My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 450 The Man Behind the Scenes

A microwave signal came in. There was an explosive in this man's brain, which released strong acid and destroyed his body! "This method is similar to the one used on the hacker's left shoulder before, and the left shoulder was modified by Xingwei.

"It turns out that the Doomsday Association is also related to Xingwei!" "It's a pity that Bertram was glared to death by you!" "Brother Liu shook his head slightly.

I have to say that the Doomsday Association is incredibly rigorous! Such unpredictable means almost blocked all information leaks! His leader is by no means as simple as an ordinary person! but.

Man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation.

No matter how many mechanisms are used, you will eventually lose to fate! Brother Liu raised his head slightly and looked into the distance.

I saw something shining slightly on the ground in the distance! It is a metal runway several kilometers long! Enough to cushion the landing of a large aircraft! The huge storm before exposed the runway buried under the sand to the sun! Although the Doomsday Association has established its base deep in this desert, it is almost impossible for outsiders to find it! However, there is no way he doesn’t need supplies! The track is built for just that! Brother Liu looked cold and walked slowly towards the runway.

At the end of the runway, there was a huge metal door leading underground! Made of alloy, it can withstand almost 99% of missile bombardments on the market! And everything, including the runway, uses anti-radar coating.

It’s really watertight! Brother Liu nodded, "This door is very strong!" Boom! The next moment, Brother Liu suddenly stamped his foot, and the metal door twisted and broke, falling to the bottom! Below it, it's at least a hundred meters deep, and it's so dark that you can't even see the bottom! Brother Liu jumped up! Sure enough, there is a universe below, a huge and bright high-tech experimental center! Brother Liu frowned.

Proceed with caution.

But until we walked into the center of the base, the surroundings were still eerily quiet! Empty city? Brother Liu scanned it carefully, and his heart was shocked again! But they discovered that in the far corner and behind the tables and chairs, there were pools of blood! Brother Liu instantly understood that these should all be experimenters from the base! They also have explosives in their heads, and these devices detonated as soon as they invaded! Don't leave yourself any chance for interrogation at all! Behind it all.

Someone is silently controlling, technically tyrannical, thoughtful, and ruthless! Beep beep beep... At this moment, the entire base suddenly flashed red lights and a harsh siren sounded! 'The base self-destruction program is starting...' "Countdown 3...2..." Liu Di suddenly raised his head, pointed to a surveillance camera in the corner, gritted his teeth and said: "I will kill you!" Boom! boom! A series of explosions sounded, and the entire base was ablaze. Hundreds of meters underground, a strong explosion caused the place to collapse instantly! Boom! Everything fell apart, and this base was buried under thousands of meters of yellow sand! ...Chinese border.

In the Tucker Desert.

Another experimental base hidden hundreds of meters underground! The magician gently smoothed his mustache and looked at the experimental cabin in front of him with a smile.

The man who calls himself 'Qiu Beiming' is currently in the experimental cabin, undergoing a leapfrog transformation with a risk level of 99.9%! The magician narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Let me see what the great man the president said is capable of!" Ding... Transformation progress: 82.3%... Bang! Qiu Beiming's body in the experimental cabin exploded instantly and turned into a puddle of minced meat, covering the entire observation window! The magician spread his hands and said, "Haha, dead?" Then.

Then some personnel began to clean the experimental cabin and remove the mess of minced meat.

The magician sighed slightly, "Next!" At this time.

Another man with dull eyes and a confused expression came forward, "I am Qiu Beiming, I want revenge, I want to take back the child!" The magician curled his lips slightly, "I know, hurry in!" He looked again Looking at the bustling group of 'Qiu Beiming' in the distance, he cursed: "When will this fucking end?" Ding... Transformation progress: 35%! Bang! "Next!" Ding... Transformation progress: 41%! Bang! "Next!" Ding... 4 hours later.

The magician watched as piles of minced meat were wheeled out of the laboratory.

Quite boring.

He slowly put on a pair of leather gloves and snapped his fingers! Another black glove suddenly appeared in front of him, holding a cigarette in his hand and slowly putting it into his mouth.

Snapped! He snapped his fingers again! Another black glove appeared out of thin air.

He held a metal lighter in his hand and lit the cigarette in his mouth with a click.

The magician took a sip with an intoxicated expression.

The smoke was slowly exhaled, forming a white dove of smoke in the air, and then dissipated.

Ding...the prompt from the experimental cabin came again.

The magician subconsciously covered his ears, waiting for the sound of 'Bang! ’Renovation progress: 100%! Um? The magician's eyes widened, and he saw the transformation level on the instrument showing: m! "Not bad!" "M-class cybernetic?" "The only one in history!" The magician looked excited! Bang! The result was another loud bang! But it’s not a human explosion! Instead, the transformation warehouse shattered! Among them, the thin and sallow ‘Qiu Beiming’ has become muscular! It faintly exudes a powerful momentum! Just as the magician was about to step forward, 'Qiu Beiming' suddenly roared, "I want revenge, and no one can stop me!" The next moment.

‘Qiu Beiming’ sprang out like a cannonball! "China, Haishi!" "I'm going to take back the child!" He roared, crashing through the walls, and finally at the elevator, his legs exerted force and he rushed directly to the ground! He was so powerful that he broke all the protective doors and flew away in the vast desert! The experimenters in the basement were suddenly shocked, "He hasn't installed the mission equipment yet!" An experimenter came to the magician and yelled: "Second President, why didn't you stop him and just let him do this? Run away?" But the magician was still smoking and not ready to take action.

"Why should I stop him?" He raised his eyebrows and said, "The president wants to be a coward, but I don't want to! Just let this guy go and cause chaos, maybe there will be unexpected gains!" "Also.

The magician turned his head to look at the experimenter and said with a smile: "You low-class person, did you just yell at this president?" The experimenter looked horrified: "President, I don't have it."

"What not?" ""go to hell! "As soon as the magician finished speaking, a black glove appeared out of thin air! With a click, the experimenter's neck was broken!

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