My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 387 Castle Meeting

Western Europe.

This is a deep rolling mountain.

Halfway up the mountain, in a dilapidated old castle.

There were nearly 10 middle-aged people in suits sitting at a long and narrow dining table.

They have different skin colors and come from different countries! The light here is dim, and even the windows are somewhat broken, just like the vampire castle in the movie.

The host at the end of the dining table sat down, and a deep voice rang out, "Everyone, I spent six whole days personally inviting you here one by one.

Someone below replied: "Sir, it's not that we don't want to come, it's that we don't have the guts to do what you want to do!" "Do you know why I set the meeting place in this place?" "The figure on the main seat poked his head out of the darkness. It was a European with thin hair, the leader of the European country - Repp! "Because I know better than any of you who the leader of the Punisher is! "M. Rep curled his lips, "The Punisher does have many powerful reformers! ""but! "You can't guess that their leader is just a hacker!" "That Hacker IV who almost killed me several times!" "He, the Punisher, has an island and can get help from companies. That's because he used hacking technology to threaten him!" "He can possess transformation technology, and he probably obtained it through hacking technology!" "He was able to find the secrets of our transformation organization, and he also used hacking technology to investigate!" "Leip said this with an excited expression! His grudge against Emperor Si has been deep! In Leip's world, Liu Di has indeed shown no other skills, only a series of sharp hacking operations! "You don't have to worry.

"I personally invited each of you on a private plane."

"No online communication has been used!" "And the castle we have now has a history of 400 years and has been abandoned for nearly 100 years. It does not have any electronic equipment. Even the lighting is a candle I just brought here!" "In this deep mountain, there is not even an Internet signal!" "Everyone's communication equipment has also been left 5 kilometers away!" "No matter how powerful Di Si is, he can't find us!" "Repp narrowed his eyes slightly and said coldly, "Everyone here is a representative of the world's powerful countries. I think none of you are willing to be threatened by the Punisher. As a result, you will have a sharp knife hanging above your head for the rest of your life, and you will have trouble sleeping and eating. ? Someone below laughed helplessly, "Mr. Rep, do you mean to unite everyone to target the Punisher?" Haha... Our Mexican country is too weak to take on important responsibilities. This quota... should not be reserved for us! "Haha...Mr. Tongguo, our country is too!" "We will not participate in this matter!" "Yes, there is no need to reserve this quota for our country!" " Representatives from ten countries were approaching under the table. As soon as they guessed Rep's intention, they had no other ideas and retreated one after another! "Hmph! ""coward! Rep stood up suddenly and said, "We in Europe will take the first step in this matter!" "As he spoke, Rep waved his hand, and the bodyguard on the side immediately handed over a stack of photos! Rep pointed to the first photo and said in a low voice: "This is the Black Shark torpedo submarine that our country participated in the war in 1981 and retired in 1990. ! "It has been scrapped for 30 years, and now there are no records!" "I fixed it 10 days ago!" Rep pointed to the second photo, "This is a 30,000-class secret neutron bomb seized by our army from international mercenaries. It was made by stateless people, and there are also no records or files!" "Everyone was silent, feeling that something was not right about this! Rep's eyes were cold, "The power of this 50,000-class explosion is not too big or too small, just 20 nautical miles in diameter! "Even the sea water in it will evaporate!" "Now, I have assembled the neutron bomb on the Black Shark!" "Moreover, the Black Shark has been cut off from all external information and has been hidden in the waters of Huaxia Haishi at a depth of 340 meters for 5 days!" "Now, no one knows it exists!" "Everyone heard this and looked horrified! It's not hard to imagine this! "Mr. Repp, you want to use nuclear weapons! "You're going to blow up the Punisher's Ghost Island!" "You've gone too far!" "The people sitting here were completely frightened by Rep's madness! They all couldn't believe it! "Too much? "Compared with the next hundred or even hundreds of years, when you will be suppressed by the punisher, your hands will be tied, and you will be in darkness, is this too much?" "So what if it violates international conventions?" "So what if I bear the infamy for future generations!" "Is it possible that I will be humiliated for the rest of my life?" ! "Repp glared and roared! "Say it again! "If you don't tell, and if we don't tell, who will know the truth about this matter?" "Repp narrowed his eyes, "The worst result is that China will be angry and the Alliance will be angry, but so what? ""We sitting here unite, we can be the world's top 10 powers! "We just need to calm down the consequences of this matter, shirk the responsibility to the mercenary organization, and reduce the big matter to the small matter!" "No one will know that this is what we in Europe did!" “Although there will be a period of international turmoil.

"But!" "The Punisher will disappear!" "Your worries will also disappear!" "He is an E-class hero, even an F-class hero, awesome!" "But can he resist a nuclear bomb?" "Can he? !" "They will all turn to ashes!" At this point, Lei Pu's eyes were already full of bloodthirsty light, and he completely lost his mind! Even if he didn't care about anything, he had to get rid of Emperor Four and the Punisher, otherwise, he, the leader of the European country, would only tremble all day long! Everyone's eyes widened, and their hearts were agitated! This... is simply a bit crazy! This is not something else, even if the explosion range is small, it is a nuclear weapon! After a long time, a representative of an island country gritted his teeth, "We agree! "Everyone was stunned! They were also slowly wavering in their hearts! After all, this was led by Europe and operated by Europe! If it succeeds, all countries only need to come forward to maintain order! If it fails, they will deny it and declare that their country has no knowledge of it! After thinking for 10 minutes! The desire for destruction overcame reason! Representatives from various countries looked at each other one after another, slowly raised their arms, and expressed their agreement!

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