My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 480: Sacrificing a pawn to save the chariot

The Doomsday President suddenly opened his eyes! His face was already covered in sweat! "The gun didn't fire!" "I'm not dead!" "You have to keep your promise!" Liu Di's eyes flashed, "Promise?" The Doomsday President froze, "You..." clatter.

Brother Liu threw the antique gun on the table, turned around and left, turning his back and said: "Be honest, of course I will keep my promise!" Immediately.

Brother Liu stepped out of the hatch, boarded the silver shuttle, and flew away in an instant! The Doomsday President looked dull! This man was so decisive before, filled with hatred and anger, why did he let him go so easily? ! Are there really such honest people in the world? ...on the Silver Shuttle.

The devil boy asked in confusion, "Brother Liu, that's the president of the Doomsday Association, and you just let him go?" "Of course not.

Liu Di put his hands behind his hands and looked quietly at the stratospheric fortress in the distance, "The president of the Doomsday Association will never be such an idiot!" ""ah? "The devil boy is also full of doubts. The person just now does not have any Internet information!" Devil boy, play back the scene just now.

"From Brother Liu's perspective, the scene of just entering the conference room appeared.

"Look at the devil boy, he started wiping the handle of the gun with pine oil with precision.

"When his body paused and revived, his movements changed.

"He got pine oil on the barrel of the gun many times!" "He must know that pine oil will oxidize metal and make gunpowder damp."

The devil boy was puzzled, "What does this mean?" Brother Liu pondered slightly, "This means panic."

"You used to judge human emotions through human heart rate, blood flow rate, etc."

"My method is based on human nature!" "This president, who was calm before, suddenly became extremely panicked and full of loopholes."

"I guess there are two people inside him!" “There was a person who spoke to me the first three sentences through a brain-computer interface and with the help of his body, and then disappeared.

Brother Liu paused, "That one is the real president!" "And this puppet president has too many loopholes!" "He doesn't know Systemma is dead!" He also didn’t question me about the nuclear bomb, which shows that he didn’t even know that the nuclear bomb would detonate in advance! “The antique guns he collected were always loaded with bullets.

"How can a person with such limited information and such insecurity be the president of the Apocalypse Association who has no omissions?" "He doesn't have this kind of IQ at all!" "Hiss..." Brother Liu, I feel like your brain has exploded! "How did you discover this!" "The demon boy exclaimed.

Liu Di said deeply: "When you are prepared to look at something, you will find something different. The Doomsday Association is playing a strategy called abandoning pawns to save cars!" "Demon boy, this plane is the first one" Pawn, check carefully and see if you can find anything!" 3 seconds later.

Devil Boy: "This plane is about to run out of fuel, and there are no air tankers within thousands of kilometers nearby! This plane has 3 kilometers left..." Liu Di shook his head slightly, "3 kilometers? The real president of the Doomsday is indeed vicious enough.

Devil Boy: "No, it's 3...2...1!" "The magic fairy's voice has just fallen.

The engine of the B-52 Stratofortress in the distance suddenly stopped and then stopped! The pilot seemed to have died a long time ago. The entire plane lost control instantly and plummeted to the ground! ten minutes later.

There was a loud bang on the ground! With thick smoke billowing, the b-52 hit the mountain and turned into a wreckage! Brother Liu kept a close watch to make sure no one escaped! The devil boy was also stunned and said: "Brother Liu, I have learned this 'abandoning the pawn to save the carriage'!" After a moment, the devil boy asked again: "Brother Liu, why didn't you let me study the equipment on the plane just now?" Brother Liu's eyes widened. Squinting slightly, "The first paragraph of President Doomsday's President did not pause or wait for my answer. It was not him, it was just a 'message'.

"You won't find his whereabouts on that machine."

"On the contrary, it will alert the enemy."

"If he never appears again, it will be a regret in my life!" "I want him to mistakenly think that no one knows about his existence, so that he will show his weakness!" "What we have done now is just to severely weaken his vitality!" "Fighting him requires some effort."

"I must avenge Yulia Village and the Tianluo Group. This cannot be changed!" "But we must be fully prepared and be sure to kill!" "Devil Boy: "Brother Liu, I have to add something to you, he is probably not a human being, but a program! "Brother Liu," huh? Devil Boy: "I don't think there is anyone smarter than you in the world!" Brother Liu shook his head slightly, "Demon boy, the satellite in the sky has been exposed. The people behind the Doomsday Association will not use it anymore, but in order to avoid future troubles, we must find a way to destroy it!" "Demon boy: "I can only continue to trick Leip.

"3 minutes later.

Four European military satellites suddenly failed in their injectors and frantically adjusted their positions in the universe. Finally, they all collided with a piece of space junk! European officials lost nearly 40 billion U.S. dollars as a result, and Repp sought medical treatment on the spot.

The Silver Shuttle streaked across the sky.

Returning to China.

Brother Liu was thoughtful, "Motong, now we have to focus on your upgrade. How is Nan Ruoyi's smart store doing?" Motong: "It's doing very well! In less than a month now, there are already people It's about to be acquired, and it's the kind that can't be refused!" Liu Di frowned, "Who is so shameless?


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