangji rubbed his eyes again!

The figure disappeared!

Click, click, click!

Flashlights flashed continuously, and a Chinese reporter said sadly: "Director Ruan, we can fully understand your mood, but you have to control your emotions and finish your speech."

Ruan Liangji nodded in a daze, and continued: "Mr. Zhang Tianjia, he has helped me a lot, if I hadn't met him, huh?!"

Outside the door of the conference room, Ajia's figure moved sideways again!

Ruan Liangji felt a little numb!

This illusion is too real!

I guess it's because I was too excited these days and didn't get enough rest!

Ruan Liangji tried to calm down again!

"In short, Mr. Zhang Tianjia is my lifelong friend and one of the best people I have ever seen!"

As he said, Ruan Liangji scanned the audience, "Next, let me explain to everyone the future strategy of the twins, huh??"

The black shadow appeared again!

After Ruan Liangji widened his eyes, the figure disappeared again!

This hallucination is not over yet, and it is necessary to go to the hospital next!

Then, Ruan Liangji lowered his head to look at the information in his hand, and dared not look at the door again.

But during the speech.

Ruan Liangji still couldn't help it a few times, and sneaked a peek at the door of the conference room!

Fortunately, Ajia's ghost did not appear again!

Half an hour later, the press conference ended perfectly, and the reporters returned with satisfaction. The information obtained today was enough to shock the world!

Ruan Liangji refused the subsequent banquet.

He returned to the office in a daze.

As soon as he pushed the door, he was stunned!

But he saw Ajia with blue light all over his body, floating in the air!

There was an angel halo on his head.

Ruan Liangji was horrified, took three steps back, and almost fell!

Then, he looked closely, "Oh my God! Who is so boring to scare me with a void projection!"

Ruan Liangji walked slowly into the room, cursing, "These little bastards always make fun of Ajia, they are really disrespectful!"


A young man in a black suit walked in and turned off the switch of the sky screen projection.

Ruan Liangji tugged at his uncomfortable tie and slowly sat on the sofa, "Thank you."

The figure in the black suit said, "You're welcome."


Ruan Liangji nodded, his pupils suddenly dilated, "Yeah!!!"

The next moment, Ruan Liangji's whole body stiffened.

The man in the black suit slowly walked over and patted Ruan Liangji on the shoulder, "If I hadn't died this time, I really wouldn't know how great I am in your heart, hehe."


Ruan Liangji's body twitched, and he was about to roll his eyes.

The man in the black suit raised his hand to help him pinch his philtrum, "The press conference was well done."


"I'm not dead!"


"Liangji, issue a statement to the public later, saying that the news is wrong!"


"Ghost you, you want me dead so much, do you want to usurp the throne?"


One hour later.

A statement from Gemini caused another sensation.

'The news of Mr. Zhang Tianjia's death is wrong, he was in a coma after a car accident, and just woke up today!'

The Emperor Three account also sent a message: "I'm glad that Ajia is fine, relieved."

Netizens were in an uproar.

While secretly cursing the media for making up stories, everyone was also happy!

Only Duan Hua's face twitched.

What a Liudi kid, it turned out that he played this trick, making Ajia fake his death, showing off his power!

I have to say, this trick is quite high, who will dare to mess with Gemini in the future?

But it almost fooled me!

And your statement is so careless and misleading!

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