My right eye is a god-level computer

56. The strong do not need to prove themselves

The top floor of Rongteng Building.

Liu Di and Ajia chatted for two hours.

Start with the online promotion of ‘prize betting’.

By the time the Gemini app was launched, it had gained 600 million users.

Then launch the ‘interests’ function.

Of course, Liu Di hid the part about the devil boy.

Liu Di told Ajia that he independently completed the development of Gemini and received angel investment from an old banker.

Then, he bought the top three floors of Rongteng Building.

Gemini is so popular online.

Ah Jia not only knew about it before, but was also a loyal Gemini user! What's more.

Ah Jia was originally a talented student at Haishi University of Commerce, so he naturally knew the commercial value of the Gemini app! However, I heard Brother Liu’s step-by-step narration.

Ah Jia's mouth opened wider and wider! I couldn't close my mouth for a whole hour and a half! I don’t know how many gusts of wind on the 89th floor I swallowed! In Ah Jia’s words, the marketing thinking in Liu Di’s head must be summarized in Chinese and English! That's it - awesome! "Comrade Zhang Tianjia, since you have become the founder CEO, you must have a good horse and a good saddle, right?" Liu Di asked with a smile.

Ah Jia came back from his daze, looked at the 200-yuan shirt he was wearing, and said blankly: "You're right, I have to find some time to buy an outfit.

"I happen to have a vacant villa and a Lamborghini. I'll ask someone to deliver them to you later."

Brother Liu said calmly.

Ten minutes ago, he had sent a message to Black Fox, asking them to deliver the villa keys and sports car that Liu Di won from Huang Mao in the underground casino to Rongteng Building.

"Villa...Lamborghini...idle?" Ah Jia looked at Liu Di blankly and squeezed out a few words from his throat.

“Yeah, idle.

"Then, Brother Liu patted Ah Jia, who was already dazed on the rooftop, and left first.

He knew that Ah Jia might need a few days to digest this time! People never think of it.

In the future, Zhang Tianjia, a big man in the world's science and technology field, was envied.

It was on the rooftop of this small Haishi Rongteng Building that I started my journey as a builder in confusion! certainly.

It was with the help of the mysterious man who was always regarded as a god by Ajia and whose pseudonym was Di San! ...20 minutes later.

Brother Liu drove a luxury car slowly on the streets of Haishi.

Yan Qingwen, who was sitting in the back seat, always looked gloomy.

Inviting Diyi to help promote the group's new products.

Because Ouyang Fengyu suddenly disrupted the situation, it is now unresolved.

This made Yan Qingwen, who had accepted such an important task for the first time, frown! "Brother Liu, stop for a moment.

"Yan Qingwen's voice suddenly came.

Brother Liu asked doubtfully: "You haven't arrived at the manor yet?" "Don't worry, I have to do something for you first today.

Yan Qingwen raised his head and said softly: "Father will prepare a banquet in the manor in four days. There will be several young elites and big shots from the older generation attending."

"My father means that you should accompany me."

" Yan Qingwen hesitated for a moment, then continued: "I know you only have this kind of clothes..." "But for that occasion, it might be a bit inappropriate for you to dress so casually.

"I don't mean anything else..." "I know them to some extent, and they always like to judge people by their appearance..." "I'm afraid that you will be looked down upon."

Yan Qingwen pointed to a very high-end handmade suit shop outside the window, squeezed out a smile and said: "This is the top suit shop in Hai City. I want to give you a suit."

""Oh, I see.

Liu Di nodded thoughtfully, "For the time being, I will consider this matter as your consideration for me. Thank you!" "But..." "A banquet for a wealthy family like yours is always a competition between the weak and the strong."

"If you are really weak, no matter how you disguise it, you will still be scorned by others."

"If some of the best among them rely on their own superiority to look down on others, then he is not worthy of respect!" "For the sake of Mr. Yan, I will naturally attend, but my brother Liu is still graceful and elegant no matter he is in rags."

"Those who respect me, I will respect in return."

"Those who insult me ​​will be punished by me!" "I won't pay attention to the intrigues of a few wealthy children!" Yan Qingwen let out a long sigh, "Brother Liu, can you not be so extreme?" Even if something happens, my father and I will protect you at that time. I just want you to dress more formally! "Thank you for your kindness, but no need!" Brother Liu smiled faintly, "Miss Yan, remember, a strong person does not need to prove himself!" "Then, Brother Liu stepped on the accelerator, and the luxury car sped away.

Didn't stop at the suit shop at all! In the back seat, Yan Qingwen was so angry that her chest felt tight.

But he still tried hard to adjust his emotions.

"Brother Liu, it doesn't matter if you don't want clothes. I have also prepared a gift for you. I hope you can accept it.

""Um? "Brother Liu is really confused! Did this woman take the wrong medicine today? Behind her, an open box was slowly handed over.

In the box, at the end of a simple black cord is a crystal clear white pearl.

Even during the day.

This bead still glowed with an imperceptible light.

It seems weak, but there is a power that seems to never go out.

Liu Di curled his lips and said, "This thing is worth a lot of money at first glance. Do you want to bribe me? Did you feel guilty a little late?" "You are right, this bead is indeed worth a lot of money! "Because it's called the 'Eternal Eye,' and there's only one in the world!" Yan Qingwen's expression suddenly darkened, and she whispered, "Brother Liu, I've been thinking a lot about you these days."

"The reason why you have so many strange behaviors and strong behaviors..." "Is it because of your despair?" Brother Liu was stunned when he heard this, "This woman named Yan, what are you talking about?" "Even if you pretend nothing happened every day."

“That fact cannot be concealed after all.

Yan Qingwen said in a low voice, "Your eyes are going to go blind."

"Uh... Brother Liu was speechless for a moment! This woman can really imagine that the eye disease has been cured by the devil boy, and she has almost forgotten it! "Brother Liu, I hope you don't lose confidence.

"There's not much I can do. I give you this 'Eye of Immortality'."

"The only precious thing about it is that no matter how long it is buried, it will never be extinguished!" "I sincerely hope that you, like it, will never fall into darkness!" "Hiss... Yan Qingwen's unexplained words really gave Brother Liu goosebumps.

Slightly moved.

"You are such an annoying woman, put your things down!"

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