My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 386 Return of Gift

The Punishers were slightly surprised! The Afro-Government came in person? ! Although the Afro-Government is poor, it is also one of the largest countries in terms of land area! Now that agriculture has improved and there have been major breakthroughs in the technology of human transformation, it will definitely have a place in the future world powers! The Punishers are extremely powerful, but after all, they are all civilians.

Now that I see the king of this country, I am really surprised! But I saw Leopold of the Afro-Government stepped forward and shook hands with Brother Liu with a humble attitude, "Mr. Liu, on behalf of the Afro-Government, thank you for your assistance!" After nodding to Brother Liu, he turned his eyes and looked at the Punishers behind him.

"Mr. Liu, forgive me, I really admire your heroes as Punishers too much!" Leopold looked a little excited! Brother Liu smiled and nodded.

Remember http:// in one second. I saw Leopold stepped forward and shook hands with each Punisher excitedly! "Hello, Hero Tuyuan!" "Hello, Hero Tiesi!" "Hello, Hero Jianxu!" "Oh..." Leopold trotted, "Hello, Hero Xiaoxia!" Hello... Hello... The voices kept ringing! Feiguo Tongguo shook hands with everyone one by one, like a die-hard fan meeting his idol! In the end, the emperor's demeanor was thrown behind his mind, and he was about to cry with excitement! The punishers were also a little embarrassed! This is the trouble of being too strong and being the center of attention! "Oh? Who is this? Xiaotang?" "Hello, Hero Xiaotang!" "You punishers are not ordinary people, you must be a strong man who has not made a move yet!" Looking at Feiguo Tongguo with an excited face, Xiaotang smiled awkwardly and glanced at Liu Di.

A strong man who has not made a move yet? I am definitely not! But, is the emperor's third boss? Xiaotang is still struggling with this question! But Zubaier also came forward and nodded slightly to Liu Di. She glanced at him with her beautiful eyes and asked softly, "Mr. Liu...Excuse me...Why didn't I see the hero in black?" Liu Di pursed his lips slightly.

This aspect worked.

But, that guy Kun Sang? The next moment.


I saw a figure in black clothes teleporting to Liu Di's side.

He looked at the sky with melancholy eyes and said in a low voice: "Miss, may I ask, just now under this blue sky, did you call out a name that represents handsomeness and strength... Black Clothes?" Teng! Zubaier's face flushed! "Hmm?" I saw 'Black Clothes' raised his eyebrows and said softly: "Excuse me, is this lady as beautiful as a yellow oriole?" I saw that Zubaier, a saint of the non-country, was actually shy! Huh... Liu Di finally breathed a sigh of relief! It seems that...the plan to pass the buck is completed! I successfully escaped! Kun Sang really has extraordinary potential! Let's say, where did he learn these words? A moment.

The three people of Feiguo and Liu Di came to an office that had just been renovated.

The people of Feiguo were amazed.

This office is very special! It is all white, without a trace of impurities! Very tasteful! "Haha, Mr. Liu is really different!" Leopold of Feiguo nodded! Everyone sat down.

Leopold smiled at Liu Di and said, "We came to bother you this time mainly to thank Mr. Liu for his help and bring you a gift!" As he said that, Leopold personally took out a metal suitcase.

There is a complex electronic password lock on the box, and it seems that the things in it are of extraordinary value! Leopold lowered his head and pressed the password, and then unlocked it with his fingerprint.

Liu Di became more and more interested.

The fingerprint lock of Yiguo Tongguo is not something that can be used casually! It is either a secret treasury or a nuclear weapon-level weapon system! However, Leopold, who was about to open the box, accidentally saw the window and was slightly stunned! Liu Di took the opportunity to look at it and was immediately full of black lines! Outside the window, a fool in black was showing off his muscles and posing in bodybuilding poses.

Zuber in the house had a red face.

Liu Di smiled slightly, and the electric curtains dropped! This is a smart home system controlled by a computer.

Ahem... Leopold of the African Union opened the box and turned to Liu Di.

Among them were 6 irregularly shaped stones, translucent, emitting a green light! Oh? Liu Di picked up a piece and squinted in front of his eyes! Magic Boy: "This is the meteorite recently discovered by the African country. It is with it that the strength of the cyborg has been enhanced!" Leopold's face was full of sincerity, "Mr. Liu, this is our national treasure. We call it the Holy Stone! We rely on it to achieve the lossless transformation of the cyborg!" "Now, on behalf of the African people, I will give it to you as a gift!" Liu Di nodded slightly.

Quickly communicate the situation with the magic boy in his mind.

This stone comes from outer space and is a meteorite.

The core can emit gamma rays, but there is a strange crystal film on its surface. Although the thickness is only 3-5 mm, it contains countless refractive surfaces! Gamma rays collide back and forth in these refractive surfaces, and the radiation hazard is greatly reduced! Become extremely soft! Once the strong modified people absorb these rays, they can improve their strength! Magic boy: "These stones are likely to be the explosion fragments of some massive stars! But the radiation intensity contained in them is a drop in the bucket for you, and it has no effect!" "The core of the magic cube is the gene combination algorithm, and it doesn't need this!" Liu Di thought: "So, this stone is useless?" Magic boy: "Not really! The crystal film on the surface of this stone is very special. It was formed after thousands of years of wandering in the universe. It seems messy, but it hides a complex arrangement!" "Wait a minute, I will analyze and scan and store this technology!" Liu Di nodded slightly, raised the stone and turned it slightly in front of his eyes, and his right eye flashed purple! "What's the use of this technology?" Liu Di asked.

Demon Child: "We can transform and utilize it to create a more effective anti-radiation method, so that you can absorb radiation twice as fast!" "This child's preliminary calculation... maybe it can be increased by 5-10 times!" "And the damage to your body is reduced, and the equipment can be more portable!" Liu Di suddenly realized! This is a good harvest! A moment.

Liu Di put the stone back into the box, turned his head slightly, and the printer next to it automatically turned on, and a technical plan was slowly printed out.

Liu Di handed the materials to the non-national unified country! Leopold took it in confusion and looked down! Then his face changed again and again! "Mr. Liu!" "How do you know that this holy stone cannot be cut?" "How do you know that once the cyborg reaches level C, the effect of the holy stone will be minimal?" "Hiss..." "You can see with your naked eyes that this stone emits RP32 gamma rays?" "Hiss..." "Mr. Liu, you actually listed the optimized use of the holy stone?!" "God, this solves our confusion all the time!" "You mean, according to your method, this stone can create a level D cyborg?" "Mr. Liu!" "How do you know this and think of this!" "It's only been 2 minutes! It's amazing, it's simply a miracle!" Leopold's excited body trembled! He was almost unable to hold it back! Brother Liu smiled slightly, "This holy stone... I don't take away what others love, you can take it back, but remember, use the transformation technology to benefit the people, and don't use it to bully others!" "Oh!" "Mr. Liu! I didn't understand until now why the Punisher is so strong!" "It turns out that you are a scientific saint who transcends the world!" Fei Guotong was shocked and couldn't calm down for a long time! He never dreamed that Brother Liu would come up with a complete set of application solutions after just observing the stone for 2 minutes! Their non-national research center, hundreds of people studied for two months, but it was not as good as others taking a look! Then.

Leopold of the non-national unified country stood up, "Saint Liu, then we will not bother you any more! We have another purpose for this trip, which is to participate in the international cyborg competition!" "Now hurry up and go back to study the technology, strive to improve your strength, get a good result in the arena, and consolidate the international status of the non-national!" Brother Liu hesitated slightly, "Then tell you a bad news, that international cyborg competition, I, the Punisher, will also participate!" "Ah!" Leopold was instantly disappointed! If the Punisher participated, what would other countries have to do with it? After all, for all countries in the world, C-level cyborgs are already very strong! But for the Punisher... it's just a harder ant! Brother Liu also sighed slightly.

He didn't care about the world cyborg competition! But, the competition in 3 days is when the countdown of the water drop pendant will return to zero! Brother Liu was worried! From what it looks like now, the competition among cyborgs may be a potential hidden danger, so I can only go and find out for myself!

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