On the playground of the Xingzhi Hero students.

The students of the Chinese group had just finished training and were sitting cross-legged on the ground, laughing and chatting! Zi Yue was helpless. Training without an opponent was as relaxing as an outing! Tsk... There was a slight pneumatic sound and mechanical noise in the distance! 7 figures walked out slowly and came to the playground! They were the 7 students of the international group! They were wearing strange clothes and had ferocious expressions! The leader clenched his fist slightly, and the exoskeleton on his arm made a mechanical sound! The 7 people raised their feet together and stomped hard on the ground! Boom! A dull sound rang out, and the ground trembled slightly! The eyes of the students of the Chinese group were attracted, and their expressions changed immediately. Is it them? What clothes are they wearing? The leader of the international group was Kogi Jiro from the island country. He said with a ferocious face: "Chinese clowns, I'm back again, with brand new equipment, crushing you!" However, the rarely seen international group instructor Linard also appeared in the stands in the distance, shrugging slightly, as if he didn't like these bodies that relied on external forces, but he was too lazy to intervene! Taoist Jianxu stood up suddenly! "You came just in time, we were bored!" "You're a defeated general, so what if you put on a costume? I'll burn you to a crisp!" "And that little yellow-haired boy, you recovered quickly, but why didn't your hair grow back?" Taoist Jianxu stood up proudly, looking at the European student who had been burned to charcoal by him before with disdain! The yellow-haired boy gritted his teeth! He slowly took out a helmet from behind! He put it on his head and connected it to the exoskeleton! The other 6 people also put on helmets in unison! The momentum surged in an instant! Kogi Jiro of the island country said loudly: "Stupid Chinese people, our exoskeleton can withstand 2,000 degrees high temperature, can isolate external electric current, and increase strength by 4 times!" "Those tricks of yours can only become garbage!" "So what if you are strong?" "Technology is backward!" "Today, we will completely defeat you and leave no trouble!" "Twist your arms and break your joints, so that you can never compete with us again!" "Even if you recover, you can only be disabled for life!" The yellow-haired man in the international group also took a step forward and extended his middle finger again, "Do you think Xingzhi Academy is a place for bumpkins like you?" "You don't deserve it!" "Today will be the beginning of your nightmare for the rest of your life!" The students of the Chinese group were also furious! Quickly stand in a row! These villains, after getting the equipment, immediately became arrogant and vicious! But the members of the Chinese group also had a solemn look on their faces! If the exoskeleton is really as they say, can't it defend against our means? It looks like a tough battle! When Zi Yue saw this situation, she was also worried. It was all because of Brother Liu who had started a bad game! Now it was out of control! "Nuandong, you protect Handong and hide behind the team!" "We'll go first!" Jianxu shouted, and the members of Xiahua team were shocked and rushed forward together! The international team was also very arrogant! They rushed over with a roar! Everyone fought together! Jianxu sprinkled spells all over the sky! The raging fire was ignited instantly, but it couldn't hurt the exoskeleton at all! The international team rushed out of the raging fire and knocked Jianxu away with one punch! The high-voltage current burst out from the sleeves of the girl cupcake, but it collapsed directly in front of the exoskeleton! No damage! The exoskeleton not only improves the strength of the international team, but also has good agility! Lelong and Tie Sanshisan can't find any chance to break through, so they can only fight! Boom! After a head-on collision, Tuyuan also felt very difficult. The international team blessed by the exoskeleton was not weaker than himself! Just when the girl cupcake was about to be hit by a member of the international team! A white figure joins the battlefield! He holds a big white umbrella and grins! The international team member feels strange for some reason, and without thinking, he punches the white figure! But his eyes blur! The white figure suddenly disappears! Just when the international team member is stunned! He only feels a darkness falling from the sky! Snap! The black-clad girl holding the umbrella, with the momentum of falling, elbows! The helmet suffered a huge blow, cracks appeared instantly, and the glass mask shattered directly! The international team member staggered and was about to fall! Then, the black and white figures quickly changed their targets! Aiming at another international team member! One attacked the lower plate, and the other attacked the upper plate! The cooperation was extremely tacit! The speed was extremely fast and the power was huge! In a flash, the second international team member could not bear the attack, and sparks of electricity appeared on the exoskeleton, and it was about to be damaged! The Chinese team members were also surprised in the panic! Warm winter, they...

So strong! Ignore the exoskeleton! Zi Yue's eyes widened! These two siblings, in a coordinated battle, are truly invincible! With just these two people joining, the balance of victory and defeat has tilted, and it is only a matter of time to defeat the international group! "Unfair!" A shout suddenly came from a distance! A flash of lightning flashed, and a figure covered with electric current appeared outside the playground! Star Weaving Hero Arc! He said coldly: "Each group has a maximum of 7 people. Your Chinese group broke the rules and privately expanded the seventh place to two people?" Zi Yue frowned and said: "One person from my Chinese group did not show up!" "That's your problem!" The electric light of the arc surged, "Now only one of the black and white people can participate in the battle!" As soon as the voice fell! The arc turned into an electric current and rushed directly into the field! As a B+ modified person, he was naturally not something that the ordinary students in front of him could resist! The blue current was like a thin line, instantly passing by Nuandong's side! Before Nuandong could react, he was grabbed by the neck and taken away! "Stop!" Zi Yue shouted frantically! But Arc turned a deaf ear to it! Arc was a well-known hero of Xingzhi, so he had no reason to ask about the competition between students! But he held a grudge! Because his younger brother, a member of the first batch of international team, was severely injured and abandoned by Xingzhi, and had no chance of transformation! Now, he saw such a competition again, and he couldn't help but get angry and intervened! He knew very well that the black and white figures in the field were the strongest! And they were proficient in cooperation! He didn't stop at nothing and directly used the split! In a flash, Arc had already crossed hundreds of meters with Warm Winter! Appeared in the distance of the playground! "Warm Winter?" "Brother?" I saw that Han Dong's body suddenly stiffened, holding a black umbrella, his eyes could not see the situation clearly, and he stood there at a loss! The members of the international team on the side, seeing the opportunity, gritted their teeth, and rushed up, ready to take the opportunity to destroy Han Dong!

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