My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 560 Returning Home

On the sea coast

After 283 figures appeared, they instantly attracted the attention of all ‘Qiu Beiming’

Because this triggered the instinctive reaction of these hypnotized subjects, which is to survive!

Compared with the introverted Liu Di, 283 figures look more like a demon god, exuding a fearful sense of crisis.

The 'Qiu Beiming' roared angrily, and their aura surged. As H-level or even J-level transformers, they launched with all their strength, which was extremely terrifying!

They were hypnotized, a little dull, and when they pounced on them fiercely, it was like a zombie siege!

But what greeted them was a force that they were completely unable to contend with!

283 figures, any one of them, with one move, the mountains and the earth will collapse, tearing those 'Qiu Beiming' apart, or smashing them into flesh with a punch!

It's completely a one-sided crushing

Fortunately, it's dark here and there are no people around.

Otherwise, if anyone sees it, they won’t think that those ‘Qiu Beiming’ are H+ modified people.


The 283 figure is more like an H+ modified person, ravaging the ordinary people who call themselves 'Qiu Beiming'!

Brother Liu looked at the crowds of people and felt in a trance.

They have become stronger, and very strong!

It is difficult to judge the level of their transformation

why is that? !

Brother Liu didn't take action

There is no need for him to take action

5 minutes later, the ground was in a mess, and 283 figures slowly approached

A hundred meters behind Brother Liu, there was a street light that was not very bright.

When the light reaches him, it is regarded as the boundary

283 people gathered in front of him, and a figure stepped out of the darkness and walked into the light

Brother Liu's heart trembled

Complex emotions flooded into my heart. They were still wearing the same camouflage uniforms as when they were buried.

But it's in tatters

The once fatal wound is still broken

The scars have miraculously healed, and the new flesh and blood are glowing with green light.

"Red Eyebrow"

Liu Di looked at the man with red eyebrows in front of him. The color on his face was far less than that of ordinary people.

Even very pale

Moreover, his eyes were gray-white and dull. Although he was face to face with Brother Liu, he was looking straight into the distance.

Brother Liu felt strange and confused.

The ‘Qiu Beiming’ just now seemed like zombies besieging them

As everyone knows, the 283 people at this time look more like zombies!

"Mr. Liu"

The red-browed man returned in a low voice

"Brother, what happened before?"

Liu Di took a step forward and put his hand on the man's arm. Then he felt relieved because he could feel the slight heat coming from the other man's body.

"Mr. Liu, I can't remember clearly."

The big man remained motionless and said dullly: "I just remembered that I wanted to come find you."

Brother Liu frowned, "How did you come back?"

"Come here"

The big man replied dully

Brother Liu was shocked, and then he took a closer look at the big man's face. His face was already swollen, and the corners of his mouth had shed layers of skin, including his palms, which were also frighteningly swollen.

Brother Liu looked at the boundless sea behind him

He knew that the bodies of the soldiers were caused by long-term immersion!

Could it be that they really came all the way from the bottom of the sea?

Demon Boy: "Their physical condition is not good, they are running in a weird way, and their energy and calories are extremely low."

Brother Liu nodded slowly

Looking at the 283 figures behind him, his eyes flashed and the corners of his eyes trembled.

After a moment of silence, Brother Liu said softly: "Brothers, just come back. Come on, come home with me."

283 people all looked into the distance without answering.

But the red-browed man responded in a low voice, "Okay."

At this time, a beam of car lights passed by

A Mercedes-Benz stopped on the side of the road, but it was Heidina who got out of the car with Dasha.

Heidina walked closer and looked at the 283 strange figures. She was stunned for a moment and said, "Mr. Liu, the people are here."

"Huh? What a strong smell of blood."

At the bottom of the sea, look towards the dark shore in the distance

But Brother Liu stepped forward, held her shoulders, and forced her to look at the car, "You are tired too, go to bed early."

Heidina was pushed away by Brother Liu and frowned: "Mr. Liu's people look weird, do you want them?"

Brother Liu smiled softly, "It's okay, we are all friends."

Hetina reluctantly gave in and left in the car.

Daisha came to a group of big men and said with a smile: "You guys are walking so slowly."

The big men still said nothing and looked into the distance

But the next moment

Sirens blared in the distance, and a police car roared in with its lights on!

A beautiful female police officer and a capable young police officer slowly got out of the car with their hands on their waists.

"I got the call, there's a fight here!"

But when the two of them looked through the car lights, they saw stumps lying on the coastline.

The policewoman immediately covered her mouth and retched while squatting!

The male policeman's expression changed drastically, he took out his gun and pointed it at Brother Liu tremblingly, "Don't even move!"

Immediately, he took out his walkie-talkie and said, "Headquarters, main station, along the coastline of the coastal area, a major case has occurred, please support us!"


Several police cars patrolling around rushed over.

When several police officers saw the scene in front of them, their faces were horrified!

Seven or eight guns were immediately pointed at Brother Liu!

Brother Liu clasped his hands behind his back and whispered, "Where's Duan Hua?"

"Sir Duan?"

Several policemen were stunned at first, and then shouted: "Don't talk to me about the leadership. No one can protect you in this situation. Follow me back to the station!"

Brother Liu looked calm, "I'm sorry, as long as I'm here, the soldiers won't go anywhere."

"If you don't cooperate, we'll shoot!"

Brother Liu looked back at the sea in the distance, "Let's drive."


The police officer frowned, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and his finger had just pressed hard on the trigger.


A huge ship whistle sounded

I saw a large transport ship coming from the distant sea, riding the wind and waves at a very fast speed!

All the policemen were stunned!

The ship has reached shallow water but does not slow down!


The front part of the ship had run aground, but it still used its inertia to crush the rocks on the seaside and came directly in front of everyone!

The police officers looked at the behemoth in front of them and were stunned!

Is this their escape method?

It’s crazy, half of this ship is stranded and it can’t continue sailing!

Then an escalator stretched out from above the ship

More than 200 big men slowly boarded the ship

When Brother Liu slowly walked up the stairs as the last person,


A policeman finally shoots!

But I saw Brother Liu waving his arm as fast as an afterimage, and with a burst of black light and a "ding" sound, the bullet was forcibly changed its trajectory.

"Sorry, Commander Duan will explain everything to you."

Watching the man in the white shirt slowly board the ship, the escalator was put away

Several police officers looked stunned!

"It doesn't matter, this ship can't move anymore, we'll wait for support to arrive!"

As everyone knows

As soon as he finished speaking, a little fat man with dark skin jumped from the hull of the ship which was nearly 10 meters away!

He glanced at the police officer naively

He turned around and put his hands on the bow of the ship!


A police officer's eyes widened.

But he saw the fat little black man baring his teeth and starting to exert strength in his arms!


The half-stranded ship was pushed by him alone!

Sparks flew everywhere under the ship's hull, and the rocks shattered.

In an instant, the ship returned to the water, its whistle blew, and it broke through the waves!

Several police officers were stunned on the spot!

What kind of criminals are these!

Immediately, 12 nautical miles away, they saw a small island as small as a firefly.

A sudden awakening!

That little black fat guy is Tu Yuan!


It's the punisher!

That man in white can order the punisher. Could he be

Several people were shocked and froze on the spot!

Only one person took out his phone and dialed the Hai City SWAT team directly!

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