Watching several young people in the stands chatting and laughing.

The instructors at the scene were not calm anymore.

Today’s battle is due to Xingwei Academy’s tacit approval! Ziyue, Linnard, and many staff from Xingwei Academy are here! One of the hospital department heads looked extremely ugly! Xingwei's original plan was to establish an academy in China and attract young people to sign up through the appeal of heroes! Then, Xingzhi can legitimately control China's outstanding talents! Now, this plan seems to have gone astray! Xing Zhi never thought of anything.

Why are these country bumpkins from China so strong? Xingzhi dug a huge hole for himself! M, this international group college, comes and gives away one after another, what else can we do? ! Zi Yue's heart was also filled with excitement. Who was the person sent by the organization? I was simply too worried! What's more, the most mysterious Brother Liu hasn't taken action yet! "Chacha..." The instructor of the international group smiled instead of getting angry, with a strange voice, "China is really a treasure land, the quality of the spirit is much higher than that of Europe!" in the stands.

Liu Di glanced at his car from a distance, and there was still dense radiation there! “Everyone, once you graduate, please contact me by phone.

"Immediately, Brother Liu turned around and left! It was this classic instruction again! The members of the Chinese team couldn't help but smile. Why is this great god so obsessed with graduation? In Xingzhi's exclusive medical room.

CEO Berrent woke up faintly, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the face of deputy Lawson! "Sir, the earl has been killed!" Bertram felt a pang of angina. Just a moment ago, he had hoped that everything was just a dream! I didn't expect that as soon as I opened my eyes, I would have to face this ruthless fact! He said bitterly: "This is actually true..." Lawson added: "But fortunately, it was fic members who took action, and they promised to keep it secret for us!" Bertram's eyes were lowered, at least there were no serious consequences. ! "Sir, I don't know why, but the Chinese police suddenly surrounded our area!" "Huh?" Bertram suddenly became nervous! "Fortunately, I ordered people to risk their lives to clean up the mess at the scene! They won't find any evidence!" Phew... Bertram breathed a sigh of relief! "But, sir, people from the six major countries have returned home one after another because all their masters died here, ready to denounce us!" "This..." Bertram panicked again! On the side, the data of the heart rate monitor connected to his body increased rapidly! When Lawson saw that his boss was a little unstable, he quickly added: "Sir, don't worry, the talents they recommended have all stayed in Xingwei Academy!" Bertram gasped, "It's okay, it's okay, at least because of this With a first-level relationship, we still have some initiative!" "But sir..." Lawson said hesitantly: "Just now, the international group... was defeated by all the students from the Chinese group, two people were seriously injured, and the rest were unconscious..." "Huh..." Bertram's face suddenly turned red, his breathing became rapid, and a strange sound came out of his throat! Looks like he's going to pull it out! "Sir, don't worry! The technical department said that they have found the cause of the technical failure. As long as they can continue to conduct radiation experiments, they are very confident to complete the research on C-level technology!" Lawson shouted faster, "We still have a chance. ! As long as we can create stable C-level cyborgs, the six major allies will definitely fawn over us again!" Hearing this.

Bertram's face relaxed slightly, and his rising heart rate finally eased! A glimmer of hope finally ignited in his heart. As long as he had C-level technology, none of this would be a problem! "But, sir.

Lawson pursed his lips and added: "All our radioactive raw materials... have been stolen, and the experiment cannot continue!" "What..." Bertram's heart rate instantly exploded, and the machine's red light flashed! Boom... Bertram straightened up and fell onto the bed! Assistant Lawson's face was filled with shock.

I have tried to be as tactful as possible with this information! "Sir, wake up!" "There is one more thing I haven't told you. When Mr. Repp learned about it, he was furious and asked you to give him an explanation in person!" But he saw Bert who had passed out. Lun, his body twitched slightly! ...Brother Liu returned to the experimental cemetery with a car of polonium-210.

It was carefully transported to the house and placed in the lead radiation space.

During the whole process, the little native dog 'Red Back' was extremely excited and kept following Brother Liu, sniffing the lead can hard! Devil Boy: "This dog is cute, but it has been affected by a lot of radiation. In order to prevent it from turning into a monster in the future, Brother Liu, you still have to control it!" Boom! The hatch of the radiation space was closed, almost cutting off all radiation, and Red Back felt sad.

Through Mo Tong's precise calculations, the polonium-210 usage plan in front of him has been detailed! The total amount is huge, Liu Di can absorb it in three times.

However, due to the single type of radiation, the effect becomes weaker in the later stages.

If he wants to complete a substantial evolution, Brother Liu must find a way to collect other radioactive materials in the future! It has been some time since the last radiation transformation.

Liu Di's body has recovered and the DNA sequence has been stabilized. It's time to start the second DNA compilation! The compilation of the DNA sequence is naturally based on the second stage of "restricted liberation" of the new humanity simulated by the devil boy! This diamond-shaped instrument made of pure lead was named Radiation Space by Liu Di! Once the radioactive elements begin to decay, this will be the place with the highest radiation concentration in the world! Exhale slightly.

Brother Liu placed one-third of the dose of polonium-210.

Keep your eyes on the screen in front of you.

Among them is a three-dimensional model of DNA, which is slowly rotating.

This is the DNA projection from Brother Liu's body, and the 10% golden part is the result of the last radiation! This also represents a tenth step towards the second stage of the new human! Similarly, Brother Liu also simulated the ability of the chain bridge to control metal in this 10% of simulatable DNA! This time, Brother Liu did not hesitate.

While continuing to evolve DNA, he still simulated the ability of the chain bridge! Because while enhancing this part of the ability, you can explore the secret of the water drop pendant! That weird countdown is always like a sharp blade, hanging over Brother Liu's head! Finding out the secret is the top priority!

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