My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 467 Undersea Conspiracy

Mariana Trench.

North of Africa, at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

It is a huge seabed crack with a V-shaped structure and a depth of more than 11 kilometers! Even the Himalayas can be easily placed in this dark abyss! The deepest seabed area in the world is here! The Silver Shuttle has arrived.

Liu Di looked at the blue sea below him, full of doubts! What on earth did the Doomsday Association choose such a weird place for? Plop! Liu Di jumped from a height of dozens of meters and plunged directly into the deep sea like a torpedo! According to the location of the coordinates, the search began! Under the layers of water, sunlight was scarce. In the dimness, the Mariana Trench was like a huge centipede with no end in sight, lurking on the seabed! Dive into the edge of the trench.

Liu Di felt the pressure from the surrounding seawater, which made the surface of his skin slightly stiff.

At this time, he was 1 km underwater. If he were an ordinary person, he would have exploded! Liu Di's eyes were full of weird seabed reefs and plankton.

Occasionally, glowing jellyfish swim past in front of us. The underwater landscape is magnificent in its calmness! 800 kilometers from the east side of the trench is the receiving site for satellite signals.

Brother Liu knows that it is only 4-5 kilometers below the water surface.

If we go deeper, I am afraid that the Doomsday Association will not be able to resist the water pressure and build fortifications there! Brother Liu quickly traveled through the water and arrived near the coordinates in an instant! He turned over a huge protruding rock.

But he saw a series of green lights flickering in the dense corals in front of him! Brother Liu squinted and saw that there were dozens of refrigerator-sized devices connected by various lines! The green light was the indicator light on the equipment! It was extremely hidden here, and there was no human figure! Brother Liu approached and was shocked! Those devices were half-disassembled bombs! These bombs were not only connected in series by wires, but also activated! The countdown on the screen was displayed: 38:45:00.

"OMG!" Devil Boy: "These are not ordinary bombs, these two are 50,000-level neutron bombs! Those two are plutonium fission nuclear bombs! That one is the Russian Tsar bomb from the 1990s, also an atomic bomb!" "Let me count... 1, 2, 3..." "Wow, there are 11 nuclear weapons gathered here!" "From different countries, different eras, some should even be in museums! Where did the Doomsday Association get them?!" Nuclear bombs? ! Brother Liu was also stunned! According to the time calculation, the previous satellite signal should have activated these weapons! "The Doomsday Association is really going to eliminate humans!" Mo Tong's voice was a little horrified, "This is the Mariana Trench, a buffer zone for surface plates!" "If so many nuclear bombs are detonated here, the powerful shock wave will make the seabed extremely unstable, and the tsunami will be enough to submerge hundreds of coastal cities!" "This is nothing!" "The land will also be abnormally active due to the explosion, causing the crust to rupture and shift globally, and then a world-class magnitude 9 earthquake! "Then there will be volcanic eruptions, fresh water will melt into sulfides, plants will die, and humans will become extinct!" "With so many nuclear weapons and this location, they want to make the earth directly unbalanced!" "This Doomsday Association is so cruel!" Liu Di frowned.

Looking around, the Doomsday Association has completely evacuated, and there is no trace! Only in the distance, there is a submarine that has been crushed by huge water pressure! The submarine is printed in English: Black Shark.

"This is a retired submarine from Europe! "Demon Boy: "This submarine is now only circulated in legends. One month ago, Europe suddenly deleted all its records. It is estimated that it lost it and dared not admit it!" "And in the past year, nuclear experts from various countries have been missing!" Liu Di frowned slightly.

Although there are occasional wars among countries in the world, no one is crazy enough to want to destroy the world.

These nuclear weapons are definitely from the hands of the Doomsday Association! Moreover, they have been planned for a long time! "Demon Boy, how can we dismantle these nuclear bombs.

" Liu Di stared closely at the instruments in front of him, but saw that many core devices were still slightly red in this cold deep sea, and the inside seemed to emit heat! "I'm afraid it's not easy to do.

" The demon boy appeared and stared at the device in front of him, "The heavy molecules in these weapons are extremely active, and the neutrons are constantly approaching the nucleus. It is estimated that they have been accelerated in advance!" "This reaction is irreversible. Even if we dismantle the detonation device, the nuclear material will reach the critical point after 40 hours, producing neutron bombardment and directly exploding! "Brother Liu frowned again.

This Doomsday Association has planned everything and will not leave any trouble! Even if these nuclear bombs are shipped to different parts of the world, they will be a huge catastrophe.

After the 11 mushroom clouds rise, the radiation hazards and electromagnetic pulse hazards will be a huge catastrophe! Brother Liu looked at the analysis data of the device in front of him.

Pieces of information and logos kept appearing.

'After the device is ignited, it causes the explosive blocks to explode at the same time, generating huge pressure to squeeze toward the center, so that the nuclear materials that are packed and each piece is less than the critical mass suddenly close into a sphere and reach a supercritical state.

'Brother Liu's eyes flashed, "Demon boy, since the nuclear materials in these weapons are stored in blocks, then..." "Brother Liu, I know what you are thinking!" "This thing does not decay slowly like a nuclear reactor, but explodes instantly!" "Take the neutron bomb in front of you as an example. One of the small nuclear materials is completely fused, and the energy is almost equivalent to 5 dense tnt!" Brother Liu narrowed his eyes slightly, "5 dense tnt?" "Yes, by then, there will be a 63% probability that this will be the case.

"The demon boy appeared, wearing mourning clothes, holding the portrait of Brother Liu, and pouted: "Brother Liu, your physique can't bear it.

" "63%...high enough!" Brother Liu nodded slightly, with a strange light flashing in his eyes, "Then let's try it first!"

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