My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 410: Rubbish Shouts

Liu Di raised his head slightly.

He found that the cigar man was actually a cyborg, and his strength was about level J! Liu Di's heart moved slightly.

His perspective was indeed narrow! He once thought that after activating the 5th-order Rubik's Cube, the Punisher could dominate the world.

Now it seems that he is too conservative! And Liu Di's change of mind.

But it made the cigar man even more arrogant, "I'm asking you, what are you?!" Liu Di exhaled slightly.

Although he didn't know what kind of power struggle was involved behind this.

But he didn't have such a good temper as peace brings wealth! Remember http://Liu Di said lightly: "Come here."

" "Yell?" "The newcomer doesn't know the rules, so arrogant?" The cigar man was full of disdain and took a few steps closer, "I'm coming, what can you do!" But Liu Di suddenly raised his hand! He pressed the back of the cigar man's head! His arm instantly burst out with powerful force! The cigar man couldn't resist at all! Boom! Liu Di took advantage of the situation and pressed the cigar man's head directly into the ground! The bluestone slab under his feet was smashed to pieces in an instant! The whole head of the cigar man was buried in the soil! "Are you a piece of trash who dares to yell in front of me?" Brother Liu grabbed the cigar man's hands and pulled them suddenly. Snap! The cigar man's shoulder joint seemed to be dislocated, but it was actually more exaggerated! The bone was evacuated half a finger long, with only a layer of skin left to connect! The cigar man's head was buried in the ground, and he wailed miserably and fainted directly! Heqi Shengcai was stunned, "Brother Liu, you!" Brother Liu shook his hands, "It's okay, I'll take it!" Then, Brother Liu took out a cigar from the cigar man's arms and slowly lit it.

There was nothing in the temple, and he hadn't smoked for a long time.

But the next moment.

Brother Liu frowned, "What a broken thing!" Then, he directly extinguished the cigar at the crotch of the cigar man! Heqi Shengcai still stared blankly, not knowing what to do! In the temple, there were a few bald heads peeking through the cracks in the door, watching all this.

They were also stunned, "Brother Liu... is he an evil person?" But He Chu pulled the children back, "Maybe this is Brother Liu himself! Be careful that he will take you away!" And Brother Liu.

Because of the 10 days of body training, plus the gentle effect of Qigong, the injury has recovered 80%! In his eyes, the modified people like the cigar man are indeed garbage! At this time.

The gray sphere in the sky suddenly became abnormal! It became a little unstable! The originally smooth surface was rippling! It seemed that even the thickness of the sphere was gradually getting thinner! Harmony brings wealth and changes color, "No, Master can't stand it, his gravity field is weakening!" But Brother Liu's eyes were cold, "Don't panic! I want to see how capable this genetic evolutionist is!" After that, Brother Liu took a few steps forward! He stretched out his hands, and the water drop pendant on his chest flashed! At this moment.

In the gray sphere! Systema's figure was as fast as lightning! He kicked the ball wall with his feet, and his body shot out like a cannonball! He stretched out his fists and hit the old man with white eyebrows heavily! The old man with white eyebrows couldn't bear the burden, stepped back several steps, and blood oozed from the corner of his mouth! "Humph, you are really old and useless!" "Today is the last battle between you and me, prepare to die!" Systema used the same trick again! His body rushed out again! I'm afraid that if this punch hits again, White Eyebrow will be defeated and there is a possibility of being killed! And a strong unwillingness emerged in the eyes of the old man with white eyebrows! But he really couldn't resist again! At this critical moment! Two gaps suddenly appeared at the bottom of the ball! "Huh? What?" Systema also noticed the abnormality! But the change made him have no time to think! The two gaps suddenly burst into dazzling black light, and there seemed to be a black lotus blooming in it! Whoosh! Whoosh! Countless black blades came like a storm! Instantly wrapped Systema! Ding Ding Ding! The sound of dense metal collisions rang out! Sparks kept coming out of Systema's body! He stood in the middle and roared! His body emitted some kind of high-frequency sound waves! The sound waves spread out, and all the black light was shaken, and it actually lost its form and turned into drops of black liquid, floating in the air! "Who attacked me?" The strong man roared! Who knew that the next moment, the black liquid condensed again and turned into countless blades! Cutting towards him again! At this time, Baimei saw the opportunity! The entire gray sphere suddenly shrank and solidified into the size of a football! He launched a blatant attack on Systema, who was entangled by the blades! At the same time, the gravity around Systema was also distorted, making him unable to dodge! Boom! This real blow produced a loud bang! Systema bleeds and flies out! The old man with white eyebrows also fell to the ground instantly, his body shook, blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and was supported by Heqi Shengcai! Several people looked up.

But the black light floating in the air turned into a black meteor, returned to Brother Liu's body, and disappeared! "This..." "Isn't it the 'nothingness' of the master?" "Master, didn't you say that in this world, only the master can control this element?!" Heqi Shengcai supported his master with a horrified expression! The white-browed old man covered his chest and whispered: "Of course!" Heqi Shengcai was stunned! The master meant... At this time! A figure rose from the ground in the distance! Landed in front of everyone.

It was Systema who was bleeding from his mouth and nose! He was holding a black blade in his hand! It was the only bit of liquid metal that Liu Di did not take back! Systema's eyes were bloodshot, staring at Liu Di, "You! It's you! You are the new generation of savior!" He knew in his heart that the weapon in his hand came from the figure who smashed the meteorite a few days ago! But Liu Di shook his head slightly, "I don't deserve it!" "Hahaha!" "I didn't expect that I would have an unexpected gain this time!" "In addition to the old one, I also found the young one!" "You all deserve to die!" "You all deserve to go to hell for robbing my honor!" "You are not worthy of the title of savior!" "Today, none of you can leave!" Systema was fierce and stared at Liu Di closely, as if observing something. In a flash, he laughed again! "I didn't expect the new generation of saviors to be so weak!" "Just relying on you, you can smash that meteorite. Is it with the help of this old guy?"

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