My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 517: Fighting in the Air

"The Master of the Mohist School is indeed leisurely. Is this invitation a USB flash drive?"

Liu Di smiled.

Looking at the side of the chess piece in his hand, there is an exposed USB interface!

Mo Lan was a little dazed!

He had seen this 52-piece Huarong Dao twice in the hands of the Master. I wonder how much time the Master would need to crack it!

But those senior students at home can't crack it without 2 days!

And he himself once studied it for 10 days, and finally gave up in anger!

And Liu Di?

How long did it take?

1 minute, or 50 seconds?

The metal chessboard has become hot!

What kind of hand speed, what kind of brainpower!


And he didn't seem to look at the chessboard, blindly solving it? !

He was stunned for a full minute!

Mo Lan nodded with a look of realization, "I finally know why Mr. Song thinks so highly of you and why the Master invited you in person!"

Liu Di had a smile on his face.

He was slightly relieved. If it weren't for his new human physique, he would have been overwhelmed by the overclocking calculation of the demon boy just now!

"But Mr. Liu, I heard from the senior scholars in my family that there are more difficult mysteries in this invitation. I hope you don't get too involved in it!"

Mo Lan instantly restored his cold temperament, and the detachment of the Mo family disciples also appeared.

He still didn't believe that Brother Liu could successfully meet the master within 1 month!

He bowed, "I hope to see Mr. Liu at home."

Mo Lan then left.

Brother Liu took the "Cao Cao" chess piece and returned to the experimental cemetery.

Then he sat directly at the computer!

The little boy and the small tree in the corner were still standing there.

Violent bear, what are you doing again?

You should give me a quick death!

Brother Liu inserted the USB drive into the computer, and a very simple program popped up on the screen.

A password input port on the top.

Below are 7 geographical coordinates.


Mo Tong: "This technique is so advanced. The content of the invitation is hidden in the encryption program, and the seven coordinate locations below are the key to cracking the password."

"These seven locations are also very special! They are seven large companies around the world!"

"Well, let me see his hint."

"The password uses a technology similar to blockchain and is hidden in these seven coordinate locations."

"And the seven password combinations are the peak network data of these seven locations, which are rolling in real time!"

"This Mohist master is really good at playing. If you want to crack this password, you need to break through seven advanced network firewalls at the same time!"

"I guess he must be secretly paying attention to these seven companies behind the scenes!"

Liu Di shook his head and smiled!

The Mohist master first used the classical method of Huarong Dao to hide the USB flash drive.

Then there is another puzzle hidden in the USB flash drive, which requires the top hacking technology on the Internet and blockchain technology!

This is really a combination of technology in the classical, and a hint of madness in the restrained!

Such an operation.

It really fits the Mohist style of behavior with a long history and world-leading technology!

It even made Brother Liu want to make friends with the Mohist master!

But the meaning of this game is very clear.

Everything comes from Mr. Song's arrangement!

He is deliberately promoting the competition between the Mohist and Brother Liu!

If this competition is lost.

Then Brother Liu will hand over the power under his name to Mr. Song for management, which means that it will be completely returned to China!

And the Mohist master also has a master style!

If Brother Liu can't crack his invitation, he won't even have the chance to meet him!

It's a pity that the Mohist master doesn't know.

Brother Liu has long been a commonplace to hack into other people's systems!

He has even become a little numb!

Mo Tong: "Brother Liu, do you remember? The 'Mohist Nine Calculations' is essentially a big data algorithm, and now it is testing your level in big data!"

Brother Liu smiled slightly, "Then play something advanced!"

The next moment.

The seven large enterprises in the password prompt were safe and sound, but the surrounding telecommunications network control center was suddenly hacked!

Although it was only 0.1 seconds.

The networks of these seven large companies only had a small lag, and the screen flashed slightly, and then it was restored to its original state!

People would not even notice that there was a problem with the network.

But what they would never expect was that in this 0.1 second.

All network lines were suddenly closed, and at this moment, the network traffic was zero!

At the same time.

Brother Liu casually typed a series of zeros on the keyboard!


The invitation program prompted that the password was correct and the content was opened!

At the same time.

Located in Dongshan Province, China, Fuling City, a small town called Moyuan.

A light cry came from the old site of the Mohist Academy, where the incense had long since withered.


"Hua Rong Dao was cracked so quickly?"

"Sapiens level!"


"He did not attack the company, but chose to shut down the network traffic?"

"Then my dynamic password, isn't it all zero?"

"What a brother Liu, what a Wei Wei to save Zhao!"


And in the experimental cemetery.

Liu Di also smiled playfully as he looked at the words on the screen.

This invitation, which was as confidential as a state secret, only had four words on it - 'You are invited.'

No time, no place, no invitees!

Liu Di leaned back and slowly leaned against the back of the chair, "Mo Tong, how is the investigation going on the Mohist side?"

"I tracked their big truck."

"And scanned the appearance of this truck, and found a total of 120 identical trucks worldwide!"

"Guess what happened!"

Mo Tong appeared, looking like a suspenseful person, "These trucks actually belong to the Yunfeng Express Group, which is the largest in China and the world!"

Liu Di nodded, "Technological development must require financial support. It is not surprising that the Mohist family has companies on the market!"

Mo Tong shook his head, "The express delivery industry is different!"

"How many people don't use express delivery now?"

"The user data that express delivery companies can control far exceeds that of other industries!"

"Identity information, intersection network, address information, and most importantly, purchase data!"

"This can infer human behavior habits!"

Liu Di suddenly frowned, "Mo Tong, what do you mean?"

"That's right!"

"The Mohist family may be nurturing artificial intelligence, just like we collect human behavior data through to Lingxi!"

Mo Tong touched his chin and frowned.

"Whether he has artificial intelligence or not is uncertain."

Liu Di narrowed his eyes slightly, "But only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle! Since Mo Jia is testing me, we have to give him a question before we meet!"

The next moment.

A customer quietly appeared on the official website of Yunfeng Express.

At the same time, he used the Internet to place an order and sent out three express deliveries!

The shipping place is the experimental cemetery, and the delivery addresses are

an iceberg in the West Siberian Plain in Russia!

A swamp in the Tamu Basin in China!

A seaside cliff on Easter Island in Chile!

Three places that are almost inaccessible to humans!

But the longitude and latitude coordinates of these three places have other mysteries!

After the integration of top programming technology, Liu Di knows everything and turns it into code!

The ASCII information exchange standard code is a computer coding system based on the Latin alphabet. It is the most common network information exchange standard!

And the longitude and latitude of the three delivery locations correspond to several letters and symbols in ASCII!

‘k, e, y, i,’

If the Mohists had artificial intelligence, they would definitely be able to find the anomalies of these three orders!

The rest depends on the wisdom of the Mohist masters!

And the demon boy is paying attention to the changes in the orders.

Judge the other party's computing speed by the other party's processing time.

12 seconds later!

The voice of the demon boy came, "Good guy, in the last 20 seconds, Yunfeng processed 23 million orders at the same time, and it still needs to do data screening, rational matching, and finally error correction!"

"From the time"

"The computing speed of the server behind them is 14 times higher than the world's highest level!"

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