My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 466 Satellite Signal

And Brother Liu.

It has been rushing towards the north! The yellow sand under his feet was constantly sending messages to him.

Because, at the moment when the ancient city of Golden Kingdom appeared, he keenly sensed a cave entrance! It was a tunnel supported by metal! Although it has subsequently collapsed, the small metal fragments left behind can still expose the extension of the tunnel! The Doomsday Association is hiding in the dark, and gold is the most certain and versatile trading chip! Moreover, the 23 civil sects before were also collecting gold for the Doomsday Association! Coupled with the fact that the Doomsday Association has geneticists like magicians who can control sand, it is not surprising that the ruins of the Golden Kingdom were discovered so early! They may have secretly transferred all the gold through this tunnel! And how could Brother Liu not think of this! Remember http:// for a second. I'm afraid that the other end of this tunnel is the second desert base of the Doomsday Association! as expected.

It is 50 kilometers north of the Golden Kingdom ruins.

In Brother Liu's perception, a huge building buried underground appeared! Brother Liu stood above the yellow sand.

The ability to control silicon elements is activated again! In front of him, a vortex began to appear.

Turn faster and faster! The surrounding sand is constantly being thrown away by this whirlpool, and the inner space is getting deeper and deeper! moment.

In the center of this vortex, a huge pit with a diameter of 10 meters and a depth of 30 meters was formed! And at the bottom of the pit, a small underground fortress has been exposed! The walls are made of lead and are coated with top-notch anti-radar materials that can block all detectors! Brother Liu smiled softly, and the liquid metal turned into a long blade! He flicked his arm, and two black lights flashed! A 'skylight' was suddenly cut out of the top of the fortress! Brother Liu did not enter, but lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Brother Liu, I'm here to uproot you!" The next moment.

Brother Liu actually stepped back slightly and waited quietly! Subsequently.

Boom boom boom! Under the ground, there was a huge explosion! The dense yellow sand was thrown high into the air by the explosion! The ground is collapsing! The explosion was earth-shattering and the roar was endless. Brother Liu remained calm and observed everything quietly! as expected.

This apocalyptic association is still as timid as before.

This character is similar to a peculiar lamb in North America called the 'faint sheep'.

Once you are frightened, no matter when or where you are, you should immediately faint and pretend to be dead! His limbs may even twitch! As for this apocalyptic association, once it was exposed, it immediately cut off its arms and blew them all up! A cold smile flashed across Brother Liu's face, "Devil boy, have you tracked the satellite signal?" "Done!" Demon boy appeared, with a picture in space behind him, "This satellite is floating in the Eastern Hemisphere. Asia Pacific 1a, 134 degrees east longitude! ""A communications company affiliated with Europe!" "This company has also been checked, it is a shell company!" "Moreover, this satellite has also been tricked, and it looks like space junk. It's a rocket wreckage. There are so many such garbage in the universe. Even if someone comes close, they won't be able to find it!" Liu Di nodded slightly, "Sneakly hack into the satellite's system, don't expose yourself.


"I'm ready for Emperor Si's signature!" Brother Liu shook his head, "Demon boy, there is no need to make it known to everyone this time. I want the Doomsday Association to disappear silently!" The demon boy nodded, "Brother Liu, it is communicating with the ground. I have captured several coordinates!" "'11.2n, 142.115e!' '53.85n, 372.82e! '31 Each of these places is stranger than the last!" "The first one is the Mariana Trench!" "The second one is the African National Rift Valley!" "The third one is a coordinate that has been moving at high speed. According to the speed estimate, it should be a stratospheric plane!" Liu Di thought for a moment.

The Doomsday Association is very cautious, and I am afraid that the most inaccessible place is the most likely headquarters! The Mariana Trench is located in the deep sea, and there are almost no humans! "Demon boy, let's set off!" As soon as Brother Liu finished his words, the silver shuttle flew over.

Devil Boy: "From here, we can view the African Rift Valley and the Mariana Trench respectively!" "That's good!" Liu Di responded and boarded the Silver Shuttle! 10 minutes later.

Just as Brother Liu was on his way.

"Eh..." "Eh?" "Eh!" The devil boy suddenly exclaimed, "Brother Liu, that satellite is crazy!" "It is transmitting signals crazily, and the signals have been specially processed and disguised as strange "This band imitates the alien frequencies that have been intercepted in human history!" "The receiving site is the top astronomical observatory in each country!" "This Apocalypse Association is so crazy that it pretends to be an alien!" I'm afraid that all the countries will be deceived by him!" Brother Liu was puzzled, "What kind of trick is this?" Devil Boy: "Let me translate, the meaning of that band is - in four days, human civilization will be wiped out!" Eradicate human civilization? Brother Liu's expression suddenly became solemn.

This looks like a prank, but it comes from the Doomsday Association! They must be brewing something! "Demon boy, speed up!"...3 hours later.

Brother Liu arrives in the African National Rift Valley! According to the coordinates, I found a deeply hidden cave! This cave should be a previous defense fortification of a certain country.

But it was used again by the Doomsday Association! At this time, the scene inside was horrific.

There are pools of blood on the ground! There are hundreds of places! Not a single person left alive! And in this huge cave, there is an unfinished aircraft on display! It looks like a giant ship.

It is about 150 meters long and as much as 40 meters wide! A behemoth made of metal! Brother Liu looked around the spaceship with serious eyes.

A name tag read in English: Noah.


Even the things in the scriptures were brought out? Demon Child: "Noah's Ark really exists. The remains of Noah's Ark have been found in Mount Ararat in the east of Turkey, at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters!" "There are also pottery, ropes and various animal gene remains!" Liu Di didn't care about these, "Demon Child, those are not important. What is this thing in front of you?" Demon Child: "I have explored it. This thing is built for flying cargo. The power is a bit like a warp engine, but all this looks perfunctory!" "The core technology of this thing is completely insufficient to support it to take off. It's just a face-saving project!" "Only our silver shuttle is the real anti-gravity technology!" "By the way, Liu Di, we can transform this Noah and let it take off, a big spaceship!" Liu Di frowned, "Demon Child, we must first figure out who the Doomsday Association is deceiving and what they are going to do!" "Let's set off immediately, the next leg!"

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