My right eye is a god-level computer

55.CEO, Argentine Primera Division!

Penguin Group Headquarters.

In the huge conference room, the top management of the entire group gathered.

The atmosphere was unusually depressing.

Li Daode, who is the vice president of the entire group's business, frowned at this time.

On the big screen is a 30-page analysis of the new features of the Gemini app.

"Mr. Li, this new feature of Gemini has transformed Gemini's customer service from one-to-one to one-to-many!" "The attraction of their products is not only to find close friends, but also to increase the number of customers with the same interests. "This ability of groups to attract each other is very scary!" "This function has only been launched for 30 minutes, and their number of users has surged again! It's not far from catching up with us!" !" Li Daode stretched out his hand and stopped his subordinate's report impatiently, "Have you found out the company behind this Gemini?" "Remember http://" found out, the registrant's name is Di San, the company address. Located in the CBD building of Rongteng Building.

"A secretary-looking person reported immediately.

"Di San... I haven't heard of him. He is most likely a newcomer!" "And their company is currently not profitable, so they probably don't have sufficient funds.

Li Daode thought for a moment and said loudly: "Vice President Situ."

""I am here.

"Go, go to their company for an interview!" Since we can't copy their technology, then go and negotiate an acquisition for me! "I will give you 5 billion, no, 10 billion license rights!" "Give me money and smash it down!" "No one can or dares to refuse my Penguin Group's acquisition!" "Hearing this amount, the middle-aged man known as Vice President Situ was stunned, and suddenly felt a lot of pressure! He nodded solemnly, "Mr. Li, don't worry, I promise to win! "...At this moment, in front of the Rongteng Building.

Liu Di, who was watching the data, was suddenly tapped on the shoulder! Ah Jia quietly walked around behind Brother Liu and was about to take Brother Liu into his arms.

Suppressing his smile, he exerted all his strength! "Eh...shall I go?" Ah Jia almost tripped over! Brother Liu just stood there casually.

Why is this body like a javelin, as stable as a mountain, and motionless? "Brother Liu, you have a good body!" Ah Jia glared.

Looking at Ajia, who seemed to be rejuvenated with new life, Liu Di smiled and said: "I happened to exercise recently, and you have also regressed!" "That's nonsense!" Ajia said, scratching his head and looking up at the more than 80-story Rongteng Building in front of him. , "You told me to open a company, wouldn't it be here? The rent here is very expensive!" "You will know after I come to see you.

"Brother Liu smiled mysteriously and started to take steps.

After entering the elevator, Liu Di directly pressed the 87th floor.

Ah Jia sighed: "Dear boy, the floor you chose is really high!" Arriving on the 87th floor, rows of offices lined both sides of the road, with huge floor-to-ceiling windows and a broad view.

Makes you feel inexplicably cheerful! These offices have not yet been occupied, and there are only scattered workers working on some details.

The two walked through the long and narrow corridor.

Brother Liu didn't squint his eyes.

Ah Jia kept sighing and admiring - who can afford such a good office? "Ah Jia, I am working on an Internet project, which is about instant messaging.

“Also, the first version has been completed and went online yesterday.

"Ajia also became serious for a moment after hearing Brother Liu's introduction.

Liu Di continued: "What you have to do is to organize personnel and do daily maintenance and reception.

"As for me, I don't want to disclose my identity to the outside world for the time being, so I will leave it to you to make my public appearance in the future."

"Our company has no shortage of funds, technology, and personnel. You can rest assured of all of this."

Ah Jia's eyes became more and more surprised, "Brother Liu, you're not joking."

"Of course not, brother, I am very strong!" "Brother Liu smiled.

"Very strong? How strong is it?" At this time, the two of them had already walked through the 87th floor and reached the 88th floor through the stairwell.

Liu Di smiled as if he was wandering in the market: "We are strong enough to refuse all the venture capital companies, fund companies, and large groups that want to acquire us. !" Ah Jia laughed, "Brother, it's good to have entrepreneurial dreams, but it's your fault to brag!" The two continued walking and came to the 89th floor, a vast room.

Liu Di curled his lips and said: "Once these companies come to your door, you will be the one to deal with it. I will not show up unless it is absolutely necessary!" "You are still poor!" Ah Jia looked around the office environment in front of him and was in a good mood. , “Let’s try to move into such a big office first.

Liu Di smiled softly: "We have agreed that you will be the CEO of this company from now on, and I will be the director behind the scenes. I will do nothing but count the money!" "You boy!" Our small start-up company still has so many useless positions! The CEO is just a brick, move it wherever it is needed! The CEO is Ajia, the secretary is also Ajia, and the cleaning lady is also Ajia! Ha ha! "Years of friendship have left no barrier between the two! Under the laughter, the two came to the vast rooftop rooftop.

It's the size of a football field.

Equipped with a helipad, a miniature golf course, and a suspended swimming pool! It’s so arrogant! "Tsk, tsk! The capital of all evil!" Although Ah Jia was cursing, his eyes were full of longing! "Ajia, have we known each other for seven years?" Liu Di continued to walk: "You are one of the few people in this world that I can completely trust.

"Of course, you are also the person who has always supported me most unconditionally. No matter when I am at my peak or at my trough, you have never underestimated me!" "Nonsense, who else can do this to you except me?" "As soon as you gave me a fucking call, I dropped my pants and ran over!" Ajia blinked his wet eyes, "You kid, stop being sensational here and say what you have to say. Isn't the money enough? My 150,000 The savings are ready and can be received at any time!" Liu Di pursed his lips and nodded, "I will tell you the company's financial account number later, you can do it yourself!" Of course Ajia's money is not needed! The founder's company's financial account has already been registered by Motong, and 5 billion in working capital has been transferred! "I have compiled a document about the company's business and future plans and sent it to your mailbox. Even if you are a top student like this from Hainan University, it will be enough for you to chew on for a few days.

Brother Liu said again.

"You are really fast, you got me online so quickly!" the two said, and came to the edge of the terrace together.

In front of you, the entire sea city scenery is unobstructed and magnificent! "correct.

Ah Jia, who was leaning on the railing, suddenly turned his head and asked, "You just led me blindly up three floors. Which one is our company?" Liu Di looked into the distance, pondered for a moment, and said with a smile: "All of them."

"Including the rooftop under our feet."

""What? ! "This is a whole three floors!" Ah Jia exclaimed! "What kind of company is your kid running?" Liu Di shrugged and said calmly: "The name of the company - Founder!" "There is currently only one product - Gemini!" "Damn it!" "Ajia exclaimed again, almost losing his footing and almost falling from the 89th floor!

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