Brother Liu stood up.

He said casually: "So, your second chance to be the savior was snatched away by me?" When Systemma heard this, another stream of blood overflowed from her mouth! "I don't care about that kind of reputation now!" "As long as I kill you, it will prove that you are not as good as me!" "Especially you, you haven't even grown all your hair, you are just like an ant!" Systemma said, directly addressing her Step forward! Click! He actually crushed the blade made of liquid metal in his hand! The liquid metal turned into little stars and sprinkled on the ground! Brother Liu instantly lost his sense of the liquid metal! Along with this, there was also the shock in Brother Liu's heart! Liquid metal is indestructible! Cutting up the cyborgs, even impacting meteorites, and never suffered any damage! But just now.

Systemma actually crushed him to pieces! Brother Liu frowned! Only then did I realize that the liquid metal attack just now did not cause any damage to Systemma! The only thing that broke his defense was the white-browed old man's full blow! next moment! A greater power appears! Systemma's body trembled and she emitted that low-frequency sound wave again! Wrap up Brother Liu! Due to the vibration of the sound waves, the air generated great kinetic energy, which was able to restrain Liu Di's body! Brother Liu waved his arms, but found it extremely difficult! This gave him an overwhelming feeling! crucial moment.

The white-browed old man suppressed the blood in his throat and took a step forward.

The situation on the field has changed again! An invisible gravity is generated to resist the sound waves.

Disciple Liu was relieved! The white-browed old man said in a deep voice: "Systemma! You have lost today and are not qualified to continue the challenge!" Systemma's eyes were red and she turned to look at the white-browed old man, "You..." "If you dare to destroy Rules, I am an old man, even if I give up my life, I will fight you to death here!" The white-browed old man put his hands behind his hands and looked at death! Systemma panted heavily, her body sluggishly sluggish! He is not as fierce as he appears now, and he is also seriously injured! He was thinking a lot and turned to look at Brother Liu, "Although I can crush you to death for being such an ant at will, I was born in a Kung Dao school and learned the spirit of martial arts!" "I make an agreement with you now that in three months, I will fight you, kill you, and make you regret becoming the savior!" And Brother Liu.

He lowered his head at this time.

Outsiders thought he was intimidated by Systemma's aura! But suddenly I heard his deep laughter.

The corner of Liu Di's mouth curled up, and he raised his head and said to Systemma: "You are barely an opponent, but three months is too long, one month is enough!" "Speak arrogantly!" Systemma shouted, just as he was about to Take action! But he was blocked in front of him by the white-browed old man! Systemma shrank back again, "You can't be arrogant for more than a few days! Don't think that I don't know your origins. If you don't show up in one month, I will bulldoze your punisher!" Liu Di was not afraid at all, "I mean, in one month, I will bulldoze your Doomsday Association!" "You!" Systemma was extremely angry, but he was holding back! He didn't know why the white-browed old man wanted to protect this ant with all his strength! But he understands the situation! If you fight hard today, there will be no good results! He scanned the scene and suddenly spotted the cigar man who had been smashed into the ground. "You still dare to hurt my men!" The white-browed old man frowned deeply. "I can risk my life, but why do I care about hurting your men?!" Ma's body stagnated again. He gritted his teeth, stepped forward, and pulled the cigar man out of the soil.

But he was extremely unwilling! With a roar, the sound waves spread and directly shook the temple door down! I saw the old man's arm behind his back suddenly twitching! But his face can only remain calm! Systemma slowly boarded the plane with the cigar man in hand. Before leaving, she stared at Brother Liu with murderous eyes! And Brother Liu was also looking at him, with a faint smile on his face.

The helicopter slowly took off.

The old man with white eyebrows came to Liu Di with the support of his disciples, "In the battle just now, if you hadn't taken action, I might not have survived now... You saved me again!" Liu Di smiled softly.

He just searched a lot of information on the Internet.

Unexpectedly, in a palace painting from the reign of Emperor Dezong of the Qing Dynasty during the Guangxu period, the figure of the old man in his youth was found! In the current identity record, his name is He Cang.

Various records show that he was really a strange man whose life spanned a century! Liu Di nodded slightly, "This junior has seen a heroic savior!" The white-browed old man also smiled, "Your one-month agreement with Systemma will come soon. Let me put it bluntly, you can't compete with him now. .

"If you stay in this temple, everything you eat and drink is mine."

"I will use this old life to protect you."

Brother Liu shook his head slightly, "One month is both a long time and a short time. When I come back, I will completely help you put an end to the saying that your birthday is your death anniversary!" "The old men were slightly startled! Although Brother Liu spoke lightly, his aura and demeanor were extremely confident! Suddenly, several people in the temple thought that this person in front of them had mastered Qigong to the top overnight! So did the white-browed old man. He was in a daze! Looking at Brother Liu with an unpredictable smile on his face.

Who am I doubting? He was... when everyone came to their senses.

I saw Brother Liu walking away along the mountain road with his hands behind his back.

The white-browed old man rubbed his eyes vigorously.

With a common sound, he knelt down towards the figure in the distance! He kowtowed heavily! "Best farewell to Master!" Heqi Shengcai behind him also knelt down with a pop and kowtowed: "Best farewell to Master!" The white-browed old man buried his head.

He didn't get up for a long time.

Behind me, I heard the sound of Huisheng's urn and said angrily: "Master, you have tricked me to death this time. If you let me beat Master, I will be punished by God.

Bai Mei whispered: "Don't worry, Master is God, he is very generous!" "...on a helicopter.

The cigar man had woken up and grinned in pain, "President! Are you going to let them go like this?" "They are too cruel!" "Why don't you mobilize the power of the association?" Systemma frowned, " I was injured today, and I have to abide by the martial arts agreement!" "President, you have been following that agreement for decades!" "It's still humiliating!" "That old guy will definitely not recover as fast as you." The queen of heaven came back and bulldozed this small temple!" Upon hearing the cigar man's words, Systemma frowned and was shaken in his heart! A cold light flashed in his eyes, as if he was struggling! but.

Before he could figure out the result.

The helicopter's radar system beeped wildly, sounding an alarm! On the radar screen, I saw dense white dots surrounding the aircraft, approaching rapidly! "What the hell!" Systemma was shocked and opened the hatch. The next second she looked horrified! In the sky, there are hundreds of white missiles, with blazing flames behind them, heading towards the plane! Of course they won't know.

2 minutes ago, an air force defense base near Xiuxiang Mountain was hacked! 80 Stinger surface-to-air missiles are controlled, then automatically aimed and launched! At this time, it was too late for Systemma to defend herself! His face was stiff, and dense missiles were reflected in his pupils! boom! boom! boom! 3 seconds later, a series of explosions came from the sky! The fire is soaring into the sky! Deafening! That little helicopter had long been torn to pieces by the violent explosion! From the small temple on the top of the mountain, you can clearly see the explosion! The white-browed old man's face twitched.

Master, if you don’t tell are still the unpredictable Master! Systemma, you deserve to be allowed to destroy my temple! the foot of the mountain.

Brother Liu paced.

5 minutes ago.

He's in control again! The little boy's voice came again.


"Brother Liu."

"Are you okay?" "Di Liu looked at the little boy in pajamas with sleepy eyes.

Smiling softly, "It's not bad, you can sleep well.

"Immediately, Brother Liu slowly raised his head, and in his right eye that had been silent for a long time, a faint purple light began to flicker!

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