"The Mohist School is worthy of being the Mohist School."

Liu Di nodded subconsciously.


Mo Tong's expression was a little haggard, "This computing speed is close to 10% of mine."

Liu Di raised his eyebrows.

There are nearly 100 supercomputers in the world.

China's Taihu Light supercomputer has a computing speed of 93 quadrillion times per second, ranking third in the world!

But these computers are like waiters, composed of huge processor units.

They occupy thousands of square meters at least!

And these computers are only good at result calculations, which belong to linear thinking.

They are not like Mo Tong, who can think anthropomorphically!

They are not on the same track as Mo Tong.

There is no comparison!


Mo Tong, "It seems that I need to upgrade quickly. Only by upgrading to strong artificial intelligence can I ensure my status!"


The angel halo appeared above Mo Tong's head again, and the words +1, +6, +23 floated out!

Liu Di couldn't help laughing, "Demon boy, what are you doing?"

Demon boy pouted and said, "I am upgrading my sequence. These numbers are human behavior data collected by the waiter."

"Don't worry, Liu Di. Although I am now the 8th sequence of weak artificial intelligence, with the support of these data"

"I estimate that in 400 years, I will definitely be able to upgrade to strong artificial intelligence!"

"By then, my ability will extend to the nanometer level, and it will be easy to defeat the Mohist School."

"The premise is that I am not dead by then"

"Liu Di, I'm leaving first. I want to be quiet."

Demon boy walked towards the sunset, leaving behind a lonely back.

Liu Di shook his head and smiled.

Demon boy learned to act.

But it is as it said, the Mohist School is hidden, and I am afraid it cannot be defeated at will like opponents like penguins.

Fortunately, there is no clear time for the competition with the Mohist School.

And Liu Di's habit is that once he meets an opponent, he must be ten or a hundred times stronger than the opponent, and attack with the posture of an absolute strong man, and be invincible!

Mo Tong is now at the level of weak artificial intelligence, which is unique!

But Mo Tong once said that artificial intelligence has three levels, weak artificial intelligence, strong artificial intelligence, and super artificial intelligence!

And super artificial intelligence has an IQ equivalent to hundreds of thousands of humans!

It is an unimaginable attitude!

Whether it is competing with the Mo family or thoroughly uncovering the Doomsday Association, it will not be a problem!

Liu Di has always been looking forward to the ultimate state of Mo Tong!

At this time, the source of Mo Tong's upgrade is human behavior data, which depends on the number of to Lingxi stores!

Liu Di thought slightly, "Mo Tong, I have an idea about speeding up the acquisition of other stores. We have to make some preparations first."

At this moment.

Kyoto Commerce Department.

Nan Tianhai and his daughter Nan Ruoyi walked side by side in the corridor of the office building.

Nan Tianhai frowned and hesitated.

Now Nan Ruoyi is not a little girl he can call at will!

The project she is in charge of now is a key national support project ordered by Mr. Song!

At that moment, Nan Tianhai summoned many officials from the Ministry of Commerce and several bosses of large private enterprises to hold a meeting to promote the to Lingxi project!

The two pushed open the door of the conference room.

The various personnel had already been waiting in the conference room.

Everyone looked at Nan Tianhai with awe in their eyes.

But no one knew the top beauty in the black cheongsam!

Seeing Nan Tianhai sitting in the main seat and the cheongsam beauty sitting on one side, everyone was even more puzzled. The rule of official meetings has always been left to the top.

The beauty was sitting on the left side of Minister Nan at this time!

Could it be that she was higher than everyone present?

Second only to Minister Nan Tianhai?


Nan Tianhai cleared his throat, "Let me introduce a new project to you"

Then, Nan Tianhai began to explain the characteristics and operation of to Lingxi.

The fog in front of everyone gradually became clear.


"It's a technology project!"

"Apply robots and artificial intelligence to the physical industry"

"Not bad."

"Although the store is small, it has a good prospect!"

"It's a bit like the Intelligent Life Group of the Moore family in Europe!"

Nan Tianhai introduced it slowly, and everyone listened with relish.

After all, it was a project introduced by Minister Nan himself, who dared to object?

But when Nan Tianhai said the last sentence, everyone couldn't hold it anymore!

Nan Tianhai said slowly: "The next strategy of TO Lingxi is to open stores across the country within 3 months, so next TO Lingxi will send a special person to issue acquisition invitations to large domestic chain companies."


Nan Tianhai paused, "Including the bosses present here."


A boss wearing glasses suppressed his sudden thoughts, "Minister Nan, you are not kidding!"

"If I remember correctly, you just said that they only have more than 100 stores in Lingxi?"

"And our Fuyuan catering has 4,000 chain stores across the country!"

The boss pushed his glasses, "They acquire us, is it a snake swallowing an elephant?"

At the same time.

Several other bosses at the scene also began to talk!

They all have large chain stores, either catering or entertainment!

They are also stunned now!

Although Nan Tianhai has a high status, these bosses are also independent private enterprises, and there is no necessary regulatory relationship between them!

Someone immediately raised questions!

"Minister Nan, although your project is strongly supported by the state, this operation method is a bit inappropriate!"

"Let's not talk about whether they have management capabilities."

"Just say that the acquisition of Mr. Sun's Fuyuan Catering alone requires at least 4 billion yuan in funds!"

"Can a company with only a hundred stores come up with so much money?"

"Excuse me, this plan is simply nonsense"

Not only these bosses.

Even Nan Tianhai's subordinates in the Ministry of Commerce looked at their leaders with strange expressions.

What's wrong with Minister Nan today?

Why is there a sense of forced buying and selling?

Nan Tianhai also rubbed his forehead.

4 billion

It's nothing in other people's eyes!

I just signed a large-scale capital circulation license of 56 trillion yuan!

If it weren't for my previous experiences, I wouldn't believe this kind of thing!

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