150 kilometers north of Kyoto, China.

Surrounded by mountains, the scenery is beautiful.

Because of the special landform, even in the hot summer, it is extremely cool here, making it a rare summer resort.

There are more than ten resort hotels of various types nearby.

The top one is Tianhua International Resort Center.

It was rebuilt as a summer resort for many generations of emperors.

This quasi-6-star resort hotel is a place for many wealthy families in Kyoto to relax and unwind.

But today.

Tianhua International Hotel was booked from top to bottom, inside and out! No outside vehicles are even allowed in the parking spaces! Only hotel executives have inside information. Today’s visitor is the famous Kyoto Nanjia! The most famous person in the m Nan family is Nan Tianhai.

An orthodox cadre of the National Council, Minister of Finance of China! Today is Mr. Nan Tianhai’s 70th birthday! According to China's national conditions, Mr. Nan Tianhai, as an important official in the National Council, would be in trouble if he chose such a luxurious venue to hold a banquet.

But in today's scene, no one dared to gossip.

Because the Nan family is not only a big boss in the political world, but also a famous presence in China at the business level! Two brothers of the same generation as Nan Tianhai, Nan Tianfeng and Nan Tianyue, both started from scratch at a young age and now run two multinational companies and several listed companies! Worth hundreds of billions.

Nowadays, two billionaire brothers have booked a hotel in Nantianhai for their brother's birthday, so naturally no one dares to gossip! The Nan family is a large family with many heirs.

There were also countless birthday wishers who came here after hearing the news. For a while, although the Tianhua Hotel was reserved, there was a constant flow of people coming and going.

an hour ago.

In the reception room of the main building.

On the central sofa, there are three old men sitting side by side. The one in the middle is undoubtedly the most majestic. He is wearing a black tunic suit, with a straight waist, but his brows are furrowed and his face is unhappy! He is none other than Mr. Nan Tianhai from the Nan family in Kyoto! On both sides of the venue, there were seven or eight young people standing stiffly.

These are all juniors of the Nan family. The Nan family has strict upbringing. No matter you are the CEO of a listed company or a high-ranking local official, as long as your elders don't speak, you can't even sit down and can only stand quietly! In the center of the field, there was a pretty figure.

She stood alone, her eyes downcast.

"Ruoyi, you are just messing around!" Mr. Nan Tianhai slapped the armrest and said angrily: "How can you do those messy businesses!" Nan Ruoyi pursed her lips slightly, wanting to defend herself, but she did not dare to disobey her father. .

"Brother, don't be angry, I'm here to help you ask.

"The person speaking was none other than Nan Tianfeng, the second brother of Mr. Nan and the founder of Huifeng Transnational Logistics Group.

Nan Ruoyi's eldest uncle has been extremely fond of him since he was a child and has always helped her cover up.

Nan Tianfeng blinked and said: "Ruo Yi, you said you were fine, why would you open a hotel chain? It's so classless, and it makes your father, a big leader like you, very embarrassed.

"Tianfeng, you don't know the situation!" Mr. Nan Tianhai said angrily: "If he does serious business, I will not support him!" But do you know, she is doing business in cooperation with a group of gangsters in Haishi! Those criminal gangs! "As soon as Nan Tianhai said these words, even Nan Tianfeng was stunned and took a slight breath of cold air, "This..." Some of the younger Nan family people around him also whispered! Nan Ruoyi was also a little panicked at this time.

She is the apple of Mr. Nan's eye.

For many years, she has been a well-educated and good girl in the eyes of her family! In a family like the Nan family with extremely strict upbringing, it just inspired the rebellion in her! The previous Black Fox Gang was founded by her without telling her father! Fortunately, her identity as the underworld boss has been kept a secret.

But when hundreds of smart stores opened in Shanghai, she could no longer hide it.

For this kind of public business entity, relevant information can be found even by ordinary people, let alone people like Mr. Nan Tianhai! Moreover, Mr. Nan Tianhai spent his whole life in the military until he was in an important position. He was an upright man and hated evil. When he heard that his little daughter was involved in the underworld, he became furious! Nan Ruoyi whispered: "They have corrected their evil ways and returned to their rightful ways.

"What about reforming evil and returning to righteousness!" Nan Tian Haiqi's face turned red, "The underworld is the underworld!" You are my daughter, Nan Tianhai. I am in charge of China's economy and go in and out of the State Council every day. If this kind of thing spreads out, how can I still have the face to see others! "at this time.

The entire reception room was silent.

Nan Tianhai was furious, and no one dared to speak! Even his two younger brothers were frowning at this time. They knew very well that this matter would definitely not be tolerated by the eldest brother! "Father.

"A man with a broad chest and a handsome face who somewhat resembled Nan Tianhai took a step forward.

This is Nan Tianhai's eldest son and Nan Ruoyi's eldest brother - Nan Yingjie. He is only 36 years old and has made a splash in the officialdom. He has already served as the mayor of Hengzhou City! “I heard that there is someone else behind this smart store.

"Ruoyi just met some friends with complicated backgrounds and took the wrong path."

Nan Yingjie hesitated for a moment, "In my opinion, as long as she resigns and leaves this career, it won't be a big mistake."

""What? "If you still work for others, you are not the boss?" "Is she being deceived by someone?" "The surrounding group of Nan family juniors were whispering louder and louder! They all looked at Nan Ruoyi with strange expressions! In their world, Nan Ruoyi's behavior is simply incomprehensible! At this time.

Nan Tianhai's face became even more confused, and the corners of his mouth trembled slightly! But Nan Ruoyi frowned, "I volunteered to do this, and besides, sir is not a bad person!" "Sir?" "Nan Ruoyi, you really want to rebel!" Nan Tianhai started to protest, and he was now angry To the extreme, "From now on, you will ground me and I will not be allowed to go anywhere!" "Father.

"Nan Yingjie also looked anxious and was about to speak.

"No one can speak for him!" Mr. Nan felt like his heart attack was about to relapse! Ding ding ding... At this moment, Mr. Nan's cell phone rang.

He looked down and looked stern! He took a few steps forward, as if he was looking for someone to answer the phone, but then turned back to Nan Ruoyi and said, "You don't have to toast me at the banquet later!" "When will you get rid of the underworld thing?" Clean, please refill this glass of wine later!" He said.

Nan Tianhai strode away! The rest of the people were shocked! Today is Mr. Nan’s 70th birthday. According to tradition, the younger generations have to toast and say congratulations one by one! Now, if he does not accept Nan Ruoyi's toast, it is equivalent to temporarily disowning his daughter!

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