Before sunset.

Brother Liu came back from the winding mountain road. He was covered in sweat. Today he had trained his body to the limit again.

But he saw people in the temple waiting at the door, full of expectations.

Huisheng stood in the middle of the road, scratched his head and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Liu, Master, he called me... Oh no, I saw you competing with the two senior brothers, and I felt itchy, so I asked for advice.

"Huh? Brother Liu looked sideways and saw the white-browed old man muttering to the little bald man: "Disciple, are you sure you don't want to bet 5 yuan that Brother Liu will win?" "Master, I have no money."

"Brother Liu smiled helplessly.

Whatever! Just in time to see how I am recovering! Brother Liu slowly stretched out his hand and said, "Please give me some advice from Huisheng!" Huisheng nodded and didn't say much.

Get up into the horse stance and slowly perform a set of flowing water starting postures.

In the end, he collided with his fists in front of his chest! The momentum changes in an instant! There was a banging sound inside his body, as if the heavy obstacles in his body were being broken through by a flow of air! Some kind of power is unleashed! Brother Liu narrowed his eyes and understood instantly that it turned out that being kind and making money was always hiding something secret! Wison's energy level has not changed, but his combat power has increased significantly! In the induction of combat consciousness, the feeling of threat is also rising! drink! Huisheng let out a low roar, full of energy! Gradually, there seemed to be transparent air steaming from his body surface! Everyone was dazzled and could see the air on Wison's arms twisting, like water ripples! "Senior Brother Liu, be careful!" Huisheng shouted, his body sprang out, and a punch accompanied by steaming air blasted Brother Liu! Liu Di didn't have the physical skills he had in his prime, so he had to cross his arms and resist the punch! boom! The air surges.

Liu Di's body did not move, but slipped 2 meters! He also had his eyes wide open and seemed a little surprised! Wison’s ability is interesting! then! The roar continues! Brother Liu kept holding on to Huisheng's fists and took the time to punch back! Liu Di's strength is at least a thousand pounds now, but when his fist hit Wisheng, it was like hitting a wall of air, unable to break through Wisheng's defense! Wison is like a bronze man! Ignore the blows and move with great force! Seeing this scene, the white-browed old man smiled slightly and said, "Disciples, do you see clearly? What is qigong? Is Brother Huisheng good at it?" The little bald heads were also shocked and nodded repeatedly! The old man with white eyebrows said proudly: "Huisheng's qigong has reached the state of qi distribution, which is considered a master!" "He is not a mortal. He sensed the existence of qi at the age of 4!" "At the age of ten, he can guide the qi in his body through meditation! "At the age of fifteen, he can use Qi on the body surface for defense!" "His talent is one in a million!" "Ordinary people, let alone what he has achieved today, will never be able to sense it in their lifetime!" "Qi!" "Even if you can sense Qi, it won't take you seventy or eighty years to achieve the results that Wison achieved when he was 15 years old." This time, the little bald heads believe it when they see it! Brother Wison really has airflow wraps on his arms! awesome! The white-browed old man forgot about his words, "But no matter how powerful Huisheng is, he has to be my apprentice! You must learn from his humility and pay your tuition on time, understand?" The little bald heads nodded in confusion! Brother Liu and Huisheng fought for 10 minutes! No distinction is made! Even though they were punched hard, both bodies remained standing! Everyone was also surprised. Everyone knew about Wison's strength. He really didn't hold anything back this time! Although Brother Liu didn't win as quickly as before, he was evenly matched with him? This man from the mountain should not be underestimated! The white-browed old man always had a smile on his face.

But I was equally surprised.

This guy is much better than I thought! Can you compete with Wison at this stage? As expected of him! But... that's almost it! No matter how powerful he is, he can only be on par with Huisheng! If you meet Huicai, won't you lose? Haha, satisfied! The white-browed old man said in a deep voice: "Stop! If the fight continues, Brother Liu will be defeated! He is injured, don't break the bones again!" Upon hearing this, Huisheng quickly stopped his hand, cupped his fists and said, "Senior Brother Liu, I'm offended!" Brother Liu's forehead was already sweating. It was true as the white-browed old man said, if he continued to fight, he would be defeated.

Brother Liu also clasped his fists and said, "Huisheng, this battle has no results, but I had a lot of fun fighting. Let's fight again tomorrow!" Huisheng scratched his head and smiled, "Listen to Senior Brother Liu.

"Haha...little bald heads, come with Master."

"The white-browed old man chuckled, and picked up a few young monks, "Let's discuss making up lessons.

The little bald heads asked, "Master, what kind of extra lessons are you talking about?" "Qigong, don't you want to learn it?" ""think.

"Watching the old man leaving with a group of young disciples.

Brother Liu nodded slightly. interesting! ...At night, the entire temple fell into a deep sleep.

In the main room where Brother Liu was, there was a sudden muffled sound! Boom boom... a sound like a bow string breaking came continuously.

The sound lasted until dawn! The white-browed old man couldn't sleep well all night! He cursed internally.

If you are a traitor and want to make money by harmonizing your anger, what kind of exercises should you practice in the middle of the night? I can't sleep well as a teacher! finally.

A loud bang brought the white-browed old man back to reality! Not good! He quickly dressed and came to the hospital! But I saw a main house collapsed! The wall collapsed, leaving only a few pillars standing alone! This is exactly the room where Brother Liu lives! The old man wants to cry but has no tears! What's going on! But I saw Brother Liu sitting in the ruins, frowning, slowly doing the flowing water gesture in his hands! He murmured: "I still acted too hastily. This power is very particular about how to control it!" The white-browed old man looked ugly! This kid is learning Qigong! It brought down my house! Oh, tell me, if you don’t have that talent, don’t mess around! My real estate! It's going to kill me! However, the old man suppressed all his complaints! Dare not say! Shortly after.

The monks in the temple, led by Heqi Shengcai, began to practice morning exercises.

Brother Liu did not leave in a hurry this time.

Instead, he climbed onto the roof again.

He stared at the people of Heqi Shengcai without blinking! Heqi Shengcai has practiced for twenty years and is very familiar with it.

He slowly deduced the postures in his hands, with slow and smooth movements! They are practicing the starting posture of Qigong to strengthen the circulation of Qi in the body! As the saying goes, only when the foundation is solid can you rise! From a distance, this looks like the old Tai Chi that can be seen everywhere in the square, but it is very different! Brother Liu has been watching quietly! Subconsciously, he imitated the movements of Heqi Shengcai with his hands and performed them in a small range! He kept muttering, "So that's how it is..." The old man with white eyebrows has been sitting in the yard, peeking at Brother Liu from afar.

Alas... My ancestor's love of learning is really terrible! But this is Qigong! Without talent, no matter how hard you try, it's useless! But you are you after all.

I believe that in my lifetime, I should be able to sense the existence of Qi! Uh... The old man with white eyebrows stopped complaining here! His eyes widened! He saw Brother Liu standing on the roof with the morning sun behind him! He closed his eyes, took a horse stance, and his movements were exactly the same as those of the 20 years of Qi training! What shocked the old man the most was! Under the blazing red morning sun, transparent waves of air were steaming around Brother Liu, surging with his moves, and then dispersing! Is this Qi? ! My God? ! The old man's body shook and he almost fainted! I haven't seen the shadow of Qi in more than 100 years! You learned it overnight? ? ?

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