In the thatched house.

Brother Liu drank the last mouthful of cabbage soup and relaxed slightly.

The pain all over his body made his movements unsmooth.

He Chu took out a silk handkerchief and gently wiped away the soup from the corner of his mouth! Brother Liu's face turned red! Why is this so embarrassing? How can I, brother Liu, be someone who can only eat a meal but still have to drink soup? Is it okay if this gets spread? Recovery must be accelerated! He Chu pursed his lips slightly, "Senior Brother Liu, there is no need to be embarrassed. It is Master's order to take care of you, and He Chu has no shirking responsibility.

"Well, don't worry, Miss He Chu, I will pay the bill."

"m Liu Di nodded.

He stood up slowly while supporting the table with both hands. Because of the trembling of his arms, the dishes on the table were bumping against each other.

Trembling, like an old man about to be buried.

His eyes flashed and he stared out the window, "It's time to revive!" As he said that, Brother Liu took steps and slowly walked out the door! He Chu shouted: "Senior Brother Liu, you are seriously injured, you should have a good rest!" Di Liu turned his back and said, "That's for ordinary people!" Di Liu knew clearly.

The human body has endless mysteries. In theory, all wounds can be recovered through self-healing! Platelets and white blood cells repair skin and internal organs! Bone regeneration requires the promotion of osteopeptidum! What a normal person would do is to recover and rest.

But Brother Liu insisted on doing the opposite! First, it relies on its own powerful new human system.

Secondly, the human body’s repair mechanism all relies on the body’s metabolism! What Liu brother has to do now is to accelerate his metabolism like crazy! There is only one way to do this, and that is to exercise crazily and consume crazily! With the restraints of the 'Hell's Little Leather Armor', it is difficult to dislocate the bones! In the early morning, Brother Liu slowly stepped out of the temple gate.

The white-browed old man and Heqi Shengcai watched this zombie-like figure from a distance.

"Master, is he going to...leave?" The white-browed old man looked complicated, and finally sighed slightly, "Huihe will follow him, and then bring him back after he is gone.

"Huihe just took the order.


Brother Liu fell down.

Everyone supported their foreheads.

The next moment, Brother Liu stood up stubbornly and continued walking.

Huihe nodded slowly and then followed.

One day passes in the blink of an eye! In the dusk, Brother Liu appeared at the temple gate with sweat all over his head. His body was slightly stiff, but he could walk without any serious problems! The white-browed old man in the main room nodded slightly through the window! Really extraordinary perseverance! It’s indeed bearable! Suddenly, the white-browed old man thought of something and quickly called the cook, "How many dinners have been prepared?!" The cook was confident, "It's a full portion for one hundred and fifty people. Master, don't worry, you won't be hungry!" 30 minutes later.

"The whole temple is starving tonight!" This tragic cry resounded throughout the whole temple, and everyone had a sleepless night... At night, Brother Liu returned to the thatched cottage and fell asleep! Deep rest is the best time for the body to repair itself! On the second day, before the rooster crows.

The sun has not yet risen, a figure walked out of the thatched house and plunged into the mountains! The old man with white eyebrows was also standing in the room observing! Leisurely sighed: "Master, He Cang has just witnessed with his own eyes at this moment, if you want to become a strong man, talent, luck, and hard work are all indispensable!" Liu Di was walking in the unlit mountains, and the bones in his body were just fitting together. , the muscles are still torn! If you don't move, you'll be in severe pain all over your body! He tried to trot, but found it extremely difficult! "The strong will strengthen themselves and hold on!" Liu Di always reminds himself! He looked up and saw a tall black shadow rising into the sky in the distance. It was the tallest mountain nearby! Yesterday we only walked to the bottom of the mountain! Today, climb at least 100 meters! The sun sets.

Brother Liu turned back again! My whole body was wet with sweat and exhausted! Since the last message was sent, Liu Di has not continued to charge his mobile phone.

But judging by the setting sun, today’s round trip saved at least an hour compared to yesterday! The white-browed old man nodded repeatedly when he saw this resolute-looking figure! At this time, the cook walked into the room, holding a meal in his hand, "Master, I have prepared two hundred meals today, but just in case, Master, you'd better eat some first!" The old man stared at the meal and hesitated. For a long time! Finally, she said faintly: "How can there be any reason to use chopsticks before the elders? Let's eat Brother Liu first.

"30 minutes later.

The cook's voice came again, "The whole temple will starve tonight!" The white-browed old man fainted on the spot.

...Two days later, Brother Liu set out before the rooster crows and returned before sunset! Although the time has not been shortened much.

But that majestic mountain peak has already climbed halfway up the mountain! On this day, Brother Liu came back half an hour in the morning! He leaned against the temple door and panted.

Sweat stained the feet along the uppers of the shoes.

The pain of the injury, exhaustion of physical strength, and the pressure of clothes made Liu Di walk to the extreme every day! Sweat stained the feet along the uppers of the shoes.

Even the monks in the temple were passing by with their hands clasped together and muttering something to each other.

This benefactor was completely unlike those pampered young people in the city. He was already crying for his father after just a few steps on the mountain road.

He is exactly what the scriptures say is ‘full of fire’! It means that you can be cruel to yourself and don't care about the sacrifices. As long as you get an opportunity, you can make a comeback! Take a breather.

Brother Liu raised his head slightly and saw smoke coming from behind the temple.

Brother Liu is also very embarrassed these days! If you are not careful, the whole temple will starve! He was very curious about why the output of the kitchen in this temple was so low. Immediately, Brother Liu walked slowly and came to the back of the temple, and suddenly found a huge stone mill standing behind the temple! An ordinary stone mill is no larger than a wheel, and a donkey can pull it.

And this one in front of him is at least the size of a house, with a diameter of at least five or six meters, and more than two people tall! A cook in the kitchen, shirtless, is slowly pushing this stone mill! The stone mill makes a low and solid sound, and white soy milk slowly flows out from one side! The cook is grinding tofu.

And this millstone may weigh more than several thousand pounds! Brother Liu was amazed! No wonder the food in the temple is scarce. Although this millstone is big, it turns very slowly! It seems that this small temple in the mountains has no slackness from top to bottom.

It really looks like some hidden masters! "What are you looking at?" But the old man with white eyebrows jumped out from nowhere and slowly landed on the top of the millstone. The cook who was pushing the millstone suddenly felt a surge of pressure and had difficulty walking! "This millstone is not an ordinary stone, it's white granite, and its density is one of the best!" "No matter how hard you look at it, you can't push it!" Brother Liu's eyes flashed, he pondered for a moment, nodded slightly, "Goodbye, I'm going to eat!" "Huh?" The old man was stunned, "You don't play by the rules, I'm provoking you, you should compete with me! What's going on! Why don't you leave?"

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