My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 393 Emperor Wu is deified

Since the advent of the era of Cyborgs, various rankings have emerged one after another.

The Fox rankings are the most well-known because they receive a lot of official support.

In the past ten days, Fox’s transformation hero rankings have been reshuffled! The top ten on the list are dominated by three words! All Punisher-xxx! Even the number one hero, the ‘Savior’, who has remained immobile for ten thousand years, has changed! Once upon a time, people were curious about who this ‘savior’ was.

After all, the other superhumans on the list have related battle videos.

The strength is clear at a glance.

But there has been no official news about this savior! Just yesterday, the number one spot on the list changed! Remember http:// in one second and a name called Emperor Wu suddenly appeared! Tied for first place with the Savior! People are even more confused.

Why is it that the number one hero is not determined by default? Don't ask what? The first thing is, who do you love? I do not believe! Many fanatics of the hero protested.

Can this Emperor Wu defeat Hei Yi? Can you defeat Punisher Xia? Why? Fox, give me an explanation! However, Fox really had no explanation! Because the boss of Fox Company personally participated in the Cyborg Challenge in order to obtain first-hand information! He saw with his own eyes the man codenamed Emperor Five.

I didn’t compete with anyone, I just did one thing! Then everyone's heart was filled with despair, and no rebellious thought dared to come up! The moment President Fox returned to the company, his face turned pale and he made an announcement within the company.

As long as the list remains, Emperor Wu must be number one! The Punisher’s strength must be given a fair shake! No reason! However, many thoughtful people among the people suddenly broke out in a cold sweat! Yesterday, the meteorite was destroyed by a mysterious force! That Emperor Wu, could it the same time.

Various dignitaries from various countries are sitting in their offices in a daze! I am still frightened and shocked! That man, even if he didn't make a sound, became a blockbuster! There were rumors before that he had no strength! what's the result? Bertram, who said he had no strength, was stared at to death! And then he saved everyone! If this is called lack of strength, then what exactly is strength? Emperor Wu.

It's that man's code name! It was also what the workers on the ghost island called ‘God-Man Emperor Five! ’ It turns out that various officials thought that these were just superstitious theologies created by the punishers to brainwash workers! Now it seems that there is nothing wrong with this title! Emperor Wu is neither a magic stick nor a hero, he is a god! It turns out that I was too late to realize it! for this kind of thing.

Each country must be recorded in secret archives.

Similar to the previous generation of saviors, it is passed down as historical data! A file entry person was confused about the strength level of the Emperor Five, and asked the leader, "How should I write the transformation level of the Emperor Five?" The leader sighed leisurely, "There is no way to quantify the strength, just write the God-Man Emperor Five..." Almost at the same time.

Countries around the world have one more file.

About the Punisher.

Make that little ghost island a restricted area.

And marked in red: The power of this neutral organization has exceeded the level of reality and must not be an enemy! ...White Palace.

Rip sat in his chair.

In front of him was a psychiatrist exclusively for the country.

We are treating him for the ‘post-war stress-reaction psychological trauma disorder’ he just contracted! The old doctor said softly: "Mr. Tongguo, I think you are under too much work pressure and have some unnecessary thoughts in your mind.

"Rip leaned back in his chair and hummed.

The psychiatrist added: "Sir, according to you, there is a super hacker in the world that no one can stop. He can invade our European system anytime and anywhere? And bomb the White Palace at any time?" Rep nodded impatiently. nodded.

The psychiatrist smiled slightly, "Moreover, he is also a super modified person with unexplainable strength? He can kill heroes with just one glance, and then smash asteroids?" "You also said that the entire 60 years of your life were completely Are you living in a dream?" Rep nodded again.

The psychiatrist tried hard to suppress his smile, "Mr. Tongguo, I am very responsible to tell you that all of this is unrealistic and impossible.

"Repp tilted his head, his face full of disdain, "Stupid mortal.

The psychiatrist smiled helplessly, "Sir, we can confirm the diagnosis. You are under excessive psychological pressure and even have hallucinations!" "I will prepare some medicine for you. You must take it regularly. Otherwise, your condition will continue to worsen and you may not be suitable to continue to serve as president."

"Bullshit!" Rip was furious! He grabbed the pen in front of him and threw it over! The psychiatrist dodged quickly! Rip grabbed the book and threw it out, then threw the national flag out! Then threw the ashtray out! "Stupid Congress, why did you find such a stupid doctor for me? !" "You still say that I have a stupid disease, you mortals, you are stupid!" "That kid has this ability, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it!" Rip cursed, threw objects and attacked, and drove the doctor out! At this time, the first secretary Hank walked in in the hail of bullets! "Sir, good news! So far, China and the Punisher have not taken the next step, and have no intention of denouncing us!" Rip breathed a sigh of relief! Bertram, that idiot, has caused a lot of trouble! Dare to be an enemy of the Punisher! Now it's not like before, Punisher, who dares to mess with it?! "But, sir..." Hank hesitated slightly, "The bad news is that the Black Evil, which is returning... it's missing!" "What? "Rip's face was horrified! The Black Shark was equipped with a neutron bomb! And it belonged to Europe! If this caused any trouble and was discovered by the Punisher, wouldn't Europe be in trouble? Secretary Hank was also nervous, "Sir, we have tried our best. The Black Shark disappeared inexplicably in the Western Ocean. All signals stopped abruptly, as if it had evaporated from the face of the earth!" Rep's face was pale, and he covered his heart. I really can't be at peace for a moment! What's wrong with me! He roared, "Send a plane and then a submarine! I must find it!"

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