My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 537 Financial Expert


I saw Hobbes kneeling directly beside the desk!

His face turned pale, "Who is Ah Jia? I didn't kill him!"


The surprise on Brother Liu's face disappeared in a flash!

Then his cold expression returned, "Ajia died miserably, and everyone in the Rothchaifei family has his blood on their hands!"

"So, you must pay the price!"

Hobbes' body trembled, "This superpower, please don't blame me for this. I was kidnapped!"

"Let me give you a suggestion. Before the empire notices it, you save me first. I have some personal property, and I can give it to you, 1 million euros! Then you and I will fly away!"

Brother Liu smiled disdainfully, "One million euros? Ah Jia's coffin board can't be held down!"

"I know what you want, I don't care about those shares at all!"

Hobbs's face twitched, "But you don't know that it will take a long time to hand over these shares. Moreover, these are the eight major international Internet companies, which attract much attention and cannot be hidden from the empire!"

Hobbes was speechless!

He has been used as a puppet for so long.

For the first time, I met a person with special abilities, and there is hope for escape!

I didn’t expect the other party to be so greedy!

The 8 major Internet companies that want empire?

Even if you get it, you won’t be able to enjoy it!

Brother Liu did not speak, but slowly looked sideways at the printer in the office.

The printer's light suddenly came on.

Then it started to operate, printing materials one by one like crazy!


The printer keeps running!

Hobbes followed Brother Liu's gaze and walked to the printer in a daze.

“Offshore trust contract?!”

"Confirmation letter of asset details?!"

Hobbes picked up the document and looked at it, and suddenly he was stunned!

A trust is a trust that entrusts your assets to a trust company for management.

You only retain certain dividend rights, and the hosting company has the right to operate and control it!

It is an independently operating asset and cannot be foreclosed or liquidated!

This is the method used by the rich to isolate assets!

Divorce from your wife, internal strife within the family, a trust can ensure that your assets are not taken away!

And this ‘offshore trust’ is even more comprehensive!

All hosting companies are overseas, and local countries have nothing to do with this model!

Brother Liu smiled slightly, "Yes, of course, the transfer of shares must be hidden from your so-called empire for the time being!"

Hobbes smiled stiffly and said, "Mr. Superpower, do you understand economic operations?"

"But it's no use!"

"If I trust my assets, the empire will also find out!"

"This move is too big!"

Liu Di shook his head slightly, "So, in the past 10 minutes, I registered 135 trust companies in 135 countries, and then divided your assets into 135 shares ranging from 01-06%!"

"How can this be?"

Hobbs stared, "Registering so many trust companies in such a short period of time? It's unrealistic!"

Brother Liu smiled calmly, "As long as the Internet speed is fast enough!"

"Moreover, I have made a detailed statistics of all the assets in your name and included them in the trust list."

"Including the mobile phone, suit, socks, etc. you are currently wearing, and"

Brother Liu raised his head slightly, "And 100% of Heshi's shares!"


Hobbes was stunned!

135 overseas trust companies around the world!

135 properties, and each one does not exceed 1%!

This kind of handover method is so subtle that no one is aware of it!

This method is simply incredible!

What kind of background does this superpower have that he can complete these procedures in such a short time!


The printer is still spitting out contracts like crazy!

This is really 135 contracts!

Hobbes was shocked beyond measure!

He picked up one and looked at it carefully!

‘anxibaaajia property trust company! ’

‘Registered place: Thurston Islands! ’

‘Everyone: Brother Liu! ’

‘The client, Hobbs Dahle, has handed over 056% of his personal assets to this company for management! ’

‘Licensing: 300 Years After the Death of Hobbes Dahler! ’

‘Entrusted income: 00000002%? ! ’

Hobbes' eyes bulged out!

Even if you die, you won’t let me go!

And it’s within the rules!

There are many bosses who use this method to preserve property for future generations!


This reward is almost nothing!

He quickly looked through other contracts!

This is probably the case, it's just that the name of the entrusting company is different, the place of registration is different, and the proportion of assets is different!

The only thing that is the same is that everyone - Brother Liu!

"Mr. Superpower, here you are!"

Hobbes was meditating with a bang in his mind!

This is how it works!

If you are not a professional, almost no one can understand it!

Heshi Investment controls more than 51% of the shares of 8 major Internet companies!

And this ‘Brother Liu’ will be in charge of Heshi through trust, which is the real behind-the-scenes controller of the eight largest Internet companies in the world!

It will be like this for at least 200 years after his death!

If you want to get your equity back, you have to deal with 135 independent countries, which is even harder than climbing to the sky!

But Liu Di said again: "I have already coordinated with 135 top law firms, as well as 135 countries' financial regulatory centers and justice centers."

"Next, you have to sign 405 documents and take some proof videos!"

Hobbes was already a little dizzy, "I can't believe that you are actually a financial expert! Your plan is so thorough!"

Brother Liu smiled slightly.

This descendant of the Golden Kingdom was afraid that his property would attract attention again, so the companies he acquired under his name all used puppets like Hobbes!

I think that if I station some genetic evolvers, I can firmly control the country!

But don't want to.

This kind of operation gave Brother Liu a huge opportunity to pick up mistakes!

The reason why Brother Liu operates in secret.

I don’t want to be interfered by the Rothschild family during the process!

Just waiting for the control of the eight major Internet companies to return to their hands.

Brother Liu can then take the next step boldly and safely to attract the Golden Kingdom to show up!

Pick up sesame and watermelon together!

Only children make choices!

Liu Di flexed his muscles slightly, "Sign these documents as soon as possible. The official time for each country to enter these procedures is about 24 hours. I will stay here!"

"This is impossible!"

"I can't possibly do this!"

Hobbes was already stupid at this time. He held the contract in his hand and his legs were shaking. "I can't sign! Even if you kill me now, I won't sign!"

"The Empire will find me, I will live a life worse than death, and your fate will be miserable! We can't fight them!"

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