My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 441: Once separated, it is forever

There was silence for a long time.

Brother Liu laid the body of Chimei flat.

He said nothing.

He walked among the Tianluo warriors, constantly groping in their arms.

Finally, he found a communicator in the arms of a warrior.

This device was extremely simple, with only a green display screen.

But it integrated the most advanced information confidentiality technology at the moment.

It did not use the Internet, but directly transmitted satellite signals.

The demon boy started with all his strength, searching for the source of the signal.

And Brother Liu focused his attention and cracked the device in his hand.

A moment.

m The information that was originally automatically destroyed appeared.

But they were all fragmented words.

‘Xian Tianluo’ ‘Chernobyl’ ‘Stop the Doomsday Association’ ‘Top Secret Mission’ ‘There is only one condition for returning...’ ‘Be extremely careful’ ‘The organization does not want to erect another nameless tombstone...’ After reading these... Brother Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

Frowning, tears welled up.

Tianluo became the top-secret Xi Tianluo.

No identity.

Even if sacrificed, there would only be an nameless tombstone.

Liu Di looked back at the bodies of several soldiers.

They died with their eyes wide open, staring at the north.

Liu Di's head suddenly rang! That's the direction of the village! Doomsday Association!!! They are the ones who catch wild animals! Moreover, they want to catch villagers! "Kun Sang, stay here and ensure the safety of the soldiers!" Liu Di shouted, and his body shot out like thunder, heading straight to the north! Kun Sang also realized the seriousness of the problem! He looked horrified and anxious! The enemy is so strong, can you do it, Emperor San! And what happened to my villagers! Suddenly, Kun Sang saw the silver shuttle on the side.

"Xiao Shu, can you stay here?" Roar! A low beast roar came, and the mutant sloth walked out, pounding the ground with his claws, his eyes firm.

"Please!" Kun Sang clasped his fists and rushed to the north! ... And Liu Di.

Crossing dozens of kilometers in 5 minutes, the giant vine barrier of Yulia Village has appeared in front! Liu Di was panicking! It looked like nothing was wrong here, but that was what made him feel uneasy! The vines opened a gap, and Liu Di stepped in.

The next moment.

He was struck by lightning! The village was still as peaceful and tranquil as before.

But things and people had changed! Corpses, corpses everywhere! It was unbearable to look at! Liu Di seemed to have his soul out of his body, and the surrounding scenery was spinning around him crazily! Thinking of the scenes of getting along with the villagers! The honest Gai Jia... the singing Desha... the village chief pretending to be majestic... and the weird but enthusiastic faces of other villagers! The grief in his heart made it difficult for him to breathe! He had never felt such sadness before, and the last time they parted, it was forever! Liu Di did not stop, and moved quickly in the village! The result made him lose all hope! All dead... no one survived! Liu Di picked up Desha, her chest was broken, and her internal organs were shattered! He could never hear her singing again! Brother Liu didn't cry out, but a low roar came from his throat...he was grief-stricken! Suddenly! He saw a comfortable bed made of wooden boards in the distance.

The veins on his forehead were exposed! His eyes were red! It must be the Doomsday Association! For a moment, Brother Liu couldn't control himself! Wow! The huge vines above the village felt the radiation that was completely irresistible! They suddenly retracted to the ground! In an instant, the vine dome with a radius of 10 kilometers disappeared directly! Yulia Village was exposed to the sun again! Full of bright vitality! But, there will be no more villagers! Brother Liu wanted to bite his teeth to pieces! The sadness in his heart could not be expressed! It was also at this moment that Brother Liu saw it! A few kilometers away, a group of black figures were moving slowly. They had just left Yulia Village! "It's you!" "It's you!" Brother Liu's figure turned into a flash of lightning! Boom! Brother Liu's figure suddenly stopped! With his head down, he appeared at the forefront of the team! "Oh? Very strong!" "Haha, there is a surprise!" On the wooden platform in front of the team, the blond young man laughed and sat up, "God sensed my prayer!" Liu Di didn't say anything, his eyes trembled violently because of anger! He pointed at the village! "Haha, you are the guest that the big-headed monster said?" "That village... I killed him, so what?" The blond young man stood up.

Standing on the high platform, he looked at Liu Di with his hands behind his back, his face full of disdain.

Then, he said to the back: "You guys, catch him for me, the superior test product, be careful, don't kill him!" The 9 black suits nodded in unison and rushed up! At this moment, an extremely angry curse came from the side, "Fuck you, dare to kill the villagers!" The person who came.

It was Kun Sang, who was dressed in black and furious like a lion! Boom! Kun Sang fought with the black suits, 1 against 9, and punched! Seeing this, the blond young man smiled slightly, "Tsk, F-class cyborg? Unfortunately, I have to tell you that my subordinates are also F-class cyborgs!" Then, he looked at Liu Di who was walking slowly towards him, touched his chin and said, "You are different, we should all be superior people, people with innate genes!" "Let inferior people deal with inferior people.

"Let's have a good chat. If you let the association finish the research, I will accept you as my subordinate. That's fine!" But Brother Liu turned a deaf ear! The purple light in his right eye turned red again! "The president is talking to you, are you deaf?" The blond young man saw that Brother Liu was unmoved, and his eyes were instantly sharp! He shook his head slightly! He flicked his sleeves, and countless black silk threads suddenly emerged from his sleeves. They were metal wires! Dancing in the air, the sharp cold light was looming! Brother Liu's eyes became even redder, "You also killed Tianluo!" "Yes!" "They are the only ants that I have personally taken action against! "The blond young man smiled coldly, flicked his finger, and the metal wires in the sky shot towards Brother Liu! It is hard to imagine that the tiny metal wires contain extremely huge power! It actually blasted the ground into dust! The blond young man deliberately controlled it and did not want to kill Brother Liu directly! But what he did not expect was that in the flying dust, the figure was still standing and slowly approaching! "Haha, you are very strong, I will give you 10 more!" Ding Ding Ding! The sound of metal collision sounded! The blond young man frowned! Can you actually defend it? I will give you 100 more! Ding Ding Ding! It was still the sound of metal collision! The blond young man's face changed slightly, and he urged all the metal wires to attack! The result was still the same! Only countless metal collision sounds were heard, and all the metal wires were blocked! The next moment.

In the dust, the black figure walked as usual and took a step forward! But it was no longer Brother Liu.

It was a human figure wrapped in black armor! The blond young man was horrified! "You..." "You are the new generation of savior! "The black armor did not respond.

But the red light in the right eye became more blazing! "Demon boy, remove the ability to control electricity and fuse 30% of the witch genes!" Brother Liu gave an order! In an instant! The DNA sequence changed again! The black armor slowly turned red and emitted an amazing amount of heat! Under Brother Liu's control, any ability can be perfectly integrated with "nothing"! Boom! The flames were steaming, red sharp fire, white core, and the temperature was unpredictable! The metal wire of the blond young man melted instantly under the high temperature! The flaming figure slowly approached.

The blond young man's face was illuminated red! He was already extremely frightened at this time, with despair in his eyes! Huh! Brother Liu stretched out his arm, grabbed the blond's neck, and lifted him into the air! The high temperature in his palm made a sizzling sound! The blond young man's skin was burnt! "You..." "Stop it!" The blond young man twitched all over, his voice trembling, "Do you know the Doomsday Association? If you kill me, the presidents will not let you go! "Brother Liu remained silent! The high temperature on his body gradually ignited the blond young man's clothes and hair! Then, it was his limbs! Burning from the end, slowly roasted into charcoal, and fell to the ground inch by inch! "Ah..." "Ah..." The wails of the blond young man echoed between heaven and earth! He watched his body being burned inch by inch! And Brother Liu was like a demon god, with extremely cold eyes! Demon Child: "Brother Liu, this man's ability is also to control metal, similar to the chain bridge, but his ability is more sophisticated, do you want to keep some of his DNA?" Brother Liu said in a low voice, "He doesn't deserve it!"

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