My right eye is a god-level computer

Chapter 344: Unexpected Attack

"Demon boy, I'm ready!" "This time, as long as I still have breath, don't stop the radiation decay!" Liu Di's eyes were blazing, and his heart was extremely determined! "Brother Liu, do you want to show me what perseverance is again?" "That's right!" Then.

The machine started with a bang, and a huge amount of energy was consumed instantly. The entire experimental cemetery was like a whirlpool, desperately absorbing the surrounding electricity! Even the Electric Power Regulatory Center has experienced data anomalies! But the devil boy instantly erased the information about the experimental cemetery, causing the power personnel to exclaim again and again as they were unable to find out! Under the stimulation of high temperature and high pressure, the decay of polonium-210 starts! The radiation space suppresses decay extremely accurately, and the green light flashes! Remember http:// in one second and cover Liu Di’s body instantly! Under the explosive concentration of radiation, an unbearable feeling came! Brother Liu felt that his body was hot, as if he was being burned! The five internal organs in his body were tumbling, and he was trying hard to suppress the urge to vomit! Gradually, his skin began to fester, blister, burst and bleed! ...It's almost dusk.

In a quiet car beside the highway outside the experimental cemetery.

An attractive young woman held the hand of the man in white tightly, "Beiming, is our child really here?" The man in white frowned and nodded, "He was hidden very deep. I mobilized countless connections to find out his Residence!" The young woman clenched her fists, "But this is Brother Liu's home... He is so strong, we..." Qiu Beiming shook his head slightly and comforted: "I am no longer the person I used to be. Now, I already have the strength to compete with Brother Liu, and I have also conquered a kingdom. In the future, our family of three will be able to live and feed without worries!" Yan Yiwen looked at the man with an unusually determined expression and felt panicked for no reason! at this time.

A red Ferrari drove slowly in the distance.

Stop at the entrance to the Experimental Cemetery.

A beautiful woman in a red dress and a little boy in a blue school uniform got out of the car.

"Sister Lisa, I will make enough money tomorrow, buy a house, move out, and not live with violent bears.

"Unless he comes to beg me, I will come back for the sake of these production lines."

"The little boy pouted.

Lisa Fei smiled helplessly and held the little boy's hand, "There are many sisters in the house, but your father only has one. You will regret leaving him. You don't even know how much your sister envies you!" Qiu Beiming and Yan Yiwen instantly Startled! A thunder exploded in my heart! That child's face and demeanor! We haven’t seen each other for 4 years, but this feeling of closeness between blood sources is indescribable and extremely clear! Inexplicably, tears filled Yan Yiwen's eyes, "Beiming...he must be my child!" Qiu Beiming's blood also surged up, and he clenched his fists tightly! Even though he was cunning and cunning, at this moment, his mind went blank and he completely lost his mind! He was not thinking at all.

Get out of the car and stride towards the little boy! Eyes straight, nothing else! When... there was a sound of metal falling to the ground.

I saw a man in black sportswear, punching the metal bat on the ground, and stopped in front of Qiu Beiming.

It’s Kunsang! He could tell at a glance that this man was weird, so he stepped forward and said lazily: "What's the situation? What do you do?" "I...I..." Qiu Beiming trembled all over and growled: "That's... that's my child!" "Huh?" Kun Sang felt incredible, "Are you sick?" Boom! But Qiu Beiming didn't say a word! He punched Kun Sang directly. Anyone who blocked him from finding his son must die for no reason! In the blink of an eye, Kun Sang blocked the fist with a metal bat! But it was a huge shock all over! The body suddenly slipped several meters! He felt a chill in his heart, this man is so strong! You are careless, this guy should be the enemy of the three powerful emperors! It definitely falls into the category of perversion! However, perversion is perversion! Kun Sang can’t be a coward! He jumped up again, "Come on, come on! Don't talk until you pass my level!" But Qiu Beiming turned around fiercely! The brain wave instrument between the eyebrows suddenly lights up! Brain erosion! Buzz... There seems to be an invisible vibration in the air! Kun Sang, who was rushing forward quickly just now, suddenly staggered! Shake! "Eh... I'll go, why does Kun Sang feel like he's drunk?" "Uh... can't you walk straight?" Kun Sang was already like an alcoholic, dizzy and had difficulty walking! Qiu Beiming saw the opportunity and punched Kun Sang directly in the chest! puff! Kun Sang vomited blood and flew out! Lisa Fei also saw the sudden change in the situation, frowned, and immediately protected the child behind her, "Who is it!" Qiu Beiming, who killed Kun Sang with one move, walked towards him step by step with red eyes! Behind him, there was a young woman, who quickly got out of the car and chased after him! This vibration naturally alarmed Brother Liu who was undergoing radiation! but.

At this time, Brother Liu put his hands on the ground and half-knelt on the ground! The body already has extensive ulcers! The screen in front of him instantly projected an image.

Qiu Beiming is approaching Lisa Fei and the little boy! Kun Sang's mouth and nose were bleeding and he had fallen to the ground! "Oops!" Brother Liu tried his best to stand up! But I found that even this is difficult to do! Devil Boy: "If you are in this state, you will die if you go out!" "Moreover, the decay has already started. The amount of polonium-210 we have this time is very large, and it will not be stopped so easily!" "You don't need to absorb the radiation with your body. Once you open the hatch, , It will cause serious leakage!" "You hold back!" Brother Liu felt troubled and his eyes widened! I am so weak now! It happened that at this time, there was an enemy attack!

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