Huananhai residential area.

North of the ancient palace and south of Yuqiao.

An invisible red line divides this area into 1,500 acres.

This is the residence of emperors of many dynasties in China.

Nowadays, it has been converted into a number of ordinary small courtyards, with five main rooms and two side rooms.

In a small courtyard in the core area.

Standing at the door was an old man with an old face but an unusually strong body.

He is the general of Montenegro! Previously, members of X Tianluo went to Haishi to help Brother Liu.

But he took a plane directly to the South China Sea.

Before entering the small courtyard, he picked up a bunch of branches from the flower bed at the door.

Remember http:// for a second at this time.

He tied the branches to his back with hemp rope, put his hands on both sides of his thighs, his body was straight, his face showed no expression, and his body remained motionless.

Waiting quietly outside the main door of the small courtyard.

The door to the bungalow was not closed.

Through the curtain made of bamboo strips, one could vaguely see a majestic old man with extraordinary bearing sitting behind the desk in the room.

He was wearing a gray tunic suit without any epaulets or medals.

Extremely simple.

He lowered his head and copied the poem "Spring of Qinyuan" in exquisite small seal script.

Put down the pen.

He glanced at the vintage watch on his wrist.

He sighed and said in a low voice: "Old Hei, you have been standing outside the door for two hours, still carrying a branch on your back, what's the trouble?" Heishan straightened his body, looked forward, and said seriously: "Chief, I bear the burden of my apology.

"at this time.

Another man wearing a black suit hurriedly walked into the small courtyard.

He is young and handsome, but he moves like a dragon or a tiger.

The man in the black suit nodded to Montenegro, walked straight into the room, and reported softly in the ear of the majestic old man.

Immediately, the majestic old man frowned, "Heishan, come in and sit down.

"Heishan was walking in, but he didn't dare to sit down.

The majestic old man raised his hand to pick up his calligraphy and stared at it carefully, "Old Hei, you have learned to play the edge ball.

"Heishan looked stern, lowered his head slightly, and the branches behind him rustled, "Chief, I was wrong.

"The majestic old man is still looking at his calligraphy.

He said in a calm tone: "Do you think that I set up your Tianluo as an

"Then you're going to give them a big holiday?" "The majestic old man put down his calligraphy and looked at Montenegro.

There was a faint sweat on Heishan's forehead, "Chief, you must already know the matter. That boy, Heishan, I owe him two lives. Everyone in Tianluo owes him one life. When he opens his mouth, I really can't refuse. This... .I bear all the consequences alone.

""as a result of? "The majestic old man sighed slightly, "If all the X Tianluo take action, it won't be a problem to flatten the star weave 100 times! Who dares to have doubts? What could be the consequences? "Xingzhi, I never take it seriously."

"Heishan lowered his head again, "I know you are worried about the European country behind Xingwei.

"Europe?" The majestic old man shook his head slightly, "China and Europe have been at odds with each other for hundreds of years, and they are safe and sound. Why should I care about the increase in conflicts this time?" "Heishan frowned.

The feeling is not good.

The leader was obviously angry, but he didn't care about Xingwei or Ou Guo.

So what does it matter? "Old Hei, there are two types of enemies in this world. The one exposed in front of you is a low-level enemy.

"The most difficult ones to deal with are those hiding in the dark!" "Today, the most powerful weapon is not fists or bullets, but technology!" "The majestic old man stood up and put his hands on his hands, "We in China have also wiped out many of the international human transformation organizations. They all have one thing in common, they follow something called the 'Doomsday Treaty'.

"Subsequently, another name appeared, called the Doomsday Association!" "The majestic old man paced slowly and said thoughtfully: "It does not belong to any country and has no external statement! "But various clues tell us that the technological level of this apocalyptic association is much higher than that of our real society!" "The same goes for technology that transforms humans!" "They are like a devil hiding in the dark, spying on everything and controlling everything."

"A few days ago, Xingwei's transformation technology advanced by leaps and bounds. Within 5 days, he mastered C-level technology!" "Logically speaking, this is impossible!" "The only explanation is that they made a deal with the Doomsday Association!" "The majestic old man's eyes flashed, "The Doomsday Association supports some forces, but they advance and retreat in a controlled manner. They will export some advanced technologies from time to time, but only a little each time! “It seems to be controlling a balance.

“It’s like an endless black hole, which is disturbing.

"Heishan heard that he was even more shocked! The majestic old man added: "I hid Tianluo to prevent trouble before it happened, and ordered Longwei to contact Xingwei to unlock the secrets of the Doomsday Association.


"Everything is in chaos!" "Not only you, but also Cao Chenghe has started to act on his own initiative!" The majestic old man slowly turned his head, "Now, do you know what kind of trouble you have caused?" "This...Heishan's eyelids are beating uncontrollably!" Of course, I also know the root of all this.

"The majestic old man pondered slightly, "Recently, there is a name that keeps appearing in my perspective. He is a young man who is somewhat brave.

"If he can learn to be restrained and consider the overall situation, it will be a blessing for China. Otherwise, it will be a misfortune."

"I will find some time to meet him in person."

"The thoughts of Heishan on the side are churning! "As for you.

"The majestic old man sighed and returned to the desk again. "Two choices. First, you resign from this position and go home to retire to warn others that in this period when the enemy is hidden and we are bright, we must not act rashly.

" "Second, from now on, China will not conceal its strength and directly expose its level, alarming the Doomsday Association, and even confronting it, resulting in unpredictable consequences.

" "Old Black, you and I were once comrades-in-arms. Tell me, how should I choose?" The majestic old man's eyes were like water, calm and unperturbed.

But sweat was flowing down Heishan's forehead.

He had never expected that there were such complicated implications behind this matter! He had made a big mess! After thinking for a moment, Heishan exhaled slightly and reached into his arms.

There, he held the general's epaulettes he had prepared before! But he didn't expect that he would have to return it on this trip!

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