Brother Liu frowned!

"Descendants of El Dorado, because they were plundered many times in history."

"So I have a deep hatred for this world!"

"They have huge funds and have super powers!"

"This is not something Ajia can face!"

at this time.

Master Tuo's voice came again, "Brother Liu, have you thought about how to establish your authority?"

Brother Liu nodded, his eyes stern, "Master Tuo, I've thought about it."

next moment.

Brother Liu said to the operating room: "Ajia, you have to die for a while first."

"Brother Liu, your sister!"

"Why should I die?"

Ah Jia regained some strength at this time and roared out.

Liu Di said in a deep voice: "Unless you die, I can't find a reason to establish your authority!"

Ah Jia seemed to understand something, but he was still unwilling to say: "I think I still need to rescue him!"

Brother Liu shook his head, "It's too late."

Little did I know.

Three minutes ago, the Gemini Emperor San account, which had been silent for a long time, posted an update!

‘I am very angry! ’

‘My close friend and partner, Mr. Zhang Tianjia, was framed and has died! ’

‘I promise to find out the mastermind and punish the murderer severely! ’

Di San’s account has hundreds of millions of fans!

Even just a few minutes can cause an uproar!

"What, Ajia is dead!"

"I saw it on the news. He was a very handsome young man. He had no airs and was smiling all day long!"

"What a shame, what's going on!"

"I heard there was an accident on the viaduct, and the sports car was burned beyond recognition!"

"Eight major international companies previously said they would attack Gemini. This must be vicious business competition!"

"They use such despicable means!"

"God is jealous of talents!"

"The Third Emperor is very angry!"

"His methods are unpredictable and he must avenge Ajia!"

Ah Jia has always appeared in the news media recently. His amiable personality has endeared him to many netizens, and he is also called Ah Jia!

Now that bad news suddenly came, netizens are filled with grief and anger!

And the Twin Towers!

When the employees heard the news, it was like a nightmare!


Ruan Liangji stood in the office with tears in his eyes, "Everyone's feelings are completely understandable, but we must do the job at hand now and protect the twins!"

"Boss Di San has intervened in Mr. Ajia's matter and will definitely give everyone a satisfactory answer!"

And the accident scene under the overpass.

Duan Hua looked depressed.

There is indeed gold on the ground!

But this scene

Duan Hua cursed in his heart, I knew that nothing good would happen if that boy came to me!

Suddenly, a subordinate came forward and whispered a few words in Duan Hua's ear.

Duan Hua suddenly turned pale.

He tremblingly looked at the two piles of minced meat and the headless corpse.

Somewhat choked up, he said, "Which one is Ah Jia?"

"It's over, it's over, Ah Jia is dead, that's okay, Brother Liu is going to break the truth!"

And in Lord Tuo’s free hospital.

Ah Jia is worthy of being an E-level reformer. After Master Tuo's treatment, he is no longer in serious trouble!

He looked at his mobile phone and was dumbfounded: "Well done! Do you think I'm going to die now? It's so beautiful!"

Brother Liu stepped forward and comforted him: "Ajia, you have been recuperating at Master Tuo's place recently. I have told your family the truth. As for the outside world, I will seize the time and bring you back to life as soon as possible."

Ah Jia was speechless, "Beautiful!"

Brother Liu turned around and left the hospital.

Running to a deserted and populated place, Silver Shuttle has already been waiting quietly!

He stepped on the silver shuttle and headed straight to the headquarters of European Hershey Investment Company!

2 hours later.

The silver shuttle hovers on the top of a skyscraper!

Brother Liu slowly entered the building!

Heshi Investment Company holds more than 50% of the shares of the world's eight largest Internet companies and a full 10-story office building!

But there are only three or two people, and they are all receptionists or typists!

It doesn’t look like a regular company at all!

Sure enough, having money is the last word!

Brother Liu went straight to the president's office!


He kicked the door open!

In the huge room, there was only one European young man with a horrified expression!

This man is none other than Hobbs Dahle, the president of Hess Company!

Brother Liu frowned slightly.

No need to think, this must be a puppet!

Liu Di sat across from him with an imposing manner, "Tell me, who is your behind-the-scenes instigator!"

Hobbes felt something was wrong and yelled, "Mr. Ferron!"

next moment.

A majestic European appeared at the door!

With a gloomy look on his face, he waved his hand, and a long golden knife appeared out of thin air in his hand!

Brother Liu squinted his eyes, and this person's information was revealed!

He is also a descendant of the Inca, and judging from his surname, he should be Ferro's brother!

"You don't open your eyes and come here to cause trouble?"

Fei Long held a big sword and struck it at Brother Liu like a thunderbolt!

"Play metal with me, and then go back and practice for 500 years!"

Liu Di didn't even look back. He threw his hands behind his back, and the liquid metal from his sleeves spurted out!

Turn into ribbons!

Fei Long and his sword were wrapped tightly together, unable to move at all, like a black sculpture!

But Hobbes' face was full of fear and his body was shaking crazily!

"You can control metal too!"

Hobbes suddenly approached Brother Liu, "Save me, I'm being held hostage by them!"

He said, tearing open the shirt on his chest!

On his chest, there were dense tattoos!

But this tattoo was made of gold!

According to the veins, it can be inferred that the gold is all over his body!

"This superpower, please save me. If I don't obey the command of the empire, these tattoos will tear me to pieces!"

Liu Di was also a little surprised!

Hobbes's tattoos must have been forcibly branded. For the gold element controller, it is easy to kill him anytime and anywhere!

Liu Di did not take action, but frowned and asked: "Where are they in the empire you mentioned?"

Hobbes said nervously: "Sir, you are the same kind of people as them, but I am not. I am just an ordinary person. They just gave me orders through Ferro and Ferron. I don't know anything else. Please save me!"

Liu Di was stunned.

I originally thought that the chairman of Heshi Company should be an important person, but I didn't expect that he was a puppet so thoroughly!

He turned his head immediately.

Untie the liquid metal that surrounded Ferron.

But Fei Long fell to the ground, bleeding from all seven orifices. He was squeezed too much and died!

Liu Di took a breath of cold air!

I was careless!

Liu Di looked extremely unhappy, frowned and turned his head, "You own 100% of Heshi's shares? Transfer it to me!"

Hobbs was struck by lightning!

"Are you kidding? This is the Empire's industry. If you get it, they will not let you go!"

"Why did you do this!"

Liu Di frowned like a ravine, "There are not so many reasons, because Ajia is dead!"

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