Everyone’s eyes couldn’t be more round! They watched the witch slowly put away the heat in her hands and remained silent on the spot! immediately! A screen in the venue lights up.

Pictures appear in it! The witch appeared in another base, and in front of her was a giant strength testing instrument that was several meters high! The instrument is clearly marked: the upper limit of the strength test: 5,000 kilograms! I saw the witch holding her breath and punching out. The machine had no chance to produce results and was directly smashed to pieces! Then, the scene switched to a deep mountain! The witch jumps into the bushes, the camera zooms out! The next moment there was a loud bang! Remember http:// for a second. The thick trees collapsed one after another. The witch was like a super destruction machine with amazing power! Everyone was amazed! Bertram looked at everyone with an arrogant expression, "Everyone, the power of the C-class cyborg is too powerful, so we can't show it live. Let's use the video as proof!" Everyone looked at the screen dully, and they were all shocked! Bertram added: "I can tell you with certainty that Xingwei's C-level transformation technology is now mature and stable, without any risks!" "Moreover, we have another C-level transformation person who is as powerful as the witch. Two! But this is a group secret, so I apologize for not revealing it!" Everyone looked at Bertram, and they were extremely shocked! There are also 2 C-level transformers! Xingwei...can aspire to be the strongest organization! "Hmph.

Bertram paced with his hands behind his hands, "What I can tell you is that we are now preparing for the C-level transformation of Skywalker, Arc, Iron Mask, Iron Rhinoceros and others!" "In the next month, we, Xingwei, can have at least 7 transformed people!" A scientist's eyes widened and he said in horror: "Seven people?" According to you, Skywalker and the others have a success rate of...100%? ""hehe.

Bertram chuckled a few times, "Sorry, I exaggerated a bit, 90% to be precise!" "Hiss... everyone was shocked again! What's the difference between this 90% and 100%? Only one person out of 10 will fail? Everyone's hearts were pounding! Just one day ago, the C-class reformer, It’s still a fantasy! In the blink of an eye, Xingwei already has a 90% success rate! This is so sudden! It’s almost like a dream! Bertram narrowed his eyes and said: "If you want to obtain the powerful power of C-level transformation, the transformed body must also be strong. C-level transformation technology is like a gift from God, and ordinary people are not worthy of it!" Bertram glanced at everyone, "You are all from the six major allies of our European country. If you have strong enough B-level transformers, I can consider helping you transform them!" "But..." Bertram looked at Long Wei Cao Chenghe, who had been silent, and said playfully: "China is not our ally, so... Sir Cao, you can only watch!" "Hearing this, everyone looked at the old man in Mao suit! His expression was a little weird! But they saw that Bertram was a little excited, and the severed hand hidden behind him trembled slightly, "I, Xingzhi, have worked extremely hard to obtain today's technology. Of course the heavy price will not be shared with outsiders! Cao Chenghe pursed his lips, "So, you invited me here today just to stimulate me?" "Haha, Chief Cao said something serious!" Bertram curled his lips and said: "You Chinese people are full of talents, and I, Xingzhi, admire them, and I, Xingzhi, are now in your Chinese territory. How can I not report the new technology?" "This is far from exciting!" "The most this can do is set a goal for you!" "You know what 'out of reach' means, don't you feel full of motivation?" "Maybe in 20 or 50 years, you can also develop C-level technology!" "Cao Chenghe still curled his lips slightly! Bertram chuckled, shook his head and said: "Don't worry, Sir Cao, the children you sent to the Hero Academy are indeed powerful, and they will soon be exposed to our Xingwei's A-level transformation technology! "It's right to help the weak."

"When the time comes, you can know those A-level technologies at will, but I will never hide them!" Ha ha! ""etc.

But he saw the rat-faced old man from the island nation stand up and said with a smile: "What a pity it would be to give up against the young people in the Xingzhi school year?" He came to Bertram in a few steps and said flatteringly: "Mr. Bertram, I brought you a gift on behalf of the island country last time, but I was short of time and didn't have time to show it to you!" Bertram narrowed his eyes.

He knew clearly in his heart that there was no time to rush? It’s just that after seeing the success of this experiment, the island country is ready to draw closer relations and show goodwill! The rat-faced old man waved his hand, and several islanders pushed several boxes as tall as one person from outside the door! Wow...this box is actually a pneumatic switch! As the surface slowly opened, one set of humanoid equipment was revealed. The cloth of special material was inlaid with various precision components and miniature hydraulic rods! The rat-faced old man from the island country chuckled, "Our country's latest research results, the individual soldier exoskeleton! It can increase the strength of ordinary people by 400% and the defense by 200%!" "Of course, compared with Xingwei's C-level modified human, This is simply a toy!” “But if it is installed on Xingwei students, it will be even more powerful!” “Mr. Bertram, I think the international group can compete with the Chinese group for this transformation spot! "I brought 7 sets of equipment for you, the Star Organization International Team!" "The rules for students don't say they can't use equipment, right?" The rat-faced old man from the island country bowed to Bertram and said with a sly smile: "As long as the international group students recover, they can challenge the Chinese group again!" "Haha.

Bertram looked at the exoskeleton equipment in front of him with amusement! It seems that he has foreseen interesting results! "There is one more thing I forgot to announce."

"Bertram glanced at Cao Chenghe, "I went abroad for further studies before and brought back a rehabilitation technology!" "In just three days, my injured international team members have recovered and are full of energy!" "Later, they can put on their equipment and challenge the Chinese team!" "Unfortunately, Commander Cao, I'm afraid that you Chinese can't even get our Xingzhi's A-level technology!" "Haha, forgive me for being rude, I want to laugh!" The mighty Cao Chenghe, who has always been as steady as a mountain, finally frowned slightly at this time.

An island country full of snakes and rats! A mess of exoskeletons! I wonder if those children can do it?

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