Brother Liu is like no one else at this time! Feeling the stronger and stronger airflow in the body, it is very comfortable! He knew it in his heart.

Even if you practice this qigong to the peak, there is no way to compare with the second stage gene lock of the complete body.


This ancient Chinese heritage is very interesting.

It happened to help me sort out the strength in my body while I was injured.

The originally manic power turned into peace and could be controlled freely.

Even fighting against the 'Hell Leather Armor' has become much easier! This not only helps with injury recovery, but also helps with your own physical training foundation! Brother Liu applauded in his heart.

m is good! It’s just a little too simple! Huh... Brother Liu finished a set of Qigong starting postures and exhaled slightly.

Return to peace.

The white-browed old man's eyes dropped to the ground.

You can achieve this with just one starting position? Is the aura visible? Is there any justice? Brother Liu, on the other hand, put his hands behind his hands and looked into the distance.

"Demon boy, are you awake?" There was no response.

However, calling the devil boy is something Liu Di must do every day.

Getting along for a long time.

The Demon Boy is no longer as simple as a super computer.

But Liu Di is a good friend who talks about everything.

Brother Liu sighed slightly, jumped up and disappeared into the mountains of Chaoyang.


The white-browed old man continued to sit on the big stone and lecture the young monks.

"Qigong is very easy to learn. Didn't you see, Brother Liu learned it right away!" "However, he only learned the basics!" "After all, it only takes one day. With or without the guidance of a master, he can only learn the basics!" "It will take another twenty or thirty years to reach the height of harmony and wealth!" "So, you pay the tuition obediently and be a teacher without fear of hard work. I will teach you for twenty or thirty years!" The little bald heads were deceived by their master one by one. Believe it or not.

I’m about to prepare a letter to my parents! I learn qigong and make money! Right now.

Suddenly there was a trembling sound at the temple door! It's some kind of air shaking, but the sound is like a dragon's roar! Bang! Bang! Phew...a figure flew backwards! boom! He fell in front of the white-browed old man.

"Master, Brother Liu has learned Qigong and can release his energy. I am no match for him!" But it was Huisheng who got up with a bruise on his right eye! "Ah...I'll go!" The white-browed old man shook his body and almost fell off the stone! The little bald heads stood up immediately, "Master, what's going on!" The white-browed old man stabilized his body, "Don't panic when something happens, let your breath go out, you're just in the middle level, I just came out of the bathhouse, I can do it too!" "Wisheng" , Go and call my eldest disciple Huicai!" "You must defeat Brother Liu, otherwise how can I charge you!" Huisheng scratched his bald head, "Master, senior brother is already fighting Brother Liu!" "Huh? The old man looked startled, "Then let's go watch the battle!" Whoosh! As soon as he finished speaking, another figure flew over! This man's body was extremely hard, and his bald head caused the white-browed old man to sit down and crack a rock! But he was fine, except for his left eye being red and swollen.

The person flying here is none other than Hui Cai, the person with the highest level of qigong in Harmony and Prosperity! Huicai rubbed his eyes, "Master, Senior Brother Liu is super powerful, his Qigong realm is higher than mine, and he can already transform!" "What?!" The white-browed old man lost his mind for a while, and accidentally fell off the stone! The old man crawled out from behind the stone and said, "How is it possible that the Qi has transformed into a human form? That's at least a hundred years of cultivation! I haven't even seen him, you lied to me, did he leave food for you!" At this time.

But I saw Brother Liu slowly appearing in the distance! His hands dropped naturally and he stood upright.

The invisible airflow around the body is steaming, vaguely turning into an arm-thick airflow, coiling in the chest! Everyone squinted.

That airflow has a head, a tail, four branches, and a beard! A dragon? Shape the airflow into a dragon? To what extent do you need to control your anger? Is this the scope of Qigong? Is this a special ability? Bullying, this is not it! The white-browed old man was petrified on the spot! "Master, what is that on Senior Brother Liu?" "Why did you practice it in one day and defeat four senior brothers?" The little bald heads asked all together! The white-browed old man stared, looked at Brother Liu, and then at a bunch of young monks. old man's heart collapsed! Ancestor! Are you really not leaving any way for me to survive? Will my financial resources be cut off after I acquire real estate? ! But I heard Brother Liu say: "Senior, you don't want to fight me because of your kindness, but I am too weak and need to be improved. Why don't you fight me?" You...the white-browed old man blew his beard and glared, "Nonsense, it is for a disciple to hit the master. How could I do such a treasonous thing?" Everyone was stunned! Master is angry and confused? Brother Liu is not your apprentice? But Brother Liu is helpless! It seems that there is no chance to continue studying Qigong! But fortunately, I can live in the main house today! ...night.

A fire was lit in the yard.

The white-browed old man sat on the stone.

Heqi Shengcai sat aside with a blue eye.

The little bald guys sat opposite the stone.

There was an interrogating look on their faces, "Master, you have to explain it to us, otherwise the tuition fee..." "Stop it.

"The old man with white eyebrows slowly walked down the stone, and first took a few steps back and forth with a calm expression.

Then suddenly he changed into a bitter face.

"Disciples!" The white-browed old man came to Heqi Shengcai and held Huihe's chin with his hand, his eyes filled with tears.

Huihe looked embarrassed.

The white-browed old man said sadly: "Little bald heads, take a good look at your four wise and mighty senior brothers.

"The young monks looked around and saw that the four senior brothers either had a blue left eye or a swollen right eye.

"We know that they were defeated by Brother Liu, but if we don't blame them, it's you, the master, who can't do it.

""Pooh! The white-browed old man glared, "That's not what I want you to see!" "Immediately, he put on a bitter face again and said, "Take a good look, my four beloved disciples are all sallow and thin, and their faces are all green from hunger! "They haven't had enough to eat for 10 days!" "Aren't you the same?" "Think about it, who is it?" Who can starve for 10 days and still fight? "That's my apprentice!" "Brother Liu, is he the same?" "If one person is full, the whole temple will starve!" "Is this fight fair?" "My four major disciples did not exert their full strength!" "Your senior brother Huihe has fainted from hunger three times in the past few days. Do you know?" "There is also Huicai, who fainted from hunger 6 times!" "Isn't it pitiful?" But Huihe Hanhan said: "Master, we don't have it."

"Don't talk!" The white-browed old man continued to look at the little bald head, his voice choked with sobs, "I also hid a few steamed buns. You are growing, so share them."

"As he said that, the old man took out two steamed buns from his arms and handed them to the young monk tremblingly. "You must remember Master's kindness..." A young monk took a bite of steamed buns and said, "Master said the same, I'm hungry. broken.

"The old man with white eyebrows shed tears of relief on his face when he saw that the cruel trick was successful.

Little leeks, you are still young.


Suddenly there was a buzzing sound in the backyard! And the sound is getting louder and louder! The ground shook slightly! The expression of the white-browed old man changed, "No, that guy is demolishing my main house!" Everyone got up quickly and rushed to the main house, only to see that there was no one in the house! They then determined the source of the sound.

Quickly ran to the kitchen backyard! After seeing the scene clearly, everyone was stunned.

I saw Brother Liu standing next to the huge stone mill, gaiting his horse, with his eyes slightly closed.

He punched lightly, and the air flowed from his fist! And this force acts directly on the millstone.

The huge millstone was hit by Brother Liu no matter how many times, and it was turning rapidly! It's like a small motor is installed, sparks are flying! trembling sound before was coming from this millstone! The old man with white eyebrows completely collapsed, "My white gangstone millstone! My real estate!" "Master!" "Brother Liu didn't destroy the millstone, he was grinding beans and making tofu!" A young monk sniffed, "This is What tofu, it tastes so good!”

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