Another 3 hours passed.

The number of giant limiters outside the venue has reached 10, forming an encirclement! Rep was hiding in an armored vehicle in the distance and became nervous again! The surrounding area is covered with vibration detection equipment.

Once there is vibration from below, all limiters will immediately activate at maximum power! "Should I hide back in the White Palace?" Rep wiped the sweat from his forehead.

never mind! Great hunters always take photos with their trophies in their heads! Um! I'll stay here! mSuddenly! Vibrator alarm! A slight vibration came from 120 meters underground! Of course, all the cameras underground at this time have already been hacked! The European troops had no idea what was going on inside! Rep was as frightened as a bird, shouting wildly: "Turn on the instruments! All! Maximum power!" The next moment.

10 giant limiters started, and the cooling fans were buzzing! Everyone had an illusion and seemed to see invisible ripples in the field! Buzzing... Even though they were all standing outside the radio range, their scalps were still numb! At this time, the radio waves within a 1-kilometer radius of the exit of the underground laboratory were extremely dense to a terrifying degree! No matter who falls into it, it will not be easy for them! Radio waves of this level may cause resonance and cause ordinary people to explode instantly! Rep puts his hands together! God bless! Emperor Wu must die! boom! There was a loud noise, and the explosion-proof glass at the exit burst under the vibration of the radio waves! Where are others! Rep's eyes widened and he searched hard! It was 100 meters underground and there was no other exit. He would definitely come out from here! boom! There was a muffled sound coming from the ground! The earth shook! boom! Another sound! This sound comes from hundreds of meters underground! It seems to be moving upwards at high speed! There was a dull roar, as if it was penetrating many obstacles! boom! Everyone felt that the ground was collapsing! It seems that all the load-bearing structures have been smashed! Rep is a bit nervous! Did he use the same trick as hitting the meteorite? boom! There was another violent impact, getting closer and closer to the ground, and the ground shook! Rip felt like he couldn't breathe! He was right! Victory or defeat is decided in an instant. The moment he breaks out of the ground, he will be restricted by the jammer! boom! Buildings on the ground collapsed and earth and rocks flew! In the thick smoke, there was suddenly a silver light, which stung everyone and made them unable to open their eyes! Whoosh! That light soared into the sky! 10 limiters are useless! Only then did everyone see clearly! It was a silver aircraft with a diameter of 20 meters! Above the dust, the aircraft reflects light that can blind the eyes, so brilliant! At the edge of the aircraft, a purple light flows back and forth, as if it can breathe! at this time.

The aircraft paused slightly above the base.

Everyone at the scene was stunned, their hands were hanging down, their mouths were wide open, and they were staring at the sky absently! fuck...sheit...omg...isn't this the alien flying saucer numbered tk-02... We have been studying it for 3 years and haven't even opened the hatch! Did it fly? ! Rep was dumbfounded, his facial muscles twitched, and he had forgotten where he was! suddenly.

The purple light on the edge of the flying saucer flashes faster! Lepp suddenly came to his senses and said in shock: "It's going to attack!" "I'm going to die!" Lepp held his head and got into the corner! But the next moment, nothing happened! I saw the flying saucer turning into a stream of light and disappearing from the sky! For a long time, Repp looked up at the empty sky. His body was swaying and he was about to faint... The bodyguard looked horrified, "Mr. Tongguo...this..." Repp held his forehead. , “I need to calm down.

"Mr. Tongguo, you don't have to worry, it's gone!" "The bodyguard quickly consoled him! Whoosh! At this moment, another silver light flashed across the sky! The flying saucer is back again! Rep's eyes widened and he looked at the sky, "Fuck..." but saw the flying saucer staying. In the sky, a light suddenly flashed below.

Two gaps appeared on the smooth hull, and a hatch slowly opened! then.

A figure in white suddenly jumped down from it! Boom! Unbiased, it falls right in the middle of 10 giant limiters! His hair was swept by the radio waves and flew up, revealing a purple right eye! Gulu! Rep swallowed a gulp of saliva, and his heart suddenly rose to his throat! He is so arrogant! He actually came back and landed in the center of the limiter! This time...he's going to be finished! Rep looked at that figure intently, with strong expectation in his heart. The next moment, he would faint and fall to the ground! Brother Liu frowned slightly.

I also felt the discomfort of being in the radio wave! He stepped forward, came to a giant limiter, raised his foot, and bang! The limiter dented instantly, soared into the air, crossed the sky, and landed a thousand meters away! And then.

Brother Liu took a few steps and kicked him again! The second limiter was kicked away like a ball! Bang bang bang! Limiters one after another, like flowers scattered by a goddess, flew over everyone's heads and flew into the distance! Everyone was dumbfounded! This is a machine close to 5 meters! Just kicked away like that? ! Rep saw this scene.

Almost the whole body cracked! Is the limiter useless? ! how so! When Rep came back to his senses, his expression was even more horrified! I saw Brother Liu walking towards me without squinting! At this time, Rep has been hiding in the armored vehicle, only observing the external situation through the small lookout window.

He was completely out of his mind! You can't see me...You can't see me...Creak...a harsh metallic sound came.

The shell of the armored vehicle was torn open by Liu Disciple's hands, like tearing cloth! Rep's body was exposed to the broad daylight, and he looked at Brother Liu with the corner of his mouth twitching, "What a coincidence.

But Brother Liu pointed his arm behind him, pointing at the flying saucer in the sky, "I'll borrow this thing. Please note that this is not stealing."

"Haha..." Rep trembled and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "As long as you like it."


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