The figure in Brother Liu's hand slowly turned into charcoal.

His expression was frozen in a moment of extreme horror with his mouth wide open! Eventually it turned into pieces and fly ash, falling and flying away! Bang! Bang! There was a huge blow from the side! Kun Sang is already furious! One person fought against 9 transformed people of the same level, and beat them all until they vomited blood and fell to the ground! Kun Sang is not an ordinary reformer. When he was at level B, he had special abilities and could strike with precision! Accurately calculate every move you make and hit the target accurately! Bang! Remember in one second http://Kun Sang threw the last punch with all his strength. The last man in the black suit had his chest shattered and fell completely! He was breathing heavily, and it seemed that the anger in his heart had not yet been vented! The armor on Liu Di's body turned into liquid and flowed into the water drop pendant on his chest.

Revealing a pair of tears.

Tianluo, Yulia Village, have I avenged you? No! The entire Doomsday Association must be buried with you! Liu Di turned around and said, "Kun Sang, I asked you to take care of Tian Luo.

Kun Sang's eyes filled with tears, "I'm worried about the safety of the village... Don't worry, Xiaoshu will take care of you there."

""What? "Kun Sang, you are confused!" Brother Liu quickly jumped out, "The little tree is a carnivore!" "Kun Sang slapped his head! Realizing that he might have made a huge mistake! Two figures, one behind the other, rushed straight to the wasteland! A moment later.

I have already seen the Tianluo group's body from a distance.

And the mutated sloth was sitting on the side of the crowd, lowering his head to gnaw on a piece of flesh in his hand! Brother Liu was shocked! A long sword suddenly formed in his hand and ignited into a blazing fire! Liu Di jumped up and struck down in the air! The moment he came into contact with the mutated sloth, he suddenly retreated and landed on the side with a bang! The long sword in his hand dissipated! But next to Xiaoshu, there were two disemboweled wild wolves lying upside down! And what he was gnawing on in his claws was the corpse of a wild wolf! The bodies of the Tianluo group were all safe and sound! Kun Sang, who had arrived late, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene! Brother Liu hesitated for a moment, "Xiaoshu, you have been recognized by me. From now on, you are a member of my family!" Roar... Xiaoshu, with his mouth full of blood, roared in response! Looking at Tianluo's corpse lying on the ground.

Brother Liu fell into deep sorrow again.

He and Kun Sang carried the corpses one by one onto the silver shuttle and transported them back to Yulia Village.

283 corpses from the Tianluo Group and 86 corpses from Yulia Village.

Arranged quietly, sadness fills the sky.

The villagers of Yulia have been waiting for the moment to change their destiny, but unexpectedly they got this result.

As for Tian Luo, he only wanted to defeat Kun Sang, but in the end he didn't get a punch from Kun Sang.

All are regrets! “The villagers of Yulia lived and died here, this is their hometown.

"As for the Tianluo group, even if they transport the body back to the country, they will not even have a tombstone with their name engraved on it."

"Kun Sang, let's bury them here."

"Brother Liu said in a low voice.

His eyes swept over the corpses of the Tianluo group.

The demon child activates facial recognition and retrieves their biographical information.

Even if the information after enlistment is deleted, other information such as enrollment and medical treatment will remain on the Internet.

His name is Ye Yuan... His name is Huo Pengzu... His name is... And Chi Mei, from a remote mountain village, named Zhao Zhongcheng... Liu Di let out a long sigh of relief.

He wants to engrave the names of these people on stone tablets.

Let them rest in peace in this small unknown village without worrying about leaking secrets.

Brother Liu sent 1 million yuan to the family members of these 283 Tianluo group members through the Internet.

The signature read: ‘Your child is out on a mission and will be back soon, so don’t worry.

''This is his Medal of Heroes bonus.

’ This is a lie.

Because Brother Liu struggled internally for a long time and did not have the courage to tell the truth.

Boom! From a ruins on the side, a strong figure sprang out! It’s none other than the mutant giant Gaijia! There was a huge wound on his chest, deep enough to reach the bone! But Gaijia seemed to be destined to die, and unexpectedly woke up! He saw everything in front of him clearly and collapsed! Like a panicked child, he kept picking up villagers one by one and shaking them vigorously! He was crying, but he could only make one sound, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

For Gaijia, all the people in the village died and he was the only one left. Life was worse than death! “Gaijia.

"Brother Liu called softly.

Gaijia just whimpered and cried.

Brother Liu felt sad and looked at a piece of flat land on the west side of the village.

“Let’s bury everyone there.

"Brother Liu and Kun Sang walked slowly.

But he saw a scene that puzzled Brother Liu! Only then did he see clearly that there were tombstones standing here! He came to a stone tablet.

‘1 Daisha, sleep here.

''1942-1 Joyce is buried here.

''1963-1 Gai Jia was buried here.

''1974...'' Brother Liu's eyes were full of confusion.

Is this Eden Dasha ‘Ugly Dasha’? Is this Gold Joyce the village chief? Il Gajja, is the big man Gajja? ! At this time, the big man Gaijia happened to come holding Daisha's body.

Brother Liu pointed to the tombstone, "Gai Jia, do you know what's going on?" "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Gai Jia just cried.

Brother Liu remembered that Daisha once said that Gaijia's throat was broken and she could not speak.

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