Rip held onto the wall.

Watch the figure disappear.

The facial expressions are extremely exciting.

What exactly is going on? This is the White Palace, the highest level of security in Europe! And the underground research center is even more of a secret among secrets! We unexpectedly met again! What a coincidence? What is a coincidence? What on earth are you strolling about! ? No one would believe this kind of thing! In front of my majestic ruler, you can enter and leave state-level secret places at will, and still say hello to me? Rip covered his heart, "Hank, medicine!" 3 hours later.

Repp was sitting behind his desk, having just recovered from his shock.

Ding ding, the phone rings.

"Mr. Tongguo, this is Area 52 headquarters. Your distinguished guest is back again. What should we do?" "What?!" Rep was shocked and covered his chest again! "Mr. Tongguo, don't panic. Are you being threatened? I have a plan to deal with him!"... Area 52 underground.

Dozens of researchers slowly backed up with their eyes wide open. There was a black sharp blade floating in front of each of their necks! Finally, they were forced outside the base.

The black sharp blade retracted with a whoosh.

boom! boom! Several explosion-proof gates fell, the system was locked, and the three underground floors became a sealed fortress that no one could enter! Liu Di glanced at the UFO parked quietly in the distance, and without a moment's pause, he began to disassemble and modify various equipment in the base! Re-create the genetic analyzer! Two hours later.

The DNA data of white-skinned aliens gradually became clear.


As long as it is a living thing, it conforms to the logic of DNA genetics. After all, whether it is advanced life or low-level life, it needs to reproduce! The demon boy repeatedly exclaimed, "The genes of this thing are similar to humans. It is also a DNA double helix, but it is more neat, has fewer defects, and is more suitable for survival. All tendencies are to adapt to a certain special environment!" "But this This environment is not the earth, which is also the reason for his death!" Liu Di nodded slightly.

In other words, there is still a species barrier between planets! 2 hours later.

Liu Di and Mo Tong jointly created a simple launcher.

Can simulate alien biological signals and issue orders to the outside world! That is the command key of ufo! Brother Liu and Mo Tong are very excited! Staring at the flying saucer in front of me, it seems now that the flying saucer is so smooth that you can't even find the entrance! According to information from Area 52, scientific researchers here have never entered! Even after a month, they will find a way to forcefully cut it! However, the demon boy did not have any experience in transmitting orders from such alien creatures.

We can only proceed gropingly! The devil boy rubbed his hands.

The command key emits blue light and the signal is sent out! Wait quietly! Time passed minute by minute, a full 10 minutes...15 minutes...the flying saucer did not change at all! Brother Liu frowned, and the devil boy was disappointed.

Is our approach wrong? No signal response at all! After thinking for a moment, Brother Liu suddenly woke up! There is no information about the pilot in the records of this flying saucer! The thermal energy detector on site can distinguish between metal and living things, and the data shows that there is no biological body among them! Is it...unmanned? Is there someone else controlling the situation? Brother Liu stretched out his palm and slowly opened the 'Nothing' on his wrist, revealing a small bunch of silver hair! "Are we being led in subjectively?" "This flying saucer does not necessarily belong to that weird alien!" "Perhaps, it was originally a flying machine on the earth and belonged to the frozen Mayan female warrior?" The devil boy appeared. , eyes widened, "Hiss... this is amazing!" "The technology of the Mayan civilization has soared and created flying saucers. Are the flying saucers actually people from the earth?" "Brother Liu, let's study hair!" The two of them aroused hope, A new round of genetic analysis has begun again! this very moment! There were crowds of people around the white ball-shaped building in Base 52.

This is the only exit from the underground laboratory.

For 4 hours, Area 52 mobilized all its forces and installed 8 huge launchers here! It looks like a satellite cauldron and is five to six meters long! The equipment is still being debugged! Rep came to the scene in person, his palms were sweating! Right in front of us is the Area 52 defense commander’s plan! 8 transmitters are actually 8 extra large version limiters! This kind of instrument has been developed a long time ago, and even Brother Liu once encountered it in the 'Hercules' illegal transformation base! Through osteopeptidase and electric frequency fluctuations, the activity of human cells and gene functions are restricted.

For the average person, this can be instantly debilitating.

But for the cyborgs, this is the limiter of their abilities! The black and white jokers at that time were tortured by this kind of equipment and were unable to fight back! Normally, this kind of equipment is useless! Because no reformed person would sit back and die! However, for situations like today, equipment comes in handy! Because Liu Di stayed in the underground research center for nearly 5 hours, giving Europe enough time to prepare! Debug the equipment and then catch the turtle in the jar! I experienced a highly stressful 4 hours.

Rep gradually gained confidence! Madness defeated reason, and he began to seek death again! God bless, this is a perfect opportunity to capture Emperor Wu! In order to be sure, Leipu is still constantly retrieving this kind of equipment from afar! The more the merrier! Restrict Emperor Wu to death! Try to get him to fall to the ground in a split second.

Let him play again, let him walk again! A cold light flashed in Rep's eyes, "No one has ever dared to ignore me, and twice a day!" "Don't you have an old Chinese saying that meeting each other is fate?" "Then since you are here, don't leave!" "I It depends on your luck!"

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