The dignified old man sat behind the desk.

Staring at Montenegro with sharp eyes.

With trembling hands, Heishan took out two brass epaulettes. Above them were three golden five-pointed stars and a Chinese national emblem! This is the honor of a lifetime in Montenegro! Contains countless sweat and blood! "Chief.

"Montenegro feels very guilty."

"Heishan lowered his head and put the epaulets on the desk, tears flashing in his eyes! The majestic old man pondered again, "Tianluo group... This border guard team should also be dispersed.

""What? "Heishan's body was shocked! This... he stared! Tianluo Group! This is half of his life's work, and now he has been reborn from nirvana and is gaining momentum! He has a great future! In the future, he has every opportunity to serve the motherland and set a goal War achievement! How could he... "" Heishan's blood surged and his body trembled! But he saw the majestic old man wave his hand.

Slowly open the desk drawer.

Take out a black velvet box.

Pushing it in front of Heishan, he closed his eyes and calmed down and said, "Take it.

"This? Heishan was stunned! Then, he took a few steps forward, hesitated for a moment, and slowly opened the box.

But I saw that there was another medal in it! It seems to be made of some kind of black gold, completely black and exuding a light metallic luster! And the pattern is exactly an ‘x’! "x?" "Chief, what do you mean?" Heishan looked at the medal in his hand, stunned.

"Old Hei, I told you to read more and you didn't listen. This is not the European letter x.

"This is ancient Chinese writing!" "Yi!" ""It's pronounced yi! ""It means - governance, stability! "From "Book of Han·Biography of Wu Wuzi": Protecting the country and the people is disrespectful! "" Han Dynasty Chen Lin's "Comment on Wu General's School Department" also mentioned that everyone should be blessed and protect their descendants! "The majestic old man raised his eyelids slightly, "Today, in full view of everyone, your Tianluo group, 283 soldiers crushed 3 Xingwei reformers.

"In less than two hours, the entire world will be shaken!" "How will we behave in the future?" "The majestic old man paused, "So, from now on, your 283 Tianluo group will be codenamed Yi Tianluo, turning from light to darkness, and returning to the world from the border! "Handle all crises of transforming people secretly!" "Don't stop for a moment, investigate the Doomsday Association for me!" "Strive to eliminate the threat as soon as possible and stabilize China!" "And you, Black Mountain..." "And the former Eastern Divine Sword Tianluo Group..." "From now on, there will be no such figure in China, and it will turn into air!" "You...may accept it?" "Heishan was stunned on the spot! His nose felt a little sore! The leader did not choose the first path at all! Instead, he was preparing to directly confront the unknown Doomsday Association! Driven by various events, he gave up his forbearance! And secretly built up strength , prepare for a head-on confrontation! Instead of blaming himself, the leader gave himself another chance! Heishan burst into tears, stroking the '幂' badge in the box with trembling hands, and said through gritted teeth: "I, Jiao Huansan, I will do my best! The majestic old man behind the desk nodded slowly, "It is a view passed down from our ancestors to hide weapons in one's body and wait for the opportunity to move."

"But the ancestors also said that it is tolerable and unbearable. If you can't bear it, there is no need to bear it any more!" "Old Hei, just let it go. The Chinese heritage is far beyond what outsiders can imagine. The old man who 'saved the world' is a true Chinese. At this time, he is enjoying tea and playing chess in Xiuxiang Mountain in the north of our county!" Heishan was startled again, "Is he still alive?" "But the majestic old man avoided answering and rolled up the calligraphy he had just written in his hand, "I'll send you the calligraphy, go ahead."

"Heishan's heart was filled with excitement.

But didn’t ask any more questions.

He took the calligraphy, performed a standard military salute, and turned around.


"The voice of the majestic old man behind him came again.

Heishan steadied himself and turned around and said: "Chief?" "Put those branches back behind you back!" "Those are not dead branches!" "That's the wintersweet that Xiao Li just bought for me!" "I'm going to take the time to plant them in In the yard!" The dignified old man rubbed his temples.

Duan Hua was stunned, his face turned red, "Yes!" Then, Duan Hua behavedly, untied the branches from behind, and put them back intact by the flower bed in the yard.


plum bossom.

In summer when all the flowers are in bloom, it is like a dead branch.

But when the cold winter comes and the fragrance dies, it blooms quietly in the snow! Be unique and not afraid of the harsh weather! Since ancient times, it has been a symbol of pride and accumulation! The moment Heishan stood up, he suddenly froze.

This wintersweet is so similar to the chief’s state of mind and the Chinese spirit! at this time.

Montenegro barely understood this pattern! The world is in turmoil beyond what ordinary people can imagine! If a country wants to remain erect, it must have a city, strategy, and strength! Fortunately, he is still a three-star general of China! He was just stuck on the fist and foot fighting power in front of him! Hindsight! The Chinese dragon is sleeping, but it is not awake.

But wait for the opportunity! For a time, Montenegro's blood boiled! When walking outside.

He casually opened the calligraphy paper in his hand.

This poem comes from the founding period of China! ‘The scenery of a big country is covered with ice for thousands of miles and snowflakes are flying.

Looking inside and outside the city, the river flows up and down.

The mountains and rivers are so beautiful that the heroes are overwhelmed.

Looking back at the past and the prosperous years, look at the present and count down the famous figures! ’ Montenegro picked up the pace! The meaning of this poem is exquisite! That is.

History has passed, and now there are great rivers and mountains. To count the heroes who can make great achievements, we also need to look at the current people!

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