My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 559 God-killing Plan

"Pope Tongguo, are you sure you have such technology?"

Daying Tongguo suddenly opened his eyes and asked

Other countries have also seen it

If everything Pope said is true

Emperor Wu's power relies on external forces. So, wouldn't this mecha, which is far stronger than human physique, have the opportunity to end Emperor Wu's undefeated myth and break his arrogance and do whatever he wants?

"I am very sure"

"And with the progress of research and development, its various indicators are only higher but not lower!"


Pope narrowed his eyes, "I'm not as stupid as Repp. I must collect the data of the Emperor Five in detail to ensure nothing goes wrong!"

The Tongguo of the island country was a little confused, "How do you collect this? Your killer died with one punch!"


Pope turned and looked at the surveillance screen!

But the screen changed, and the shooting angle shook slightly. The camera seemed to be mounted on a person!

At this time, Liu Di, who was on the coastline,

Holding the body of 'Qiu Beiming' in his hand, he also frowned slightly.

This guy is covered in force sensors!

Like a living target, specially used to test the striking power!

Don’t wait for Brother Liu to continue thinking


There was a slight noise, like stones rolling

I saw a figure slowly walking out from behind the reef in the distance

The figure lowered his head with a gloomy expression, "I, Qiu Beiming!"

But Brother Liu ignored him and looked at him slightly.

Because, behind Brother Liu, there was a voice

It was also a young man with a gloomy face. He said, "I am Qiu Beiming!"

Blah blah blah!

The sound of footsteps kept coming from the distance all around!

Bustling figures approaching!

They have different faces, some are male and some are female!

They all looked gloomy and dull, repeating one sentence in their mouths!

"I, Qiu Beiming!"

"I, Qiu Beiming!"

Hundreds of people spoke in unison, creating a coordinated momentum!

The air around is shaking faintly!

Brother Liu saw it really clearly!

Each of these people is covered with strength testers!

You led me here, it turned out that you had set up an ambush!

Brother Liu smiled calmly!

And the Montanguo Office

Visitors from all over the world felt their scalps go numb when they saw it!

The crowds and crowds of people surrounding Emperor Wu were all at least H-level!

The highest level is J level!

There are as many as 200 people!

"My Emperor! J level!"

The ruler of the island nation tugged at what little hair he had left, "With so many transformed people, we can already dominate the world!"


Deyi Tongguo also looked horrified, "Pope Tongguo! Your strength is simply unimaginable. I think this is not as simple as collecting data on Emperor 5, but a question of whether Emperor 5 can survive the siege!"


Pope looked at the surveillance screen and sneered, "I really don't want the Emperor Five to die like this. Otherwise, wouldn't my God-Slayer have no opponent?"

And brother Liu

Then he looked at the densely packed and powerful transformed people who were surrounding him, standing with their hands behind their backs!


He frowned slightly!

Staring at the surveillance camera on the chest of one of them, ‘Qiu Beiming’

Brother Liu spoke in a low voice, "I don't like war, and I don't like death. I only give you this last chance!"


Everyone in Pope's office gasped in unison!

Emperor Wu's flashing purple eyes, even though they were thousands of miles away, came from the surveillance camera, still made them wet with cold sweat for a moment!

"What's so scary?"

Pope snorted coldly, "He is in Huaxia Haishi now and is surrounded by my heavy troops. Can he still hurt you through the screen?"

Everyone suddenly came back to their senses and relaxed!

But the good times don't last long

Just listen to the exclamation coming from the mecha manufacturing base outside the window!

Boom boom boom!

The sound of broken steel bars and cables kept coming!

Everyone looked sideways and were immediately horrified!

I saw the white mecha, the god-killing horn in Pope's mouth, suddenly his eyes glowed!


The aerodynamic sound came, and the God Killer slowly turned its head!

Bang bang!

Immediately, the steel brackets holding the God Killer collapsed!

Many researchers became unstable and fell from high platforms!



The God Killer suddenly took steps without human control!

The earth shook!

A head the size of a house looked towards Tongguo's office through the glass window!

Its eyes are scarlet matrix lights!

Everyone was stunned for a moment!

I want to run, but I can't move!

"Pope, what's going on!"

"What is it going to do?!"

I saw the God Killer leaning back slightly, raising his fist, and using his back elbow to knock the wall of the manufacturing base apart!


The huge fist of the God Killer came through the air!


Walls shattered, glass shattered!

All this happened so fast that no one had time to react!

I can only watch the white fist getting closer and closer!

Pope just said, what is its power?

Thousands of secrets! ! !


The floor and ceiling in the office were smashed to pieces by fists!

A gust of strong wind blew everyone's faces out of the waves!

But just before a room full of people were about to turn into pulp, the God Killer's fist suddenly stopped!

Pope's face is only 10 centimeters away from the iron fist!

His face turned pale for a moment, as if his soul had left his body!


But I heard a cold snort from Brother Liu coming from the surveillance screen!


Pope fell to his knees directly, his whole body shaking like chaff!

at the same time

Some technicians risked their lives to cut off the energy supply of the God Killer!

Outsiders don’t know

At this time, a voice sounded in Pope's head: "Pope, I told you to use an independent network, but you are arrogant."

Pope's face twitched, "I didn't expect that he had such ability!"

"But he didn't kill me, I still have a chance!"

"I will cut off all Internet connections immediately!"

"From now on, I will listen to you in everything, my dear president!"

Blah blah blah!

There were panicked sounds in the house

"Emperor Wu knows we are here!"

I saw a few foreign visitors who almost peed their pants. They looked at the huge fist in horror, holding on to the wall, getting up with difficulty, and trying to escape.

"Don't panic!"

Pope slowly turned his head, "It was just a network invasion. The control of the God Killer has been regained, and Emperor Five himself is still besieged by 200 of my transformers!"

Everyone was shocked and looked at the surveillance screen tremblingly.

I saw Brother Liu's ghostly purple eyes staring coldly at him

A few words were clearly expressed - there will be no next time!

Everyone's bodies trembled again!

Have you exposed yourself? !

Immediately, they pinned their hopes on those 200 terrifying reformers. If they could kill Emperor Five on the spot, then everything would no longer be a problem!

But the next moment

Their creepy side appears

I saw Brother Liu behind his back

The waves on the sea under the dark night were like ink, so dark and seeping!

Suddenly, a wave faded away

A dark head was revealed, followed by his broad shoulders and majestic body!

He stepped on the waves, the seawater flowed from his shoulders, and his eyes glowed with green light.

It's like a sea god coming to the shore!

As he moved forward, figures appeared one after another in the rolling waves!

Each one is 3 meters tall, and their muscular outlines are explosive!

He also has a pair of eyes glowing green!

In the blink of an eye, the majestic figures on the coastline are densely packed

Although it is quiet, it is full of arrogance!

Compared with those 'Qiu Beiming', it's like one is in the sky and the other is on the ground!

The foreign heads of state in front of the screen were suddenly horrified!

What is this?

Visitors from the bottom of the sea, or sea monsters? !

At this time, the first figure walking out of the sea approached one of the 'Qiu Beiming'

'Qiu Beiming' roared and attacked the figure!

But I saw the figure stretching out his arms like lightning!

He grabbed the modified man's neck and crushed it to pieces with a click!

This 'Qiu Beiming''s eyes popped out, he kicked his feet fiercely a few times, and then stopped moving!


The heads of state who had just regained some color in front of the screen turned pale again!

It’s so scary, who are these people!

However, Liu Di on the screen also sensed something strange behind him and was slightly startled.

Then, he narrowed his eyes and heard a click!

In Tongguo's office, all the monitoring screens from hundreds of angles were turned off!

The heads of state looked confused!

The moment before the scene disappeared, they heard the sound of bones breaking and howling!

The air was silent for a minute, and everyone's backs were soaked with sweat.

Immediately, one person reacted first and ran for his life!

The remaining people were also frightened, no longer caring, and stumbled out!

"Pope, you'd better recognize the reality!"

"Those Emperor Five's men crushed an H-class to death with one hand. They are not human at all!"

One of them collapsed and shouted

And Pope is like falling into an ice cave!

Brother Liu on the coast turned his head in confusion.

Looking at the figures on the coastline, my eyes flashed

The image of the devil boy comes

Liu Di's body stiffened instantly, but there seemed to be a surge of blood in his heart, and the haze that had shrouded his heart for a long time suddenly dissipated.

My eyes are getting wet uncontrollably again!

His voice was trembling, and he murmured softly: "There is no shortage of 281, 282, and 283, they are all back."

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