My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 449 Deep in the Desert

Sahara Desert.

The second largest desert in the world.

The yellow sand is thousands of miles away, the air temperature is close to 50 degrees, and the surface temperature is close to 70 degrees! If there is no water supply.

Ordinary people would dry out and die within 10 hours! even so.

On a sand ridge in the middle of the desert, there is still a camel team of 7 people.

They were all wearing the white robes of the aborigines, and their camels were loaded with supplies.

"Huh?" The team leader looked stunned, squinting and looking into the distance.

A young man in a white shirt walked in the desert without carrying anything.

Remember in one second http://The team leader whispered to the side: "There is someone, please be alert.

"The two parties approached slowly.

The team leader put on a smiling face and shouted loudly: "Little brother, why did you come here alone? Are you thirsty?" Brother Liu shook his head slightly, walked forward slowly, and looked at the camel team.

All kinds of analysis data instantly appear in the perspective.

Loophole 1.

There are 7 camels with full humps, indicating that they have just drank water. However, this place is in the center of the desert. At the speed of camels, it will take at least 14 days to walk. How can there be sufficient water sources? Loophole 2.

Based on the depth of the camel's feet sinking into the desert, it can be clearly deduced that there is nothing in their luggage! The third loophole is the seven red lights dancing in Liu Di's eyes. The battle consciousness reminds him that the opponent is a certain threat! Liu Di smiled softly, "Ask me to drink water, then find an opportunity to kill me, and stuff it into your luggage?" "Little brother, what are you talking about?" The team leader still said with a smile: "The monsoon will blow here soon. , you'd better get closer.

"Where did you get the water?" "In other words, where is your base?" "Also, your it called the Doomsday Association?" "Brother Liu put his hands behind his hands and his right eye flashed purple.

The leader's smile slowly faded and became cold and ruthless, "I said, let you get closer!" Liu Di's guess was self-evident.

He smiled faintly and said, "The Doomsday Association is the Doomsday Association. Even the gatekeepers are all F-class transformers?" The expressions of the camel team members instantly became ferocious! One of them quietly took out an instrument to detect Brother Liu.

The next moment, he shouted directly: "As expected, you are blind again. You are not even a reformer. How dare you come here to provoke!" But the captain sneered and said: "Catch him, chop off his limbs, and force him to say The forces behind it will be uprooted!" The next moment.

The seven members of the camel team jumped up, and the sand beneath their feet was kicked up into the sky! Bang bang bang! Their fists were blasted at Brother Liu! It makes the air muffled! Liu Di just put his hands behind his back indifferently, moved quickly, and quickly analyzed several people in his eyes.

Devil Boy: "No special ability, just strengthened strength!" Liu Di nodded lightly.

Take action next moment! He accurately grasped an incoming fist and exerted slight force.

Click! There was a sound of bones breaking, and the opponent's fist instantly turned into mud! The gap between Level F and Brother Liu is too huge! The leader of the camel team attacked, Liu Di controlled his strength and kicked him away! No mercy for the remaining few! Boom boom! The earth keeps shaking! When the leader of the camel team got up from the ground, he was stunned for a moment! It only takes a few seconds! All six of his men had been killed by the young man in white, and they were all stuffed headfirst into the sand dunes! Watching Brother Liu walking towards him calmly.

He kept regressing and no longer looked as ferocious as before, " are a genetic person!" "Whatever you think.

Liu Di narrowed his eyes and stood in front of the team leader with a domineering aura, "Tell me where the Doomsday Association is!" "Don't you even want to know!" "The team leader looked horrified, but he was extremely tough! "You will say it.

"Di Liu said, a black dagger appeared in his hand.

Right now.

In the desert, bursts of heat suddenly blew in! Brother Liu's eyebrows moved and he looked into the distance.

I saw that the horizon was instantly dyed yellow, and countless grains of sand were blown into the air, surging like a huge wave reaching the sky! Even the sun above our head has a feeling of flickering on and off! It's monsoon! A huge amount of dust was blown up! Devil Boy: "Oh my god, the weather forecast is unreliable. This is not Level 8. This is at least Level 10 wind!" "Hahaha!" Captain Hump suddenly laughed wildly, "The dust is coming! You can't survive either. , I want to find our association in the next life! "The huge dust is coming in an instant! They were swallowed up like giant beasts! The world suddenly fell into darkness! The howling wind blew Brother Liu's clothes to pieces! What is even more rare is that two strong winds formed convection near Brother Liu and began to intertwine, forming a tornado in an instant! The huge tornado is like a giant dragon made of sand and dust, with its tail connected to the ground and its head piercing the sky! The scene is both spectacular and terrifying! The leader of the camel team slowly turned from laughter to panic. He had never seen such a natural disaster! But he saw Brother Liu standing in the strong wind with his hands behind his back, unmoving! He narrowed his eyes.

The light of the water drop pendant on his chest flowed, spread to his feet, and suddenly bloomed.

One end wrapped his feet, and the other end turned into countless tentacles, piercing deep into the ground! Make Brother Liu stand firmly on the ground! Liu Di turned his head slightly and looked at the team leader who was unable to stand due to the strong wind.

Even an F-class cyborg cannot resist the power of nature! And the captain looked at Brother Liu in horror, as if he had seen a monster! "You, like our president, have the ability to awaken!" "I was mistaken!" "But don't even think about knowing our secret!" The team leader yelled in despair, and was about to jump into the tornado. He thought Buried in this storm, rotting the secret in your belly! but.

Just when his feet left the ground, a huge force suddenly came from behind his neck.

An unshakable iron hand grabbed him tightly! Liu Di's dark voice came, "Don't think about going anywhere, wait for the wind to stop!" Ah... The leader struggled desperately, but his eyes were full of despair! The strong wind raged for 30 minutes! Liu Di's figure stood like a mountain, never wavering! And the leader was already discouraged and gave up struggling! The wind in this desert is unpredictable, coming and going quickly! In a moment, it gradually subsided, and the sand and dust slowly fell! Plop! Liu Di threw the leader to the ground, with a cold light flashing in his eyes, "Speak!" Cough cough... The camel team leader pinched his throat and coughed out a few mouthfuls of sand! "I..." But the leader just said a word, and suddenly his face twitched! Then.

A muffled sound suddenly came from his head! Thick corrosive substances flowed out of his eye sockets, mouth, and ears! He died directly! In a moment, even the corpse turned into a pool of thick water!

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