My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 402 I am too weak

Two more days.

Liu Di is unstoppable, he goes out early and comes back late! You can now switch from walking to running! And that towering mountain peak can already be climbed halfway up the mountain! Brother Liu sensed something, and the injuries in his body recovered by 30%! The old man with white eyebrows peeks at it every day and marvels at it again and again! not human! It’s only been 6 days! When he came here, his bones were all broken, but now he can run? ! With such a speed of recovery, you can make a living by selling your organs, and you can get rich at no cost! at this time.

Remember http:// in one second Liu Di, who returned to the thatched cottage to rest, was frowning and thinking.

For the past two days, he had felt like everything was gone.

The water drop pendant on the chest is quiet now.

However, Brother Liu clearly felt that he was even more connected to it! Could it be that the amount of liquid metal mobilized has increased? Liu Di thought about the incomparable feeling that before crushing the meteorite, the liquid metal spurted out and finally covered his whole body, allowing him to soar into the sky.

It is inevitable that there is some expectation in my heart! Could it be that restoring the body can also increase the evolution of DNA? With a thought in Liu Di's mind, the liquid metal slowly gushes out from the water drop pendant and turns into a thin line, like a clear water, slowly floating in the air.

It can reach more than three meters long! This weight has almost reached his peak! Brother Liu thought, and in the small room, liquid metal danced in the air! He sensed carefully.

The speed cannot keep up with the period of complete victory, the power cannot keep up with the period of complete victory, and the precision cannot keep up with the period of complete victory! well! Brother Liu was helpless.

Slowly recover the liquid metal! It seems that this physical injury also affects the performance of special abilities! suddenly. subtle breaking sound came! There are straight cutting marks on the four pillars of the thatched house! Wow! The roof of the thatched house suddenly fell down! moment.

Brother Liu poked his head out from the thatch, his face full of astonishment! Is my manipulation of liquid metal already so rough? Don’t you even know how to cut a pillar? Brother Liu smiled bitterly.

Simply put your hands on your pillow, lie on the thatch, and look up at the starry sky! Good thing.

The air in this mountain is pure, and even the starry sky can be seen more clearly than in the city! Under the beautiful scenery, Brother Liu fell into a deep sleep! Early the next morning.

When everyone woke up, Brother Liu had already entered the mountain.

The old man with white eyebrows looked at the collapsed thatched cottage, his expression collapsed, "My real estate has been passive! If this continues, will I have no way to survive?" That night, Brother Liu returned.

Announced one thing: challenge Huihe! Everyone in the temple was in high spirits! The days are dull, and it is rare for someone to challenge the Four King Kongs. It is exciting! In the open space, Huihe smiled naively: "Brother Liu, you are injured like this, and fighting you is really taking advantage of others!" Brother Liu shrugged slightly, "Look, Huihe, if I don't hit you, I won't have a house to live in." .

"Huihe nodded, "Master said that since you are participating in the war, you must use all your strength. Senior Brother Liu, then I can only offend him! "A group of monks in the temple chewed the flower seeds.

This guy hit a wall today.

The four of them are harmonious and make money, but they just look silly.

As long as they go out to quell chaos, every one of them will be a murderous god! He Chu reminded: "Huihe, Senior Brother Liu is a guest, please stop by.


""I try my best! "Huihe clasped his hands together, bowed slightly towards Brother Liu, and then took a posture. He no longer concealed it, and his aura exploded! Brother Liu narrowed his eyes.

Huihe's previous soft and reserved aura has become extrovert, fierce and domineering! The strength is stable at J level! If placed in the world, this would definitely be a shocking existence! Inside the secret room.

The white-browed old man smiled at the portrait, "Master, judging from the timeline, this kid is very weak now. I'm really curious about how weak he is.

"Boom, boom, boom! A huge blow came from the courtyard! And the cheers of the monks! The white-browed old man turned his head to listen.

I heard Brother Liu sighing: "Hey... I'm too weak now!" The white-browed old man shook his head helplessly and patted the dust on his body, "The road is long and long. You will be earth-shaking in the future, but now you are still a mere mortal. Big boy!" "I see you are in trouble, once in a lifetime, there is no shop like this in this village!" He walked out of the main house with a smile on his face, and suddenly saw a figure flying towards him! He looked shocked! He immediately stretched out his hand to catch it, but was caught off guard and was knocked back a few steps by the force! then.

The old man took a closer look! "Huihe???" "Who are you!" Huihe's eyes turned blue and he said naively: "Master, Master Liu's strength is amazing, I lost!" The old man took three steps back, his eyes widened. , with a look of disbelief on his face, "How is it possible, you are..." while at the competition site.

There is blood on the corner of Brother Liu's mouth too! This battle gave him a new understanding.

So this is what it feels like to fight someone for ten rounds? And he even got punched! Brother Liu was very sad and kept muttering: "I'm too weak now!" The monks around him were still immersed in the battle just now! Very wonderful! Moreover, someone can actually defeat Huihe? A bit unexpected! But what does this young man mean when he keeps repeating that he is too weak? Is this what people at the foot of the mountain call ‘pretending to be sexy’? The white-browed old man walked slowly, with a look of surprise on his face, "Boy, aren't you... seriously injured?" Liu Di sighed softly, "That was 5 days ago, and now I have recovered half of it!" "Half?!" "So Are you almost half recovered?" The white-browed old man was stunned, and then shook his head suddenly, "I'm not talking about the injury, I'm talking about why you can defeat Huihe!" "Maybe it's Master Huihe's humility. Too weak!" Liu Di's words were filled with disappointment.

The white-browed old man turned to look at Huihe.

Huihe's eyes were already swollen, and he said naively: "I don't.

"Senior, I prefer to remain undefeated compared to Nirvana rebirth!" "But... I am too weak now!" Brother Liu turned around and said with his back to him: "By the way, which room do I live in?" The old man with white eyebrows was suddenly stunned.

You are not weak! Just recovered half of the injury, defeated Huihe! But, this kid took these few steps, arrogant and cold, with a majestic bearing, and vaguely saw the shadow of the master! Hiss... The old man with white eyebrows took a breath of cold air, almost overstepping his authority, this guy is really not someone he can judge! The other monks were simple and honest, looked at Brother Liu, and stretched out their hands together, pointing to a room in the corner.

"Thank you everyone! "Brother Liu pushed the door open and entered. Compared to the thatched house, this room was a world of difference! At least it was a brick house, and the walls were white.

The bed was not only covered with licorice, but also with a thin mattress! There was also a set of tea sets on the table! Brother Liu nodded slightly and sat down to drink tea.

At the same time, he thought that he would need to double his exercise from tomorrow! Of course, Brother Liu was also a person who would not admit defeat.

After nightfall.

He began to persevere in trying to control the liquid metal.

He was very careful this time. Although he did not collapse the house, he inevitably broke the wall. There were many traces left on the ground! The next day.

Brother Liu got up two hours earlier and came back two hours later again! While training his body to the limit, he also carefully collected some things in the mountains.

That night, he challenged Huiqi! ​​Under the attention of the whole temple, Huiqi was knocked away in 8 rounds! However, there are unexpected events. When Huiqi was knocked away, it hit the wing room where Brother Liu lived.

In addition, there were scars caused by liquid metal in the room. The wing room could not bear the weight and collapsed! The old man with white eyebrows cried silently.

Brother Liu was full of guilt and moved into the upper room!

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