My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 392: Saving the World

The demon boy shouted! "This is an ability that only high-dimensional creatures have!" "Erase vitality!!!" "Ah... I'm broken!" Everyone in the audience was horrified! Emperor Wu glared at Bertram! Bertram is dead! He is level E! What kind of ability is this! However, the next scene caused everyone's souls to leave their bodies! I saw the little light on Brother Liu's chest! Flowing matte liquid emerges! Wrap his body! Brother Liu changed from a young man in white to a black humanoid! The matte light of the body flows, the surrounding air seems to be solidified, and the momentum is unprecedentedly powerful, which makes people feel crazy! The last moment.

At the moment when the liquid metal was about to wrap around Brother Liu's face! The pupil of Liu Di's right eye suddenly bloomed with a strange purple lotus! It’s so frustrating! then! Brother Liu completely turned into a black shadow with a purple glow in his right eye, and he looked up at the sky! next moment! The high platform on the ground collapsed! The black figure soared into the sky! Bang! The glass dome explodes and shatters! Bang bang bang! The figures kept breaking through the wall of air! The speed becomes invisible to the naked eye! It's just a faint purple tail flame! The momentum is like a rainbow and completely disappears from the sky! The explosive momentum is shocking! Everyone is like falling into an ice cave, unable to move! 20 seconds later! boom! boom! There was a huge explosion in the sky! The light is dazzling! The sea of ​​clouds as far as the eye can see are rolled up and blown away! Circular air waves spread out like ripples! The ground is dusty! The shock wave is coming soon! Everyone’s eardrums are bulging and their blood is hard to calm down! Bang bang bang! Countless building glass windows shattered! In the sky, a brilliant fireworks formed! When that asteroid just reached the atmosphere! Completely shattered! It turned into countless irregular fragments! Some burn through air friction and turn into ashes! The few that could not be completely burned fell into the distant sea! Make huge waves! One-third of the people in the Eastern Hemisphere are sluggish! In the blue sky, a circular black hole appeared. It was the atmosphere torn apart by the explosion! In the end what happened? ! ! Countless people were shocked on the spot! After a few minutes, the atmosphere slowly recovered, and the black hole was gradually replaced by the light blue sky! Haishi Gymnasium.

Almost all the top reformers in the world are gathered here! Including political figures from major powerful countries! They stared blankly at the sky, their thoughts briefly stagnant! All this is so unreal! They know far more than the average person! It is clear that this is an apocalyptic crisis! They saw with their own eyes that the Punisher Emperor Wu, who had never taken action, suddenly turned into a god and flew up to an altitude of 10,000 meters! salvation! This scene cannot be called shocking, but a reversal of the world in everyone's hearts! The air seemed stagnant for several minutes.

Until various guards and medical personnel rushed into the scene to check everyone's condition! What is surprising to latecomers is.

Everyone at the scene was out of their minds! They seemed to have experienced a great stimulus and were unable to return to reality.

The top leaders of various countries, except for the scene in their minds of the purple-eyed figure flying into the sky! A name also flashed in my mind - 'Heroic Savior.

’ This is a secret that the world doesn’t know! An unexplainable scientific phenomenon! However, 120 years have passed since the last savior, and he no longer exists! Today, a new ‘salvation’ arrives! His code name is Emperor Wu! Everyone looked extremely frightened! My heart calmed down for 10 minutes! The leaders of various countries looked at the overly frightened reformers from their own countries.

They all said in a low voice: "No one is allowed to tell anyone what happened today. In addition, I declare that our country's transformation project will be suspended at this moment!" The scene just now made 29 world powers feel discouraged! Ou Guo Tongguo Lepu, after his inner collapse reached the extreme, his expression turned calm.

An order was quietly given: Black Shark, return.

Once the neutron bomb is launched, maybe the ghost island will be blown up? But, next, Europe will face the judgment of an angry god! This is suicidal! What a bullshit nuclear weapons plan, it’s just a joke in front of him! Duan Hua was stunned in the corner, speechless in his heart, boy, you've had enough... Master Tuo blinked, not knowing whether he had drunk too much or was still in a dream.

Xiaotang has turned off the Cyborg detector in his hand.

Before, she was obsessed with detecting Brother Liu's strength! But now, it turns out that this idea makes no sense! Xiao Xia murmured in her mouth that she was just a brother and couldn't understand... "Hero Ziyue, are you injured?" On Longwei's stage, a doctor asked Ziyue who was in a daze.

But Ziyue kept staring at the sky and said in despair: "Don't call me a hero, I don't deserve it.

"In the Experimental Cemetery.

Liu Xiaodi actually dismantled Liu Di's SS454, leaving only a chassis! But just now, he also discovered something strange in the sky! Being a little genius, he had guessed that it was a meteor explosion.

He pouted, "Which weapons operator is this? Accurate! This is a well-deserved hero!" Heshui Town, hundreds of kilometers away from Hai City.

Naturally, you can also see the explosion in the sky.

My mother, Lu Shuyun, was playing mahjong. "What a big firework! I wonder how my son, who is number one in the world, is doing?" 1 day later.

A group of science enthusiasts on the Internet posted a technical post about the mirage aerial explosion.

The ideas are based on professional theories, but they are bold and imaginative! ‘Do you believe it or not.

Is there an unknown advanced civilization in this world? Are they always protecting humans silently? By the end, you will understand everything I have said today.

On November 26, 2020, an asteroid with a diameter of 300 meters and a weight of nearly 40,000 tons flew towards the coast of Huaxiahai City at a very fast speed of 30 kilometers per second! Hundreds of thousands of people witnessed this terrible scene! According to eyewitnesses' recollections, when this asteroid passed through the sky, there was a deafening sonic boom! Behind it, a ten-kilometer-long trail of smoke was left! The brightness of the subsequent explosion was even stronger than the sun at birth! But fortunately, he did not crash directly to the ground! Instead, it suddenly exploded without warning 240 kilometers above the ground! At that moment, it released energy equivalent to the simultaneous explosion of 8 atomic bombs.

The strong shock wave caused damage to the surface of nearly 7,000 buildings in Huaxiahai City.

According to subsequent statistics, the incident caused a total of 1,400 injuries! However, most of them were injured by flying glass! But the strange thing is that before such a huge asteroid hit the ground, its trajectory was not discovered by any detection equipment! It was not until it entered the atmosphere that it was detected by a Chinese meteorological satellite! This made many citizens unable to understand! Five hours later, the Chinese Space Administration explained this matter.

Since asteroid falls are not uncommon, about 500 asteroids hit the earth almost every year! But they will be burned by the atmosphere! In their words, this asteroid that fell in Huaxia Hai City was purely accidental! But this explanation is too far-fetched! The official did not explain why the asteroid exploded! Everyone always felt that the official was deliberately concealing something! So someone mobilized the surveillance of nearly a thousand driving records at the time of the incident! Only then did they find that things seemed to be really not as simple as imagined.

After slowing down the video by 120 times, everyone can see that this little star dragged a long tail and crossed the sky at a very fast speed! But at the moment it rushed out of the clouds, a mysterious black shadow suddenly appeared behind it! And instantly pierced the asteroid! Then there was a violent explosion! What exactly is this strange black shadow? People began to wonder if it was an interceptor missile launched by the war department? Then someone confirmed that the speed of the mysterious black shadow when it hit the meteorite was close to one-fifth the speed of light! No country in the world can make a missile that flies so fast! Even if technology develops for another 10 years, it is still impossible to achieve! Puzzled! People only know that if this asteroid really hits the ground, the consequences are unimaginable.


After a detailed analysis of the meteorite fragments, scientists found that this mysterious black shadow did not use chemical explosions to smash the asteroid! Instead, it directly used high-speed kinetic energy in physics! It was smashed to pieces with a powerful force! In other words, the mysterious black shadow could not be a weapon! What exactly is this mysterious black shadow? Could it be a creature? It can't be a human.

Because this has far exceeded the scope of transforming people! Everything is so unreal! I don't know if you have heard of the big explosion that also occurred in Tunguska, Russia in 1902? That was also an asteroid fall! Amazing coincidence! That time, the asteroid did not hit the ground either.

It also disintegrated and exploded in the air! Are there really so many coincidences? It's terrifying to think about it! A question worth our deep thought.

Have you ever seriously thought about the fundamental reason why people can survive every asteroid impact? Maybe.

In this vast universe.

There is really an unknown advanced civilization.

It is always silently protecting us! '... Although this post has caused heated discussions around the world.

No matter how bizarre and far-fetched this incident is.


Officials from various countries are surprisingly consistent and have not made any further explanations.

They seem to be in awe of and guarding a shocking secret together!

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